
PRIMA FINANȚARE: Oportunitati de angajare

ANGAJĂM HR Manager, persoana responsabilă de recrutarea și instruirea personalului, cu reședința în orașele Ungheni sau Chișinău. Cerințe: studii superioare în domeniul psihologiei și economie; experiență minim 3 ani în departamentul HR sau relații cu personalul. ANGAJĂM Special...


LOGOS-PRESS: The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham) appealed to the Ministry of Finance with a proposal to postpone the deadline for the Annual Audit of enterprises for 2019

The proposal was supported by business entities that are required to conduct an annual audit at the enterprise, as well as audit companies. Read more ...


Mrs. Carmina Vicol runs for AmCham Presidency Elections

This year, within the Annual General Membrs Meeting, AmCham members will be electing AmCham President for the period 2020-2021. We are delighted to introduce the candidate who is running for AmCham Presidency 2020-2021: Mrs. Carmina Vicol Mrs. Carmina Vicol is the CEO of Prime Capital, a leading f...


Legal Consultant vacancy within AmCham

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) is a leading business association, working closely with companies, the Moldovan public authorities, and international organizations to improve the business climate and establish an investment friendly environment in Moldova. Main Responsi...


AmCham appointed as member of the Ministry of Finance’s Advisory Council in Customs and Taxation

Veronica Sireteanu, Policy Manager was appointed as AmCham’s representative to the Ministry of Finance’s Advisory Council in Customs and Taxation, with the purpose to create an effective platform for interaction between tax and customs experts in the public sector and the private sector....


Comunicat de presă: Moldova riscă să rămână fără acces la zeci de posturi TV internaţionale

Amendamentul la Codul serviciilor media audiovizuale, intrat în vigoare la 1 ianuarie 2020, interzice operatorilor reţelelor de televiziune prin cablu retransmisiunea posturilor TV internaţionale care conţin publicitate sau teleshopping. Operatorii TV prin cablu au identificat peste 90 de cana...


AmCham Moldova prezintă propunerile de îmbunătățire a proiectulu de Nou Cod Vamal

Pe data de 24 februarie, AmCham Moldova a retransmis comentariile sale asupra proiectului de lege privind noul Cod Vamal. În cadrul adresării către Prim-ministrul Republicii Moldova, AmCham Moldova a reiterat necesitatea dezvoltării unor consultări publice în format de întrevederi ...


BIZLAW: AmCham Moldova proposes to the authorities to reduce customs duties on the export of goods in the amount of up to 1,000 euros

Business community followed the announcement by the authorities to come up with proposals to amend the fiscal and customs legislation for 2021. The American Chamber of Commerce of Moldova has recently published a document with several proposals in this regard. Read more ...


AmCham Moldova prezintă propunerile de modificare a legislației Fiscale și Vamale pentru anul 2021

Urmare a anunțului publicat despre Ministerul Finanțelor despre iniţierea elaborării obiectivelor de politici bugetare și fiscale pe anul 2021, precum și perfecționarea administrării fiscale și vamale, Camera Americană de Comerț din Moldova a prezentat în termenii fixați setul de propuneri for...


POLICY ACHIEVEMENT: Government Decision no. 950/2013 has been Modified

AmCham Moldova welcomes the approval by the Government of the amendments to the Government Decision no. 950/2013 on the approval of the Regulation on the requirements for collection, treatment, and discharge of wastewater in sewage systems for urban and rural localities. At the request of the bus...


AmCham Healthcare Committee met with Members of the Parliament

This week, AmCham Moldova met with members of the Parliament to discuss the issue of implementing a traceability and monitoring system for medicines. The meeting was attended by Vladimir Odnostalco and Alla Darovannaia, members of the Parliament and the representatives of the AmCham Healthcare Comm...


Grawe Carat Asigurari: Asistent al Consulatului Onorific al Republicii Austria cu sediul in or. Balti

Locatia: or. Balti, R. Moldova Cerinţe: - Studii superioare, va constitui un avantaj; - Cunoasterea limbilor româna si rusă - obligatoriu; - Cunoasterea limbii engleze,germane la nivel avansat; - Utilizator avansat al calculatorului (Microsoft Office, Outlook ş.a), capacitatea de a &ici...


Grawe Carat Asigurari: Asistent al Comitetului de Conducere

  Locatia: or. Chisinau, R. Moldova Cerinţe: - Studii superioare in domeniul economiei; - Abilităţi de organizare, planificare si finisare a sarcinilor in termeni prestabiliti; - Persoană responsabilă, cu o atitudine pozitivă şi proactivă, spirit de echipă; - Cunoasterea limbii romane,...


AmCham Reappointed Secretary of the Consultative Committee under Customs Service

On February 20, Customs Service re-launched the Consultative Committee platform. Among the main topics on the agenda were the election of the Consultative Committee Secretary, in which AmCham received full support. The Consultative Committee is envisioned as a transparency tool for the customs bodie...


AmCham met Ludmila Botnari, Interim Director of the State Tax Service

 On February 20th, AmCham members met Interim Director of the State Tax Service, Ludmila Botnari. Mrs. Botnari was accompanied by Director of Methodologic Department, Olga Golban, and Director of Strategies and Communication, Corina Pavlisciuc. At the meeting Mrs. Botnari presented current pro...


Special American Business Internship Training Program

The U.S. Department of Commerce’s Special American Business Internship Training (SABIT) program has established a program to train up to 20 professionals from the Eurasian healthcare sector, specifically in the management of clinics specializing in ambulatory healthcare. SABIT has successfully...


AmCham Welcomes NBM New Regulations on Digitalization of Several Procedures

Since 2017, AmCham Moldova has been advocating for the digitization of the procedures of approval / notification/ reporting of select foreign currency operations, as provided by the Law on foreign exchange regulation No. 62/2008. We welcome the NBM Board Decision 12/2020, aimed at reducing the paper...


JT International Trading: JTI, singurul angajator din Moldova certificat Top Employer pentru a șaptea oară consecutiv

Compania JTI a fost certificată Top Employer (angajator de top) în Moldova și la nivel european pentru al șaptelea an consecutiv, de către Institutul Top Employers, în cadrul ceremoniei oficiale de decernare a premiilor, care a avut loc în Amsterdam. Totodată, este al șaselea an c...