BCR Chisinau: Change in the Executive Committee at BCR Chisinau - Juan Luis Martin Ortigosa is the new Chief Executive Officer

  • 09.09.2013

Chisinau, September 09, 2013 – Sorin Andrei, currently Chief Executive Officer of BCR Chisinau, has finalized his mandate and has been promoted to assume new role within the Erste Holding. Into the Chief Executive Officer position has been appointed Juan Luis Martin Ortigosa, 44 years old, until recently CEO of the Romanian branch at Caixabank, one of the leading financial groups from Spain.

With more than 24 years of experience in different areas of banking activity and profound knowledge of the banking industry Martin Ortigosa is in the perfect position to lead BCR Chisinau in focusing its efforts to support foreign investors active or interested to expand their business in Moldova, top Moldovan and Romanian companies active in Moldova as well as infrastructure projects financed by International Financial Institutions.

Martin Ortigosa will supervise BCR Chisinau to enhance its product portfolio and capitalize on group knowledge. The specialized products, that are not capital intensive, will be the main growth drivers. Transaction banking excellence will be promoted in both trade finance (financing internal and external trade transactions) and cash management (cross-border products current account opening, transnational financing, intra-group payments, Internet Banking), while project finance expertise will be provided to close Moldova’s infrastructure gap.

Banca Comercială Română Chişinău S.A.:
BCR Chişinău S.A. started its activity at October 22, 1998, being one of the first foreign capital owned banks, member of an international financial group which expanded its activities in Moldova. The bank network includes 2 branches and 40 ATMs, and serves more than 19.000 clients, both individuals and legal entities.
Banca Comerciala Româna S.A. (BCR), member of Erste Group, Austria, is the unique shareholder of BCR Chisinau.

Banca Comercială Română S.A.:
Is the leader of the Romanian financial market, with more than 16 billion EUR total assets. Is nr 1 bank by number of clients – more than 3.7 million, by loans and deposits portfolio. BCR is most valuable financial brand in Romania, the most trusted by its clients and by the number of persons choosing BCR as the main banking institution.

Erste Group:
Is one of the most important financial service providers in Central and Eastern Europe. More than 49.500 employees serve more than 17 million clients within 3.100 branches present in eight countries (Austria, Czech Republic, Slovakia, Romania, Hungary, Croatia, Serbia and Ukraine).At December, 2012, Erste Group total assets represented 213.8 billion EUR, net profit amounted to 483,5 million EUR and cost/income ratio was 52%.

For additional information BCR Chisinau S.A.:
Products and Sales Administration Department
mun. Chisinau, 2005, str. Puskin, 60/2
Tel.: +373 22 852 021; Fax: +373 22 852 002
E-mail: tamara.bolduratu@bcr.md

Schimbare în Comitetul Executiv al BCR Chișinău - Juan Luis Martin Ortigosa este noul Preşedinte Executiv

Изменения в Исполнительном Комитете BCR Chișinău – Хуан Луис Мартин Ортигоза стал Новым Исполнительным Президентом банка

Banca Comercială Română Chişinău
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău

Banca Comerciala Română Chişinău S.A. is a universal commercial bank, established in the Republic of Moldova on October 22, 1998. The single shareholder of the bank is BCR SA, the leading banking organization in Romania; member of Erste Group, one of the largest financial providers in Central and Eastern Europe.

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