
Moldcell: Pricing and Offering Specialist

We announce a new vacant position of Pricing and Offering Specialist. The main responsibilities will include B2B reporting activities, presales analysis, and market analysis, pricing and offering strategy. Main responsibility areas: • Analyzes pricing data and develops forecasts and models...


Advocacy Alert: Tax and Customs Policy 2020

AmCham has collected from its members a series of proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the existing legal framework. The recommendations came as a reaction of the business community to the current requirements of the market. It should be stated, that authorities have not yet published th...


Highlights from the Annual U.S. Conference of AmChams in Europe (ACE)

The representatives of AmChams across Europe and Eurasia have met for the Annual U.S. Conference of AmChams in Europe (ACE). AmCham Moldova Executive Director, Mila Malairau was among AmChams in Europe Directors who attended and participated in the event. The conference started in Washington DC, wh...


Celebrating 10 Years of the Eastern Partnership

On May 14, the European Union, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine marked the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership with a High Level Conference in Brussels. The conference celebrated the achievements of the last ten years in the EU's relationships with i...


AmCham Moldova General Sponsors

AmCham would like to present our new General Sponsor - Sebo.md. On behalf of AmCham members, we would like to express our gratitude to the AmCham General Sponsors FinComBank, Moldova Agroindbank, NCH Advisors Inc., and Sebo for all the support they are providing. Your valued trust and loyalty enab...


Advocacy Alert: Data Protection Law

On November 30, 2018, at the plenary session, the Parliament adopted the draft laws regarding Personal Data Protection, in the first reading. Due to the fact that not all recommendations provided by the business community were accepted, AmCham will send repeatedly major suggestions to the parliament...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

On March 29, AmCham and other business associations were discussing the opportunities to simplify the business reporting process to the authorities. Therefore, AmCham collected recommendations and commentaries of the business community as to facilitate an improved procedure of reporting, also provid...


Meeting on Code of Conduct for Financial Entities

On April 17, at the National Center for Personal Data Protection (NCPDP), under the aegis of the Twinning Project was held a meeting regarding the opportunity of elaboration the code of conduct for financial - banking sector entities. The meeting was attended by the NCPDP's representatives, r...


HR Committee Updates

On April 17, AmCham HR committee members met H.E. Dereck J. Hogan, US Ambassador to Moldova to share best practices and innovative techniques for professional development and personnel motivation.   This morning, AmCham HR Committee members paid a visit to Orange kITchen to find out how rob...


Prime Capital: Consilier Financiar

Cerinţe faţă de candidat: • Studii superioare; • Experienţă în vânzări sau experienţă în domeniul financiar bancar va constitui un avantaj; • Persoană activă, carismatică, cu aptitudini înalte de comunicare; • Abilități de vînzare, prezentare ș...


Infodebit Credit Report: Infodebit, Viorel Gîrbu: Imaginea nefastă a unor eșecuri economice constante

Cea mai recentă estimare a Fondului Monetar Internațional (FMI) indică asupra unei rate de creștere economică a țării de ordinul a 3.5% în anul curent. Mărimea pozitivă a acestui indicator nu trebuie să ne inducă în eroare. Această rată de creștere economică este cea mai mică pentru grup...


Chisinau International Court of Commercial Arbitration Addressed a Letter to Authority

This week, the Chisinau International Court of Commercial Arbitration submitted a letter to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure calling the support of public authorities in improving the regulatory framework, as well as, on enhancing the promotion of arbitration as an alternative to the tradi...


Grawe Carat Asigurari: Contabil pe Raportare

Cerinţe faţă de candidaţi: - Studii superioare în contabilitate; - Experienţă de lucru în domeniu, minim 3 ani; - Cunostinţe aprofundate in domeniul evidenţei contabile, legislatiei fiscale si a legislatiei muncii; - Cunoașterea Programului SAP si a standartelor internaționale de r...


Grawe Carat Asigurari: Programator Software

Cerinţe fata de candidati: • Absolvent Facultate tehnică sau mai mulți ani de practică în dezvoltarea de software; • Experiență în dezvoltarea de aplicații orientate pe obiecte (ideal în mediul .NET, limbaj de programare C#); • Cunoașterea avansată a tehnol...


Gladei & Partners: Junior Associate and/or Associate

Biroul asociat de avocati ”Gladei si Partenerii” (Gladei & Partners) has opened the vacancy for the position of Junior Associate If -you have excellent professional knowledges and are keen to apply them in cross-border transactions; -you are proficient in legal analysis and reason...


US Ambassador Meets with AmCham Board of Directors

United States Ambassador Dereck J. Hogan met with AmCham Board of Directors on April 4, where the Board presented some of their priorities. While the Executive Team and some of the Board members have had several interactions with Ambassador Hogan - including his presence at AmCham Annual General Me...


Offer: Rent AmCham’s Conference Room

Starting with January, AmCham has a new conference room, in a walking distance from the city center, which is available to rent at a special price. The conference room can be used to organize roundtables, team building days, or any event your company is organizing. With a capacity of up to 30 (the...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: RRP DEPLOYMENT EXECUTIVE

Are you results driven, have strong communication skills and high learning agility? We are looking for a collaborative person with strong customer focus, who is capable to work in consistent ambiguity in the area of providing partnership service related to RRP products commercialization. Reduced...