
POLICY ACHIEVEMENT: Government Decision no. 950/2013 has been Modified

AmCham Moldova welcomes the approval by the Government of the amendments to the Government Decision no. 950/2013 on the approval of the Regulation on the requirements for collection, treatment, and discharge of wastewater in sewage systems for urban and rural localities. At the request of the bus...


AmCham a înaintat solicitare cu privire la prelungirea termenului de realizare a auditului statutar în adresa Ministerului Finanțelor și a Biroului Național de Statistică

AmCham Moldova a prezentat poziția comunității de afaceri vizavi de necesitatea prelungirii termenului de realizare a auditului statutar, adresate Ministerului Finanțelor și Biroului Național de Statistică.   Principalele revendicări țin de acel fapt că termenul de 4 luni prevăzut &icir...


AmCham Moldova Participated on Improving the Draft Law on Infringement Procedure in the field of prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the method of applying sanctions

Between January 30 - February 3, AmCham Moldova participated in 3 meetings on improving the draft law on infringement procedure in the field of prevention of money laundering and terrorist financing and the method of applying sanctions. The meetings were attended by representatives of the Service...


AmCham Moldova met with Iuliana Dragalin, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure

On January 24th, AmCham Moldova had a fruitful meeting with Iuliana Dragalin, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, to discuss directly with the business community the issues related to cross border trade and access to the market. The business community provided its insights on t...


AmCham Moldova met with Prime Minister, Ion Chicu

On January 25, within a meeting organized by the National Confederation of Employers of the Republic of Moldova with the Prime Minister, Adrian Gheorghita had the opportunity to deliver key points necessary to take in consideration to improve the business environment: - to insist on the strict appl...


Logos-Press: New Customs Rules

On January 24, in the interview with "Logos-Press" Adrian Gheorghita discussed amendments to the Regulation on customs valuation of goods and its impact on cross-border commercial activity. For more information please follow the link.  ...


Annual Financial Services Committee Meeting

On January 22nd, the Financial Services Committee held its annual meeting to review the activities conducted in 2019, and to set priorities for 2020. Over 25 advocacy initiatives have been tackled by the Committee, ranging from issues pertaining to the insurance sector, the banking sector, paymen...


Meeting on Classifier of Occupations of RM

On January 21st, AmCham Moldova met with representatives of the National Confederation of Employers of Moldova and the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection. During the meeting, AmCham member companies discussed with the representatives of the public authority the need to revise the Class...


AmCham Moldova met with World Bank representatives

On January 21, AmCham Moldova, represented by the Chairman of the Healthcare Committee, met with World Bank representatives and held discussions on the evolution of the pharmaceutical market and the main problems encountered by pharmaceutical companies. AmCham Moldova presented its vision for sol...


Comentariile AmCham asupra proiectului pentru modificarea legii cu privire la fabricarea și circulația alcoolului etilic și a producției alcoolice

AmCham Moldova, în comun cu Asociația Investitorilor Străini, a elaborat o scrisoare de poziție asupra proiectului de lege pentru modificarea legii cu privire la fabricarea și circulația alcoolului etilic și a producției alcoolice. Mediul de afaceri și-a exprimat îngrijorările în ...


AmCham Continues Negotiations on the Draft Law on Amending the Law on Medicines and Consumer Protection Law

On December 11, representatives of AmCham Moldova continued negotiations with Members of Parliament on the legislative initiative establishing new requirements for mandatory disclosure of information on medicine packaging and package leaflets. The Members of Parliament and the representatives of ...


Meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister

December 4 was marked by the first meeting of the Economic Council to the Prime Minister, led by Ion Chicu. The meeting was attended by AmCham and other business associations and was aimed at presenting the main priorities of the new Government, in particular, the initiatives that will hav...


Comentariile AmCham Moldova la proiectul de lege privind modificarea legii medicamentelor și legii privind protecția consumatorilor

AmCham Moldova își reiterează îngrijorările în legătură cu inițiativa legislativă prin care se propun noi condiții de expunere obligatorie a informației de pe ambalajele medicamentelor și din instrucțiunile de utilizare a medicamentelor în limba de stat și limba rusă. Medi...


Advocacy Breakthrough on Publication of the National Food Safety Agency Regulations

AmCham Moldova welcomes the feedback provided by the National Agency for Food Safety on AmCham's letter regarding the need for publication in the Official Gazette of the regulations on the entrepreneurial activity. Thus, AmCham Moldova continues to carry out its mission consistently – both to...


Recomandările AmCham la proiectul de lege privind procedura de constatare a încălcărilor în domeniul prevenirii spălării banilor și finanțării terorismului și modul de aplicare a sancțiunilor

Proiectul de lege elaborat vine să transpună dispozițiile Directivei UE privind prevenirea utilizării sistemului financiar în scopul spălării banilor sau finanțării terorismului. Adițional, acesta este conceput pentru a implementa prevederile Legii privind prevenirea și combaterea spălării ban...


Avizul AmCham la proiectul de modificare a Regulamentului privind evidența și calcularea amortizării în scopuri fiscale și a Catalogului mijloacelor fixe și imobilizărilor necorporale

După o serie de întâlniri cu reprezentanții Ministerului Finanțelor, AmCham a prezentat recomandări care vizează modificarea Regulamentului privind calculul amortizării în scopuri fiscale, precum și Catalogul activelor fixe și necorporale. Simplificarea metodologiei de contabilitat...


A Technical Meeting on Tax and Custom Policy 2020

On November 21, AmCham attended a technical meeting chaired by Dorel Noroc, State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; The discussions brought together representatives from AmCham, the Ministry of Finance, State Tax Inspectorate, private sector, and BSOs. Participants generated a series of question...


The First Meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

AmCham Moldova participated at the meeting of the State Commission for Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity. The Commission relaunched its activity as the new members have been selected. AmCham is leading industrial manufacturing and the energy sector. Moreover, the State Commission for Regulatio...