
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 9

Amended rules on dormant entrepreneurs The concept of “dormant legal entity” has been amended. It now means that an entity, within 12 months as of registration or during the last three years, meets the following cumulative criteria:  - Has not ...


AmCham participated at the Economic Council Meeting, presided by the Prime Minister, Mr. Pavel Filip

On July 14, AmCham participated at the PM Economic Council Meeting. Within the meeting, Mila Malairau summarized the results of the activity of the Working Group on Regulatory Issues, that she is leading. During the session, other important constraints for investment attraction were raised by the me...


AmCham Board Members met IMF Delegation

This week, AmCham Moldova Board members had a meeting with IMF delegation, in order to discuss current economic situation and business climate, as well as other aspects related to entrepreneurial activity in Moldova. The IMF mission initiated discussions on the possible IMF program, and on a compre...


AmCham Board Members met IMF Delegation

This week, AmCham Moldova Board members had a meeting with IMF delegation, in order to discuss current economic situation and business climate, as well as other aspects related to entrepreneurial activity in Moldova. The IMF mission initiated discussions on the possible IMF program, and on a compre...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 8

Approval of tax and customs legislation amendments The Law providing significant amendments to the Republic of Moldova’s fiscal and customs legislation has been published. Corporate income tax  Deductions The deduction of the following expenses has been extended: ...


New Offer from Dialect Group under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Dialect Group. Dialect Group is a translation company based in Chisinau. They believe that quality translation...


AmCham participated at the Economic Council Meeting, presided by the Prime Minister, Mr. Pavel Filip

On July 14, AmCham participated at the PM Economic Council Meeting. Within the meeting, Mila Malairau summarized the results of the activity of the Working Group on Regulatory Issues, that she is leading. During the session, other important constraints for investment attraction were raised by the me...


Meeting with the Minister of Health

On July 12, the Minister of Health, Mrs. Ruxanda Glavan, met with AmCham Healthcare Committee to discuss the draft Regulation on drugs’ prices. Among the issues raised by AmCham representatives were the need to change the price formation rules for innovative and generic medicines, to amend the...


Premier Energy Distribution: Red Union Fenosa: Proiect de burse Ziua Solidară 2016

ZIUA SOLIDARĂ este o asociaţie de utilitate publică creată de către angajaţii Grupului Gas Natu ral Fenosa în cele peste 30 de ţări din întreaga lume cu scopul realizării proiectelor cu caracter de instru ire şi social în ţările în care îşi desfăşoară activi t...


Incaso: Contactați Incaso prin Viber la nr: +373 79 66 77 17

INCASO, cea mai mare companie de colectare a datoriilor din Moldova, anunță că începând cu luna iulie 2016 puteți lua legătura cu specialiștii INCASO și prin intermediul aplicației Viber. Cu ajutorul aplicației Viber puteți trimite mesaje instant sau puteți suna gratuit la: +373 79 6...


AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau Talks about Moratorium at Banii Tai Show

Mila Malairau is leading the Working Group on Regulatory Issues of the Economic Council under the Prime Minister. One of the current WG priorities is state inspections reform. Who else but Mila to deliberate on prolongation of the moratorium on state control at "Banii Tai" with Alexei Lung...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Prolongation of the Moratorium on State Inspections

We would like to inform you that the Moldovan Government has prolongated moratorium on state inspections established by the Law no. 18 dated 4 March 2016, for a period of 3 months, starting 1 July 2016. [Source: Government Decision no. 810 dated 29 June 2016 on prolongation of the moratorium on sta...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: Filiala nr.1 Eminescu a BCR Chișinău din mun. Bălți trece în sediu nou

Chișinău, 07.07.2016. Începând cu 30 iunie 2016 Filiala nr. 1 Eminescu a BCR Chișinău din mun. Bălți activează într-un nou sediu. Astfel clienții vor beneficia de o amplasare mai comodă și de facilități moderne în deservire. Noul sediu al filialei este situat chiar în c...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 12

The Government approved Regulation on formation of prices for socially important products (”The Regulation”). According to the Regulation, products are sold using freely set prices, except for socially important products. Such products are subject to state measures of pric...


The National Chess Academy of Moldova launches the "Welcome to the Chess’ Family!" Project

The National Chess Academy of Moldova is a non-profit organization founded in 2010 by the most respected chess professionals in the country, in order to create a system for development and popularization of the game throughout the country, especially amongst the youth. The mission of the Academy i...


Access to Finance Activity Consultant

SPECIFIC PROCUREMENT NOTICE Ref: NPP/AFA/CS/IC/27 The Sustainable Development Account-Moldova (SDA-Moldova) is seeking Expressions of Interest (EOIs) from Individual Consultants for the provision of Access to Finance (AFA) Consultant services. This is a full-time assignment for a term not to excee...