
GlaxoSmithKline: Fluarix - for active immunization against influenza

Seasonal Flu can hit your organisation hard impacting on your most important resource- your people. Vaccination remains the cornerstone of preventing influenza. Now you have the opportunity to be vaccinated with Fluarix. The vaccine formulation protect against the three virus strains that surveil...


Moldcell: Moldcell: An offer for everyone - a lot of phones at special prices!

At Moldcell, everyone will find the appropriate model of the phone … at a reduced price! So you, all your friends and relatives will have the possibility to buy a new phone without considerable expenses, if you are or will become Moldcell subscribers. The available models vary from the simp...


Moldcell: Moldcell: The modern smartphone LG Cookie Fresh just for 999 lei!

LG GS290 Cookie Fresh is the ideal choice for those who want to have an operational and cheap phone. Being modern and compact, this device contains all the functions and applications useful for a person with an active life style. Provided with a 3-inch display and 3 buttons on its foundation (c...


Moldcell: Moldcell: Your new tablet iPad 2 WiFi + 3G for 7999 lei!

Let your dream to become the owner of a new generation tab come true. Buy the iPad 2 WiFi + 3G with a memory of 16 GB at a special price and feel all the advantages of a tablet computer: with the Multi-Touch function you don’t need a keyboard anymore and the automatic iPad 2 WiFi + 3G connecti...


Aviz AmCham - CNPF: Proiect de lege cu privire la organizatiile de microfinantare

Aviz AmCham - CNPF: proiect de lege cu privire la organizatiile de microfinantare...


KPMG Moldova: KPMG: Tax and Legal Newsflash



AmCham comments on the draft competition law

On October 4th AmCham addressed to National Agency for Protection of Competition (ANPC) an official position paper with the comments on the draft law. The full version of the position paper can be downloaded from here: www.amcham.md/userfiles/Aviz%20AmCham_Legea%20Concurentei_04_10_2011_fin.pdf Ove...


Moldcell: Moldcell: “Freedom of talk” again! Start the call with # and save.

Thanks to the permanent care for our subscribers’ expectations, we react promptly to all your requests in order to ensure accessible and qualitative communication. This time, to meet your demands, we replace the current “Freedom of talk” offer with the previous one. So, now you hav...


Moldcell: Moldcell: A new offer at Moldcell Aero: Samsung GT-E 1050 from 1 leu!

  If you meet a Moldcell Aero mobile office during a walk through the city, slow down and be attentive, because we have a new offer! Now you have the possibility to buy an easy-to-use phone at an advantageous price. This time, we offer you Samsung GT-E 1050 phone at a special price on account ...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Philip Morris: Support to the Veterans of World War II and Chernobyl Catastrophe

Nearly 430 Veterans of World War II and Chernobyl Catastrophe became beneficiaries of assistance from the charity project implemented by the East Europe Foundation - Moldova on the International Day of Older Persons. This initiative was implemented in partnership with the Ministry of Labor, Social P...


Aviz AmCham - Agentia Nationala pentru Protectia Concurentei: Proiect de lege a concurentei

Aviz AmCham - Agentia Nationala pentru Protectia Concurentei: Proiect de lege a concurentei  ...


Moldcell: Moldcell: 499 phones at special prices!

“Tastes differ”. On the one hand, there are people who appreciate the design of the phone, the display dimensions or the possibility to listen to music, on the other, there are traditionalists for whom functionality matters: the possibility to make and receive calls and to write and get ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PWC: Tax & Legal Alert no.17



PERFECT TOUR - best airline tickets provider on the market

Ticketing is one of the most competitive aspects of the travel all over the world. On a 10 % growing market, Perfect Tour grew over 40 % on the flight tickets market segment. Evolution of flight tickets volume growth sold by Perfect Tour, significantly bigger that nationwide is due to its territor...


SABIT Group Programs for 2012

The Special American Business Internship Training (SABIT) program builds partnerships and provides technical assistance by training Eurasian business leaders in U.S. business practices. These training programs directly support Eurasian economic and civil society development by encouraging ma...


Moldcell: Moldcell: TeliaSonera - Most Valuable brand at Helsinki Stock Exchange 2011

TeliaSonera has risen on the Helsinki stock exchange value of the brand most valuable company, consulting firm estimates BrandWorxx. The company's research, TeliaSonera, Nokia dropped the second place. Nordea was the third listing. For the first time in Finland the evaluation was conducted accor...


Orange Moldova: Orange: International Conference on Microelectronics and Computers

Between September the 22nd to 24th, 2011 at the Technical University of Moldova it was held the VII-th edition of the International Conference on Computer Science and Microelectronics (ICMCS-2011), organized by the Faculty of Computers, Informatics and Microelectronics in partnership with Orange Mol...