
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chișinău a deschis o nouă agenție pe strada Grigore Ureche din Chișinău

Începând cu 2 iunie 2014 BCR Chișinău a deschis o nouă agenție amplasată în mun. Chișinău pe strada Grigore Ureche 14. Agenția deservește preponderent persoanele fizice, solicitanți de servicii oferite de Secția Consulară a Ambasadei României din Chișinău, care vor putea efe...


AmCham Releases Lobbying Guidelines

 Lobbying Guidelines were elaborated in order to ensure a good reputation of the organization and a fair treatment of its members, while carrying out its advocacy and lobbying activities. To read the guidelines, please press here....


New saving offers available under Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Vatra Neamului and Vatra (Complex Etno Cultural). Vatra Neamului is located in Chisinau city center and serves traditional Moldov...


AmCham Moldova represented at the EU – Moldova International Investors’ Conference

On June 12th, the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova participated at the EU-Moldova Investment Conference in Chisinau. The conference focused on investment prospects for Moldova following its decision to sign an Association Agreement including the Deep and Comprehensive Free Trade Area (DCFTA) ...


HIDECO, winner of the BID International Arch of Europe for Quality and Technology Award in Frankfurt 2014

HIDECO won the International Arch of Europe for Quality and Technology Award in the Gold category in Frankfurt in the presence of leaders and representatives from 49 countries at the International Arch of Europe Convention. The prestigious award is presented in recognition of business excellence and...


Prime Minister|s Economic Council Newsletter, April - May 2014

Click on the following links to view the Prime Minister's Economic Council Newsletter in English and Romanian: Prime Minister’s Economic Council Newsletter Consiliul Economic al Prim-ministrului Republicii Moldova Buletin Informativ  ...


Coca-Cola Hellenic Moldova: Capabilities Coordinator

DEPARTAMENT: Resurse Umane si Relatii Publice RAPORTEAZA CATRE: Manager Resurse Umane si Relatii Publice LOCATIE: Chisinau Rol: Recrutarea si selectarea celor mai buni oameni pentru organizatie; asistenta si suport pentru integrarea noilor angajati in cadrul companiei; dezvoltarea si coordonarea...


Coca-Cola Hellenic Moldova: Facilities Administrator

DEPARTAMENT: Resurse Umane si Relatii Publice RAPORTEAZA CATRE: Manager Resurse Umane si Relatii Publice LOCATIE: Chisinau Rol: Implementarea si mentinerea celor mai bune beneficii si facilitatilor in munca, pentru angajati, prin asigurarea respectarii legislatiei locale in vigoare si cerintelor...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Finance, Business Development and Planning Analyst

Philip Morris representative office in Moldova is looking for a person who will contribute to company business growth and provide solid support in strategy development and day-to-day activities. We expect you to: • Establish the process or follow already developed procedures for preparation v...


Grupul de Lucru pentru Elaborarea Codului Etic de Promovare a Medicamentelor

Ca urmare a ințtiativei AmCham, Ministerul Sănătății a creat Grupul de Lucru pentru elaborarea Codului de Etică pentru promovarea medicamentelor. Prima ședință a Grupului de Lucru a avut loc pe data de 21 mai și, ca urmare, a fost începută consultarea pe marginea proiectului Codului de Etică ...


Proces defectuos de consultare si aprobare a HG cu privire la tariferele pentru serviciile prestate de AMDM

AmCham a transmis către Primul-ministru si Ministrul Sănătății o scrisoare de sesizare în legătură cu procesul defectuos de consultare si aprobare a Hotarârii de Guvern cu privire la tarifele pentru serviciile prestate de Agenția Medicamentului si Dispozitivelor Medicale. Proiectul de HG...


Working Group on the Code of Ethics for Medicine Promotion

At AmCham’s initiative, the Ministry of Health created a Working Group on the elaboration of Code of Ethics for Medicine Promotion. The first meeting of the group took place on May 21st and the first draft of the Code was forwarded to members and all interested parties for discussions. The Cod...


AmCham din nou se expune pe necesitatea de modificare a Legii 139 privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe

Dupa ce Proiectul de lege pentru modificarea și completarea Legii 139 din 02.07.2010, privind dreptul de autor si drepturile conexe a fost aprobat în prima lectură (în data de 22.11.2013),  Comisia parlamentară cultură, educație, cercetare, tineret, sport și mass-media a venit cu o ...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics: Giurgiulesti International Free Port Facilitates the Diversification of Moldova’s Exports

We are pleased to provide you with the latest Press Release from Danube Logistics. Please click on the following links to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: GIURGIULESTI INTERNATIONAL FREE PORT FACILITATES THE DIVERSIFICATION OF MOLDOVA’S EXPORTS PORTUL INTERNAȚIONAL LIBER GI...


Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners extends its presence in Asia by opening offices in Singapore and Thailand

Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm known for excellence in Emerging Markets, has opened offices in Singapore and Bangkok, extending its Asian coverage to 7 offices including Shanghai, Jakarta, Mumbai, New Delhi and Ulaanbaatar. The firm now has 52 wholly owned of...


AmCham Moldova supports the improvement of the Civil Procedure Code and the Enforcement Code

AmCham Moldova supports the improvement of the Civil Procedure Code and the Enforcement Code...


June/July Edition of \"Visit Europe\" Available Now

The June/July edition of Visit Europe can be found here. For an opportunity to be featured in the bimonthly guide, please submit your content to Adrian Gheorghita at adriangheorghita@amcham.md for consideration. ...


Moldcell: Health and Safety Specialist

We are looking for a Health and Safety Specialist whose main activity in this position will be the assisting the company’s management in the fulfillment of the legislative norms in labor relations, establishing and developing the activities and procedures in OH&S in order to promote the wo...