
Moldcell: Health and Safety Specialist

We are looking for a Health and Safety Specialist whose main activity in this position will be the assisting the company’s management in the fulfillment of the legislative norms in labor relations, establishing and developing the activities and procedures in OH&S in order to promote the wo...


AmCham Continues the Dialogue on Healthcare Reform

On May 5th, the Healthcare Committee participated in meetings with representatives from the Ministry of Health, as well as from the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency. The parties discussed legal and technical issues arising from two draft normative decisions that amend the procedures of medicine...


MAIB-Leasing: Manager Colectare Creanțe

Misiune post: organizarea și monitorizarea activității de colectare a creanțelor. Responsabilități specifice: - Administrarea activității de colectare prin telefon și pe teren; - Identificarea soluțiilor de plată adaptate la situația financiară actuală a debitorilor; - Monitorizarea respec...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Moore Stephens KSC among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Moore Stephens KSC on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Moore Stephens KSC office gives you access to a global network of more than 20,000 people that enables you to benefit of a comprehensive range of serv...


AmCham at the Workshop on “Support the implementation of the PanEuroMed Convention in the Republic of Moldova”

On April 27th, AmCham Moldova participated at a workshop aimed at explaining the background to PanEuroMed Convention and the benefits of Moldova joining the Convention. The PEM Convention comes to replace the Protocol II from the EU – RM Association Agreement and is looking to uniform the rul...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome GV Group Investment LLC among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having GV Group Investment LLC  on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. GV Group Investment LLC is a private equity firm registered in Republic of Moldova. We are active investors and innovators in each of our market...


CSR Committee: Call for Support “Library of the Brave ones”

Let`s offer “Library of the Brave ones” for kids from Oncological Institute, Chișinău. This initiative comes from „Little People Moldova”, which is continuously supporting these kids. Buy and Donate books for reading/ coloring books or donate money to buy books. Click ...


AmCham Executive Director Elected as President of Working Group at the Economic Council under Prime Minister Meeting

On April 25, AmCham participated at the meeting of the Economic Council. The economic advisory body had several subjects on the agenda, such labor books removal, reducing the number of permissive acts and others. During the meeting, AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau was elected as President o...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chișinău își stabilește obiective de creștere pentru anul 2016

Chișinău, 27 aprilie 2016. În data de 22 aprilie 2016 a avut loc Adunarea Generală a Acționarilor Băncii Comerciale Române Chișinău S.A. care a adoptat o serie de decizii strategice ce vor avea un impact asupra direcției și activității băncii pentru anul 2016. Adunarea Generală a Acți...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Business Development Capital among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Business Development Capital on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Business Development Capital (BDC) is a consulting company providing 4 types of services: - capacity building - management consulting - market...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.5

Amendments to the Labour Code  The Moldovan Parliament has approved a series of amendments and supplements to the Labour Code covering rules on informing employees of working conditions, guarantees for fixed-term employees and removal of the previous concept of in-house job re-assignment. I...


AmCham Moldova propune modificări şi completări la proiectele de acte legislative, inclusiv asupra legii cu privire la BNM

Printr-o scrisoare adresată Comisiei Parlamentare Economie, Buget şi Finanţe, s-au accentuat câteva modificări şi completări ale unui proiect de lege privind actele legislative. În acest sens, AmCham sa expus asupra legii cu privire la Banca Naţională, la serviciile de plată şi...


Message from the U.S. Ambassador to Moldova

U.S. Ambassador to Moldova, James D. Pettit addressed AmCham members and partners within AmCham Annual Report. Click here to read the message...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 8

Law on Constitutional Court, Constitutional Jurisdiction Code and the Law on Local Public Administration. Among the main amendments the following can be highlighted: - The Councils of administrative territorial units of the first and second tier are empowered to decide upon change ...


Implementarea bunelor practici de promovare a medicamentelor în atenția AmCham

În urma recomandărilor exprimate în cadrul mesei rotunde, desfășurate la 26 februarie 2016, la care, alături de membrii AmCham și APIM, au participat reprezentanții Ministerului Sănătății, Agenției Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale, instituțiilor medico-sanitare publi...


AmCham Moldova at the Presentation of the New Law regarding Standardization

On April 22nd, AmCham participated at roundtable regarding the provisions of the new law on standardization. The law represents another element of the quality infrastructure, and refers to the regulation of the standards elaboration processes.  ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Destination Change of the Agricultural Land

Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a adoptat anumite modificări la Codul Funciar al Republicii Moldova. Astfel, începând cu 15 aprilie 2016, procedura de schimbare a destinaţiei terenurilor agricole va fi efectuată prin: • Hotărârea Guvernului – pentru terenul agrico...


New Offer from Sixt Car Rent and Multilingva under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from SIXT Rent a car and Multilingva. SIXT Rent a car offers 10% (1-3 car rents), 15% (3-5 rents), 20% for more...