KPMG: Newsletter

  • 12.02.2010

Tax&Legal Newsflash
January 2010

The Regulation on withholding tax on salaries and other payments made by an employer in favor of an employee has been adopted
New template forms confirming withholding of income tax have been adopted
New template forms confirming residency and payment of income tax in the Republic of Moldova by non-residents have been adopted.

The Regulation on withholding tax on salaries and other payments made by an employer in favor of an employee has been adopted
This Regulation governs the calculation, withholding and payment to the budget of income tax withheld from salaries and other payments made in favour of an employee in accordance with the provisions of the Tax Code.
New template forms confirming withholding of income tax have been adopted.

These template forms include entries for:
• Declaring the amount of income paid and the income tax withheld
• Providing information on salaries and other payments made by the employer in favour of employees and income tax withheld from these payments
• Providing information on payments to residents from sources other than salaries and the Income tax withheld
• Providing information about the tax deducted from payments other than salaries made in favour of non-residents
• Providing information on income accrued and paid in favour of an individual / legal entity and the income tax deducted from such income
• Application by an employee for income tax exemptions.

New template forms confirming residency and payment in the Republic of Moldova of income tax by non-residents have been adopted.
The certificates confirming residency and certificates of payment of income tax in the Republic of Moldova by non-residents are issued by the Main State Tax Inspectorate.

This information is based on the provisions of Government Decree No. 9 (19 January 2010) on approval of template forms confirming residency and payment in the Republic of Moldova of income tax by non-residents; Government Decree No. 10 (19 January 2010) on approval of the Regulation on withholding tax on salaries and other payments made by an employer in favor of an employee and template forms confirming withholding of income.

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