
Aviz AmCham: Examinarea opţiunilor de conformare a Republicii Moldova la cerinţele FATCA

Examinarea opţiunilor de conformare a Republicii Moldova la cerinţele FATCA...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome DAAC Hermes among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having DAAC Hermes on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. DAAC Hermes is the official dealer, or representative, of famous car brands such as Land Rover, Volvo, Jaguar, Skoda, Ford, Mazda, Citroen, Renault, Dacia, Nissan, and...


Aviz AmCham: Perioada fiscală privind impozitul pe venit din activitatea de întreprinzător

Perioada fiscală privind impozitul pe venit din activitatea de întreprinzător...


Incaso: Incaso: Favoritul Anului 2013

La 30 ianuarie 2014 a avut loc decernarea premiului ”Marca Comercială a Anului 2013”. Medalia de argint a concursului, la secțiunea ”Mărfuri și servicii pentru afaceri” a fost obținută de Compania de Colectare a Datoriilor INCASO. Concursul ”Marca Comercială a Anului&rd...


E-Government Center: Government to Discuss with Business Environment about Governance E-Transformation Agenda

January 27, 2014. The Government discussed with the country’s business environment the priorities to streamline the interaction between government institutions and business environment by using digital technologies and e-government tools. Thus, in 2014, the Government intends to launch and i...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 4/2014: Approval of the Law on the State Social Security Budget for 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Approval of the law on the state social security budget for 2014 Adoptarea Legii bugetului asigurărilor sociale de stat pentru anul 2014 Принят...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chisinau: The General Shareholder’s Meeting of BCR Chisinau has Approved the New Strategy for the Development of the Bank in 2014-2016 Years

• BCR Chisinau aim is to consolidate its commercial activities in corporate banking. • The General Shareholder’s Meeting has approved bank shareholder’s capital increase, as well as the increase of Bank Supervisory Board members to 5 persons. On January 27th 2014 the General...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 5/2014: Approval of Amendments to Fiscal and Customs Legislation

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Approval of amendments to fiscal and customs legislation Aprobarea amendamentelor la legislaţia fiscală şi vamală Изменения в налоговом и тамож...


CNP: Guvernul a deschis datele despre asistența externă

Cancelaria de Stat, cu suportul PNUD şi al companiei Development Gateway, lansează o nouă platformă informaţională de gestionare a asistenței externe pentru dezvoltarea Republicii Moldova Noul sistem informaţional are scopul de a spori transparenţa utilizării asistenței externe, responsabilitatea &i...


Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Contributes to the EBA School for Young Entrepreneurs

Chisinau, Moldova - Turcan Cazac contributed to the second edition of the Winter School for Young Entrepreneurs, organized by the European Business Association in Moldova (EBA Moldova). Associate Ana Galus was one of the eight speakers of the four-day school. Ana engaged the participants in a disc...


February/March Edition of \"Visit Europe\" Available Now

The February/March edition of Visit Europe can be found here. For an opportunity to be featured in the bimonthly guide, please submit your content to Adrian Gheorghita at adriangheorghita@amcham.md for consideration. ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert No. 2/2014: The Law on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds for 2014

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: The Law on compulsory health insurance funds for 2014 Fondurile de asigurări obligatorii de asistenţă medicală pentru anul 2014 Фонды обязатель...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Transbordarea mărfurilor generale solide și lichide, prin portul internațional liber giurgiulești a crescut cu 50% în 2013

Volumul de mărfuri generale solide și lichide transbordate prin Portul Internațional Liber Giurgiulești a crescut în anul 2013 cu 50%, atingând cifra de 410,509 tone . Aproximativ 59% din acest volum revine exportului de produse cerealiere, semințelor de floarea soarelui, și uleiului veg...


AmCham Calls for Elimination of Systemic Business Constraints

On January 9, 2014, AmCham Moldova sent a letter to Mr. William Moser, U.S. Ambassador to Moldova, and Mr. Pirkka Tapiola, Head of the European Union Delegation to Moldova, publicly raising our concerns in relation to several companies that are currently facing constraints in developing their busine...


AmCham Calls for Member Input Related to Business Constraints

The Embassy of the Republic of Moldova to the United States is seeking AmCham support in signing a “Trade and Investment Facilitation Agreement” (TIFA) with the US Government. TIFA will set the legal basis for stronger economic ties between the U.S. and the Republic of Moldova and facili...


AmCham Participates in a Meeting Related to New FATCA Regulations

On January 16, AmCham participated in a meeting hosted by the Ministry of Finance regarding the implementation of the new regulations aimed at harmonizing the domestic legal framework with FATCA requirements. FATCA is a new US law that requires financial institutions to file reports with the Intern...


Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Recognized by Who|s Who Legal in M&A 2014

London, UK - Who's Who Legal lists partners Alexander Turcan and Octavian Cazac among the world's leading Mergers & Acquisitions lawyers in 2014. The recognition derives from the publication's independent research efforts and is based on general counsel and peer feedback. In addition to the Me...