
Grant Thornton: Contabil Șef

Grant Thornton este în căutare de noi contabili, care să se alăture Departamentului de Outsourcing din Chişinău. Profilul general: • Studii superioare în Contabilitate sau Finanţe; • Cunoștințe profunde privind Standardele Naționale de Contabilitate (SNC), legislația fis...


Grant Thornton: Contabil

Grant Thornton este în căutare de noi contabili, care să se alăture Departamentului de Outsourcing din Chişinău. Profilul general: • Studii superioare în Contabilitate sau Finanţe; • 1+ ani de experiență în contabilitate; • Orientare spre detaliu, organizare,...


Grant Thornton: Consultant Fiscal Junior/ Supraveghetor

Grant Thornton este una dintre cele mai mari organizaţii de firme independente care oferă servicii de audit, consultanţă fiscală şi financiară. Peste 47.000 de angajaţi şi parteneri din grupul Grant Thornton, din peste 130 de ţări, ne implicăm pentru a face diferenţa pentru clienţii, colegii şi comu...


Grant Thornton: Junior Auditors

The people in the independent firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd provide personalized attention and the highest quality service to public and private clients in more than 100 countries. Year after year, Grant Thornton is acknowledged for the excellence of its work environment and its contribu...


Grant Thornton: Senior Auditors

The people in the independent firms of Grant Thornton International Ltd provide personalized attention and the highest quality service to public and private clients in more than 100 countries. Year after year, Grant Thornton is acknowledged for the excellence of its work environment and its contribu...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Sales Information Reporting Analyst

PURPOSE OF THE POSITION: Maintain commercial systems, databases and reporting infrastructure to support information gathering, processing and business analysis. Implement required changes in systems configuration and functionality according to existing and emerging business needs. MAIN RESPONSIBI...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Manager Commercial Intelligence and Planning

IF YOU HAVE: • High education • Analytical skills and logical thinking • Upper-Intermediate+ level of English • 4+ years' experience in analytics, forecasting, market intelligence, planning, sales and distribution management • 3+ years of experience in managing teams ...


Advocacy Update

- Last week AmCham Moldova jointly with the Moldovan Banks Association drafted a series of commentaries on the draft Government Decision on certification of independent legal advice for potential guarantors, that is aimed at implementing the article from the Civil Code, that implies the Pre-contract...


Meeting with the US Ambassador

Last week, several AmCham member companies had been invited again to a lunch discussion with H.E. Dereck. J. Hogan, US Ambassador to Moldova. This time the discussion was focused on Moldovan energy security issues. Ambassador Hogan has challenged participants to provide their vision on the opportun...


S&T Mold : Logistics & Warehouse Coordinator

Bass Systems, lider de piață ca integrator de soluții IT și telecomunicații, servicii de analiză și consultanță, îți oferă noi oportunități de dezvoltare, care să fie în concordanță cu dorințele și aspirațiile tale. Învățăm experimentând, suntem proactivi și căutăm mereu idei...


Comertbank: Șef secție gestiuni de riscuri

Obiectivul postului: - Gestionarea proceselor de identificare, evaluare, monitorizare şi control a riscurilor inerente activității Băncii, în vederea optimizării relației risc/profit; - Minimizarea riscurilor aferente activităților financiare desfășurate de către Bancă. - Asigurarea co...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: Volumul de activitate în luna ianuarie curent a băncilor comerciale din Moldova a fost de ordinul a 13% din potențialul disponibil

Chișinău, 6 martie 2019 - Populația și agenții economici dețineau la finele lunii ianuarie curent depozite în băncile comerciale din țară în mărime de 63,3 mld. Lei. Această sumă este în creștere față de situația de la începutul anului trecut cu 1,9 mld. Lei. În aceiași...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Oriflame among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Oriflame International on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Oriflame is a leading beauty company selling direct. It is present in more than 60 countries, of which they are the market leader in more than half. Oriflame ha...


Advocacy Meetings

AmCham strives to update and keep members informed on the most stringent activities of the Chamber, and which has an impact on their activity and economy; all of this led to a new informative section - Advocacy Meetings. The co-chairs of the Financial Services Committee met with the representativ...


Civil Code into Force!

As the spring season brings new changes, another one is related to the ground of civil law - today the amendments to the Civil Code of Moldova came into force. The Code has been considerably reformed, aspiring to be one of the most modern Civil Codes. AmCham Moldova has actively participated i...


AmCham - Member of the Council of Dispute Resolution in the State Control Sector, within Customs Service

The Dispute Resolution Board within the Customs Service is composed of representatives from authorities and business associations, including AmCham. The Council acts in the form of meetings, which are organized depending on the appeals filed; in the council administrative acts are contested, which...


FinComBank: FinComBank S.A. Has Opened a New Branch in the Capital

FinComBank S.A. has expanded its network of territorial divisions - it has opened a new branch in the city of Chisinau. Branch No. 20 is located on bd. Stefan cel Mare, 6. The new branch will provide its customers the comfort, convenience and the access to the entire range of products offered by th...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Manager (eDiscovery)

PwC Managers in the Digital Forensics & eDiscovery team lead projects and work alongside clients in crisis. They apply cutting edge techniques to solve complex problems and apply smart data-driven solutions to our client’s issues. A part of our team, you could be detecting fraud, insider t...