
Metro Cash & Carry Moldova: Metro Potentials Program

Metro Potentials este un program unic de dezvoltare dedicat tinerilor profesioniști, care oferă posibilitatea de a efectua un stagiu de formare profesională. Astfel, vei avea ocazia de a activa în cadrul diferitor departamente ale companiei, inclusiv în sediul central din Düsse...


AmCham comentează amendamentele la Regulamentul privind cardurile de plată

  În cadrul unei adresări către Guvernatorul Băncii Naționale a Republicii Moldova, AmCham s-a expus asupra unei serii de amendamente la Regulamentul privind cardurile de plată. Prevederile de bază ale proiectului vizează informarea deținătorilor de carduri asupra perceperii co...


ZDG: Moldova`s Reputation is Harder to Restore than the Budget Hole

On March 3rd, Ziarul de Gardă published an interview with AmCham President, Cristina Harea. Ms. Harea discussed a series of issues including the current economic situation in Moldova, investment and business constraints, prospects of economic development. The interview also covers the AmCham activi...


A New Offer from Beer House under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Beer House. Beer House offers an immense variety of beer for all tastes. Beer House is offering 10% ...


AmCham at the World Bank ”Trade Study” Presentation Event

On February 29th, AmCham participated at the launch of the ”Trade Study”, elaborated by the World Bank. The purpose of the event was to present the results of the study, that covers the following topics: • Analysis of Trade Competitiveness • Analysis of Moldova’s Tra...


JT International Trading: JTI Moldova, recertificată Top Employers

JTI oferă un mediu de lucru foarte bun în 35 de țări Pentru al treilea an consecutiv, JTI a fost certificată Top Employer în Moldova și în Europa. Institutul Top Employers a evaluat politicile de resurse umane ale JTI Moldova, pe baza unor criterii cum ar fi strategia privind oa...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: A New Electronic Service Launched by the National House for Social Security

We would like to inform you that a recent National House for Social Security (NHSS) press release announced the launch of a new electronic service for submission of the “Insured person’s form” REV1 through www.raportare.md. According to the press release, companies registered on t...


First Audit International (FAI) will Perform the Audit of AmCham Financial Statements for 2015

AmCham has organized a tender process to select the audit company to perform the audit of AmCham financial documents for the period 01.01.2015-31.12.2015.  AmCham Board of Directors reviewed all proposals and selected FAI as the audit company that will perform the audit. We`d like to thank FA...


AmCham s-a expus pe marginea unei serii de proiecte de acte normative

AmCham s-a expus pe marginea unei serii de proiecte de acte normative de competența Serviciului Vamal AmCham a propus noi modificări la proiectul Regulamentului privind procedura de emitere a deciziei de clasificare a mărfurilor și amânare a stabilirii cu caracter definitiv a codului mărfurilo...


AmCham will Cooperate with IFC on Improvement of the Business Climate

On February 24th, AmCham Moldova participated at the launch of the Moldova Investment Climate Reform Project (ICR) initiated by IFC. Among the main objectives of this projects are: - The decrease of the regulatory burden on business; - The simplification of import and export procedures for tr...


Controalele de stat în atenția AmCham Moldova

AmCham Moldova a transmis Ministerului Justiției un set de recomandări privind modificarea și completarea legislației în materia controalelor de stat. În adresare se menționează că, în urma consultării cu mediului de afaceri, se atestă necesitatea imperativă ca preve...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: P.A.A.: Tax & Legal Newsletter, November-December 2015

New legislation of the Republic of Moldova Government Decrees On Approval of the Average Monthly Wage Rate in the Economy Forecasted for 2016. The Government Decree No.879 of 23 December 2015 The average monthly wage rate in the economy forecasted for 2015 is 5050 lei. On Rest Days in 2016...


P.A.A. Tax, Legal, Accounting: P.A.A.: Tax & Legal Newsletter, January 2016

New legislation of the Republic of Moldova Laws On ratification of the agreement on co-operation between the Government of the Republic of Moldova and the Go-vernment of the United States of Ame-rica to promote the realization of the law on tax compliance for foreign accounts (FATCA). Law ...


Congratulations to Alexandru Munteanu and Octavian Cazac!

AmCham is pleased to congratulate its Board members, Alexandru Munteanu, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova and Octavian Cazac, Turcan Cazac Law Firm, on election as members of Scientific Advisory Board of the Supreme Court of Justice....


AmCham is Part of the Working Group on Implementation of the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register

On February 19, AmCham Moldova took part in a round table organized by the Ministry of Environment on the implementation of the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register Project. One of the objectives of the Project is the digitization of the communication between businesses, and Ministry of Environm...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 4

This Legal Flash No 4 brings you the latest news on amendments in the Law on compulsory third party liability motor vehicle insurance. The law has set, among others, new limits of insurer’s liability and rules of establishing the costs of repair. Insurance agreement between the owner of the v...


Incaso: Sales Manager

Candidatul Ideal: - Abilități de comunicare, coordonare și control; - Entuziasm; - Bine organizată, capacitate de a-și planifica bine timpul și a prioritiza sarcinile; - Orientat spre necesitățile clientului și capacitatea de a identifica și înțelege necesitățile clientului; - Axat p...


AmCham se pronunță împotriva implementării conceptului de „valoare reală”

Ca urmare a propunerii Ministerului Finanțelor de a introduce în legislația vamală națională a noțiunii de „valoare reală”, AmCham Moldova a expediat o serie de argumente în defavoarea implementării respectivului concept. AmCham solicită revederea deciziei priv...