
MAIB-Leasing: Coordonator Logistică

Misiune post: Asigurarea serviciilor logistice și funcționarea infrastructurii transportului și altor bunuri în cadrul Societății Responsabilități specifice: - Întocmirea și gestionarea documentației necesare în vederea înmatriculării si transmiterii în leasing a...


Petrom Moldova: Head of Asset (Head of Technical Operations & Maintenance)

I.C.S. Petrom-Moldova S.A. is looking for a full time position of Head of Asset (Head of Technical Operations & Maintenance), temporary replacement. Main responsibilities: • Ensure a continuous operational activity of the Filling Stations network through proper maintenance actions; &b...


Petrom Moldova: Retail Area Manager

I.C.S. Petrom-Moldova S.A. is looking for candidates for full time positions of Retail Area Manager. Main responsibilities: • Coordination and control of all Filling stations from an area concerning achieving the right performance in line with Petrom’s internal rules and regulations; ...


New Offer from Estradi under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Estradi. Estradi is a modern community of Moldovan makers offering handworked accessories for men and women. Since ...


Meeting with the Ministry of Health

This week, AmCham and the Association of Medical Devices Entrepreneurs (DISMED) met with representatives from the Ministry of Health, as well as from the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency. The discussions focused on the draft Law on medical devices, as well as the subsidiary normative acts. It ha...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 14

This Legal Flash No 14 deals with professional integrity test, new concept of “percentage designation” in NGO laws, and a variety of amendments to banking legislation.  According to the new amendments, holding a public office is now conditioned by a professional integrity te...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Inginer, Responsabil SSM în Transport

Misiune: Asigură și monitorizează desfășurarea tuturor activităților de transport în cadrul activităților companiei conform reglementărilor legale ale Republicii Moldova și cerințelor Grupului LafargeHolcim. Cerințe: • Studii tehnice superioare. Licențiere în specialitatea ingin...


New Offer from Niagara Fitness Club under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Niagara Fitness Club. Niagara Fitness Club is a well-known fitness center based in Chisinau. They strive to offer i...


AmCham Releases the 4th Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 4th Edition of the Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this bulletin, AmCham Moldova highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin includes the latest news in Business Activity Regulation, Taxation, ...


Tax & Customs Policy for 2017 open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing its recommendations on Tax & Customs Policy for 2017 to be submitted to the Ministry of Finance.  Please submit your comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by August 22, 16:00.   ...


Rogob: Director marketing

Rol: Planificarea și conducerea strategiei de marketing pentru Ppromovarea brandurilor și a imaginii firmei către beneficiar în cea mai atrăgătoare manieră posibilă. Găsirea căilor de creștere a profitului, a volumului și a cotei de piață. Dezvoltarea imaginii companiei prin aplicarea corespun...


Prime Minister’s Economic Council Activity Updates

- The 3rd Working Group on "Stimulation and Retention of Private Investments" was launched within Economic Council and held its first meeting. AmCham got involved in the discussions on “Prima Casa” concept, but also proposed to the participant members reviewing the opportunity ...


Monicol: Manager de vânzări în domeniul exportului

Responsabilități principale: - Organizarea vânzărilor de export; - Căutarea clienților noi, organizare și negociere; - Planificarea, pregătirea operațiunilor de export; - Deplasări la expoziții internaționale. Cerințe de bază: - Studii superioare; - Cunoașterea Limbilor Româna și ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome KVG among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having KVG on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! KVG is a proven mission support provider internationally recognized for innovative, creative, and cost efficient support solutions. With a strong presence at the front lines of def...


Prime Minister’s Economic Council Activity Updates

- The 3rd Working Group on "Stimulation and Retention of Private Investments" was launched within Economic Council and held its first meeting. AmCham got involved in the discussions on “Prima Casa” concept, but also proposed to the participant members reviewing the opportunity ...


AmCham CSR Committee Supports the Association for Children with Autism from Moldova “Invingem Autismul”

Over the past few years, it has become an AmCham tradition to organize the Charity Lottery at the US Independence Day Family Picnic, which has constantly and without exception been a hit among the guests of the party. Besides the entertaining aspect of the lottery and besides enjoying a range of inc...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Manager Raportare Risc

Misiune post: Coordonarea activităților aferente analizei și monitorizării indicatorilor de risc și raportării acestora conform cerințelor în vigoare Responsabilități • Analiza și monitorizarea calității portofoliului de credite, indicatorilor de risc credit • Elaborarea și prez...


DHL Moldova: Kоммерческий Представитель

Международной компании “DHL Express” специализирующейся в области экспресс доставки корреспонденции и грузов требуется коммерческий представитель. Основные обязанности: - представление интересов компании и повышение уровня продаж в соответствии с политикой и стандартами организации...