ACED: ACED Seminar Explores Opportunities for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Exports to EU

  • 21.06.2012

The Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (ACED), funded by the US Government, joined with the Netherlands Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Agency for Promoting Imports from Developing Countries (CBI) to conduct a two-day seminar in Chișinău early this month - to explore the opportunity to export fresh fruits and vegetables from Moldova to the European Union markets.

ACED specialists drew on the findings of End Market Studies completed to date for the Romanian, German and Baltic markets to provide an overview of the structure and conditions in those markets while CBI speakers focused on market trends within the EU countries and the technical and legal requirements for entering those markets. Seminar participants also learned about the requirements for certification, trade constraints, distribution channels, and pricing policies in the target markets. The competition is very stiff in these markets and especially so at the present time when demand is falling due to the current economic crisis that is affecting the region.

ACED’s Peter White noted that, “Moldovan producers have tailored their exports for eastern markets. It is time they paid more attention to western markets, which are generally more open and transparent, better regulated, and offer higher prices.” CBI’s Piet Schotel added that, “Moldovans should not be afraid of exploring other markets. Adjusting with new challenges will only make them more competitive and their products better.” He proposed that Moldovan exporters can begin by taking small but quick steps towards preparing themselves for the big, promising but difficult EU market, taking advantage of relaxed trade arrangements currently being offered by Brussels.

In the first half of 2012, the ACED project has conducted more than 70 producer training events and 11 round tables in Chișinău and across Moldova, including Transnistria, as well as four international study tours and one domestic market visitation for Moldovan agricultural entrepreneurs. More than 1,400 participants in the high value agriculture sector have benefited from ACED assistance since the project was launched in April 2011. ACED End Market Studies are available for download at


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