
AmCham Moldova Endorses the Belgrade Outcome Statement on Implementing the United Nations Convention Against Corruption

The importance of prevention and fighting against corruption plays a major role in ensuring a level playing field for all, thus develop in a sustainable way the national economy. As an organization dedicated to promoting ethics and compliance principles within the business sector, AmCham Moldova ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by Your Side 24/7: Approval of a New List of Companies Required to Use Electronic Tax Invoices (E-factura)

We inform you that, based on Tax Code article 117, paragraph (11), the STS has approved a new list of companies required to use electronic tax invoices (e-factura). You can access the full list here: http://www.sfs.md/eServicesObligation1.aspx We remind you that, in accordance with Tax Code articl...


Meeting on Waste Incineration & Co-incineration

On July 29, AmCham and other business associations met on the parliamentary platform on regulating incineration & co-incineration as processes of waste management. The deputies, supported by the Government and the Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment decided to ...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu: Rata medie ponderată a dobânzii la creditele noi acordate la termen în lei este în creștere pentru luna iunie curent

În luna iunie curent rata medie ponderată a dobânzii la creditele noi acordate total la termen în moneda națională a înregistrat o creștere cu 3 puncte procentual de bază, astfel fiind inversat trendul de scădere a acestui indicator înregistrat începând cu l...


AmCham Events Highlights

On July 25, in a joint event, AmCham Moldova and EBA Moldova met with Speaker of the Parliament of the Republic of Moldova, Zinaida Greceanii.  Read more On July 22, AmCham business community met the Minister of Economy and Infrastructure, Vadim Brinzan. The meeting was led by the...


Vernon David: Vernon David Announces New Managing Attorney for the Republic of Moldova

Vernon David, renowned international law firm invests in and promotes Moldovan professionals! CHISINAU, 24 July 2019. Vernon David is pleased to announce that Sergiu Bivol, well-known Moldovan lawyer has been appointed Managing Attorney for their Moldova office.  Sergiu Bivol joined the...


Are You Looking for an Employee?

Do you have an upcoming job vacancy? Are you looking for a trusted new member of Staff? Why not advertise any vacancies you have with a trusted source – AmCham Moldova. Each week in our weekly bulletin we prominently advertise vacancies from member companies in our Job Center Section, being th...


Good Faith in the Civil Code: The Foundation for Equity or the Basis for Abuse

On July 18, AmCham delivered the first session with the participation of Oleg Efrim (BAA "Efrim, Rosca si Asociatii"), Octavian Cazac (BAA Turcan Cazac), and Roger Gladei (BAA "Gladei si Partenerii"). View the session by the link...


Victoriabank: Brand Manager, Direcției Relații cu Publicul și Marketing

 Detalii post: - Asigură implementarea planului de marketing stabilit la nivelul băncii, pe brandul pe care este responsabil; - Stabilește politica de marketing pentru brandurile pentru care este responsabil; - Coordonează toate activitățile de promovare a brandurilor desemnate; - Iden...


Rogob: Buyer/ responsabil achiziții

Rogob este în căutarea unei colege/unui coleg pentru a suplini funcţia de Buyer. În rolul de Buyer vei planifica, organiza, coordona şi asigura controlul activităţilor de aprovizionare în conformitate cu politicile Companiei. Responsabilitățile tale: - identificarea şi evaluar...


Novo Nordisk A/S Representative Office Moldova: Reprezentant Medical

- Vânzări - Republica Moldova Sunteți o persoană dinamică, orientată spre rezultat și pasionat de vânzări? Dacă da, atunci puteți deveni cel mai nou membru al echipei noastre de vânzări în domeniul diabetului zaharat! Despre companie: Lider mondial în îngrijir...


AmCham Moldova Launches the Discussion Sessions on the Provisions of the Civil Code

The first session will focus on "Good faith in the Civil Code: the foundation for equity or the basis for abuse", with the participation of Oleg Efrim (BAA "Efrim, Rosca si Asociatii"), Octavian Cazac (BAA Turcan Cazac), and Roger Gladei (BAA "Gladei si Partenerii"). T...


Working Session on the Initiative to Modify the Classifier of Occupations

AmCham Moldova, at the invitation of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, participated in the first working session organized due to the initiative to modify the Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Moldova. The initiative is organized with the support of the German Agency f...


Spammed Committee Messages?

Have you lately not receive the AmCham committees mails? If your answer is yes, this means your information is stuck in spam folder or is automatically erased by the filters. Please check your spam folders and select the unspam option to the @amcham.md mails, so we could further communicate, inform ...


The First Eastern Partnership Investment Forum, Batumi, Georgia

AmCham attends the first Eastern Partnership Investment Forum where takes on challenges and opportunities for investment are discussed and solutions proposed. A special focus is put on infrastructure and investment, as well as on agriculture and trade. EU is eager to enhance its associations, the g...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by Your Side 24/7: New Rules for Completing the IPC18 Form

Ministry of Finance Order no. 126/4 October 2017, regarding the approval of the Tax return on withholding tax, health insurance contributions and calculated social security contributions (Form IPC18) and the instructions for filling it in (“MoF Order 126/2017”), has been amended. As of ...


Infodebit Credit Report: Infodebit: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu: Structura portofoliului de credite la finele lunii mai relevă gradul înalt de concentrare a sectorului bancar al țării

Portofoliul de credite pe sectorul bancar a crescut cu 2,6 mld. Lei sau cu 7,4% pe parcursul primelor cinci luni ale anului curent. Cea mai însemnată contribuție la majorarea portofoliului de credite, în mărime de 30%, a fost exercitată de creșterea cu 786 mil. lei a volumului creditelor...