
Meeting with Customs Service Regarding the New Customs Code

This week, AmCham participates in public consultations, organized by the Ministry of Finances and Customs Service, on new draft Customs Code, which transposes the EU Regulation no. 952/2013, laying down the Community Customs Code. The draft Code will be followed by an implementing regulation and ...


Last Call for Proposals for AmCham Financial Audit Report

AmCham Moldova invites audit companies to participate in the contest for the selection of audit company that will perform the financial audit of the Association for 2017. The audit will be conducted from March 01, 2018. Offers should be submitted electronically by February 20, 2018, 16.00, to elena...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome FedEx among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having FedEx on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Odysseus is the exclusive representative (GSP) in the Republic of Moldova of FedEx (Federal Express), the international courier and logistics company, which is based in the USA...


Tax Committee Meeting with Main State Tax Inspectorate

On February 13, AmCham alongside its members organized a meeting with Mr. Serghei Puscuta, Chief of the Main State Tax Inspectorate. The discussion focused on: - State Tax Service priorities for 2018 - Updates on tax inspections - Archiving of accounting documents - Unique account numbers and ...


Meeting at the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment

On February 12, AmCham participated in the first meeting of the working group, created under the Ministry of Agriculture, Regional Development and Environment, tasked with the assessment of the legislative framework on industrial wastewater treatment and fees for centralized sewage services. ...


AmCham Annual Report 2017: Advertising Opportunities

AmCham invites members who are seeking exposure within the business community to increase their visibility through a one page advertisement in the AmCham Annual Report! Key features of this edition will include: - AmCham's 2017 activity highlights: events, projects, committees activities, public r...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Operation Through Permanent Establishment in Moldova

The Republic of Moldova is a small Eastern European country with a market economy in development. Since its independence, Moldova has been keen to open its borders to foreign investment to vitalise its economy. To this end, Moldova has passed numerous legislative reforms to protect investments and e...


AmCham se expune vizavi de ambiguitățile aferente aplicabilității Legii nr. 313 din 22.12.2017

Pe 6 februarie, AmCham a expediat o scrisoare către Ministerul Finanțelor pentru a atrage atenția autorității asupra elucidarea unei serii de ambiguitățile aferente aplicabilității Legii nr. 313 din 22.12.2017.  Printre acestea se enumără solicitarea specificării clare a sensului mai mu...


Committees Leadership Elections Results

AmCham Moldova holds Committee elections at the beginning of each year to renew the leadership of each acting committee within AmCham. Please find below the elections results: Carolina Parcalab (ACI Partners) was elected as Chair of the Legal Committee, succeeding Veaceslav Mirza (Incaso) who se...


Logos Press: Environmental Taxes

In an interview with Logos Press, Adrian Gheorghita provided general insight on recently modified taxes and how they will impact the business community. In recent years, AmCham has been actively involved in drafting recommendations to improve environmental legislation. Read the interiew (in...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.4/ 2018: Approval of Tax and Customs Legislation Amendments

In brief The Law significantly amending the Republic of Moldova’s fiscal, customs and other normative acts has been published. In detail Income tax  Personal income tax The threshold for the application of the progressive personal income tax rates of 7% ...


Last Call for Applications: Training Course on Competition Law

Curs de formare profesională „Elemente de drept al concurenţei” AmCham Moldova organizează următorul curs de formare profesională cu genericul „Elemente de drept al concurenței”. Obiective: -scoaterea în evidenţă a importanţei economics-ului asupra practicii de...


AmCham in a Study Visit to the Russian Federation

Last week, AmCham as part of the delegation led by the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova has undertaken a study visit to the Russian Federation, organized with the support of the International Labor Organization (ILO). The program has included meetings with ILO represent...


Meeting with the State Agency on Intellectual Property

On January 26, AmCham will meet with AGEPI. This particular meeting continues the series of efforts aimed at improving the law on copyright and related rights (i.e. Law no. 139). Thus, the debates will be directed towards the amount of compensatory remuneration collected from entrepreneurs. Shoul...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Average Monthly Salary Forecast for 2018

PwC Moldova would like to inform you that a forecasted average monthly salary index of MDL 6,150 has been approved by the Government for 2018. This index should be used for applicable purposes in accordance with the law, including: • Calculation of social security contributions due by emplo...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

On January 12, AmCham along with business associations, took part at the meeting regarding the sanctions system reform in the economic field. This particular meeting was focused on another version of the draft law, that has been improved due to continues efforts of the business community. Hence, ea...