
AmCham Moldova Independence Day Family Picnic 2019

On July 5, AmCham Moldova celebrated the 243rd US Independence Day, together with its members, partners and the U.S. Embassy representatives. This year, we returned to the relaxing vibes of the ‘Golf Club’, where children and adults enjoyed a lovely atmosphere, games, food, and beverages...


FinComBank: The Meeting of His Excellency Ambassador of USA and the Head of FinComBank S.A.

Chisinau, July 3, 2019 The meeting of the leaders of FinComBank S.A. with His Excellency the Ambassador of the United States of America to the Republic of Moldova, Mr. Dereсk J. Hogan, took place on July 1, 2019. The meeting coincided with the anniversary of FinComBank S.A .: 26 years have passed s...


AmCham is Concerned with the Lack of Transparency of the Legislative Process

In a joint letter, AmCham Moldova and EBA Moldova request transparency and open dialogue with all the affected stakeholders; this comes as a reaction to the initiative of a group of members of the Parliament to change the legal regime for heat-not-burn tobacco products (IQOS and Glo) and apply to th...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Manager logistica

Misiune: Planifica si organizeaza activitatile de logistica outbound, cu scopul de a asigura servicii de transport la nivelul asteptarilor Clientilor, nivelul de satisfactie fiind obiectiv cheie. Coordoneaza procesele de logistica inbound pentru a raspunde promt programului de achizitie si necesitat...


AmCham Moldova Released the Recommendation Package on Cooperation for a Competitive Business Environment

AmCham Moldova has just delivered the latest recommendation package to the Government. The new 8 chapters package sets the top priority recommendation, while representing our commitment to take the economy to the next level. We would like to continue our structured dialogue with members, a...


AmCham Moldova Released the Recommendation Package on Cooperation for a Competitive Business Environment

AmCham Moldova has just delivered the latest recommendation package to the Government. The new 8 chapters package sets the top priority recommendation, while representing our commitment to take the economy to the next level. We would like to continue our structured dialogue with members, a...


”1000 de moldoveni care și-au îndeplinit visul American” suport în editarea cărții

Se creează o carte despre oamenii din Moldova, care s-au realizat în SUA în ultimii 150 ani. Sunt examinate biografiile și descendenților lor, care se autoidentifică cu sângele basarabean. Sunt 3 categorii de persoane - native, descendenți de gradul I (copiii) și descendenți de gra...


BLAGO: Consultant creditare în România

Compania MCP Finance SRL se extinde în România. Angajăm persoane disponibile de a se deplasa și lucra peste hotare. OFERIM STAGIERE! Cerinţe: - Cetățenie română - Studii superioare; - Abilităţi bune de utilizare a PC (Word, Excel Internet, etc.); - Experienţă în ...


Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – Challenges and Best Practices Act

On June 20, AmCham in partnership with CIPE organized a seminar on Foreign Corrupt Practices Act – challenges and best practices act.   The main topics discussed within the working groups are: - FCPA enforcement trends and risk areas; - Effective compliance programs for SME`s: how to ...


AmCham salută investirea noului cabinet de miniștri și desemnarea Prim-ministrului

În adresarea oficială către doamna Prim-ministru, Maia Sandu, AmCham Moldova vine să confirme deschiderea și disponibilitatea de a coopera cu membrii Guvernului, pentru a contribui și în continuare la îmbunătățirea climatului de afaceri din Moldova, a impulsiona investițiile străin...


AmCham Opened an Intern Position

The internship will be focused on supporting and assisting the Executive Team in their daily tasks and duties. Qualifications: - Good written and oral communication skills; - Fluency in English language; - Working knowledge of computer; - Good organization and planning skills; - Good analytic ...


FinComBank: FinComBank S.A. Was Awarded by Mastercard the “Moneysend Bank 2018” Diploma for Promoting Innovative Transfers from Card to Card (P2P)

On June 12, 2019, in the framework of the annual forum “Mastercard Day 2019”, FinComBank S.A. was awarded the diploma „BANK OF MONEYSEND 2018 FINCOMBANK” by the International payment system Mastercard, for promoting innovative methods of transferring money from card to card i...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Lafarge Moldova: Comunicat numire Director General

Stimate Partener, Prin prezenta vă aducem la cunoștință că începînd cu data de 31 mai 2019 dnul Ștefan BIRĂU a fost numit în funcția de Director General “Lafarge Ciment (Moldova)” S.A., succesindu-l pe dnul Jean Michel Pons, care a acceptat o altă misiune in cadrul G...


AmCham Welcomes New Board Member, Mr. Askar Zhaparov

We are pleased to welcome Askar Zhaparov, Rompetrol Moldova to AmCham Board of Directors! His knowledge and experience will be a true asset for us. At the same time, we would like to express our gratitude to Serghei Sevcenco for continued support and commitment....


NewsMaker: Bank Cards vs Cash. How the National Bank Will Eradicate the Shadow Economy

AmCham Moldova, as a business association that includes members from banks and retail sector, believes that the restrictions proposed by the National Bank are "simple and can lead to a negative impact on card payments." However, AmCham notes that now, despite the absence of restrictions on...


Bizlaw: Business Ethics – between Legal Requirements, Trend & Access to a Foreign Market

6.5 trillion $ or 5% of global GDP is the cost of global corruption, according to the data provided by the World Economic Forum 2018. Obviously, Western countries as well as international organizations in the field have become aware of its malignant impact on fostering the adoption of international ...


Data Protection Law

In order to speed up the approval of the draft law on Personal Data Protection in the last session, AmCham submitted to Parliament several amendments aimed at improving the existing legal framework. Should you have any questions on this topic, please contact Andrei Butnari, Committee Coordinator ...


Upcoming Discussions on the New Civil Code

AmCham plans to continue discussions on the new provisions of the Civil Code with legal practitioners (lawyers, advocates, judges). In order to identify topics that will be useful to your legal practice or should you have any questions regarding the enforcement of the new civil Code regulations, ...