
AmCham Discusses with IMF the Optimization of Tax System

On 13 September, AmCham participated at a roundtable regarding the opportunities for improvement of the tax system. The meeting was hosted by IMF Mission, and was aimed at identifying a wide range of issues businesses encounter in relation to Tax Service. Among the major constraints raised by the pr...


Interview with Mila Malairau "Business invokes a major issue - the population exodus. Unfortunately, the magic pill can't be found without a political will."

AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau, shared some insights on what it is like to be the "ambassador" of the business community in the dialogue with state authorities. Read the interview...


AmCham Moldova Submitted the Position Paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2017

During September, AmCham Tax and Legal Committee drafted its Position Paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2017. The finalized document was presented to the Ministry of Finance. Read the Document...


Recomandările AmCham Moldova aferente proiectului Politicii fiscale şi vamale pentru 2017

AmCham consideră că modificările introduse în proiectul de lege ce vizează Politica fiscală şi vamală pentru anul 2017 vor avea un impact negativ asupra mediului de afaceri, fiind necesar de revizuit următoarele subiecte: • Intenţia de a introduce obligativitatea înregistrării &...


Recommendations on Fiscal Exemptions for Medicinal Raw Materials

This week AmCham has issued its recommendations on the draft governmental decision for the approval of lists containing medicinal raw materials subject to exemptions from VAT and customs duties. In order to restore the balance between budgetary interests, on one hand, and benefits for pharma mark...


AmCham Calls for Rectifications in Draft Educational Materials on Generic Drugs

AmCham has voiced its concerns regarding the potentially misleading content of the informative brochures drafted by the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency on the subject of generic and innovative drugs. In this, attention has been drawn to a series of inaccurate affirmations that are not backed ei...


The ITMC Programme

The mission of the programme represents integrating graduates into the labour market through tightening the gap resulting from the mismatch of the knowledge provided by universities and the skills required by local companies from the new hires. The socioeconomic impact: - decreasing ...


Opinia AmCham cu privire la zilele de odihnă din luna august 2016

Declararea zilelor nelucrătoare reprezintă un subiect de interes public major, având în vedere impactul semnificativ avut asupra planificării activității instituțiilor de stat și întreprinderilor din toate sectoarele economiei naționale. Prin urmare, în vederea asigurării pre...


Comentariile AmCham asupra materialelor informative elaborate de Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale

AmCham Moldova și-a exprimat recomandările referitor la conținutul pliantelor informative elaborate de Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale pe subiectul medicamentelor generice și celor originale. În particular, s-a accentuat că orice campanie de educare a publicului larg impli...


AmCham se pronunță asupra Listei materiei prime medicamentoase scutite de TVA și taxe vamale

  AmCham și-a expus poziția asupra proiectului Hotărârii de Guvern pentru aprobarea listelor de materiei prime medicamentoase utilizate la producerea medicamentelor care vor fi scutite de TVA și taxe vamale. În scopul stabilirii unui echilibru între interesul bugetar și be...


AmCham Continues the Dialogue on Medical Devices Legislation

On 26 August, AmCham participated at the first meeting of the Working Group created by the Ministry of Health, gathering representatives of public authorities and business community involved in the medical devices sector. In line with the previously established objectives, the parties have agreed to...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 15

This Legal Flash No 15 deals amendments to access to personal data from the Immovable Property Register, simplifying tax registration of businesses, creation of the new consumer protection authority, regulation on declaration of the customs value of goods and simplification of customs procedures bot...


Call for Applications to Join the Steering Committee of AmCham Court of Commercial Arbitration

According to many voices, one major constraint of doing business in Moldova is the quality of justice, both in terms of its effectiveness, as well as in terms of ethics. To improve the current state of things, AmCham Moldova will soon launch providing alternative ways of resolving disputes to both ...


Herbalife Nutrition : Herbalife Moldova Appointed a New Manager for Business Development

AmCham would like to offer sincere congratulations to Mariana Godoroja on appointment as Manager, Business Development at Herbalife Moldova. We look forward to a productive cooperation!...


New Offer from Thomas Albert Hotel under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Thomas Albert Hotel. The hotel has 20 high-class rooms equipped according to modern standards. Comfortable full orthoped...


Working Group on Labor Inspections Optimization

This week, the ad-hoc Working Group within the Economic Council aiming at reviewing the list of compulsory documents solicited by Labor Inspection started its activity on the platform of the Ministry of Labor. The documents reviewing process will refer to 3 main domains: Labor Relations, Health and ...