
AmCham propune înlesnirea procedurii de restituire a TVA în cadrul comerțului internațional

Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova a expediat o scrisoare către Ministerul Finanțelor și alte instituții de stat, abordând o serie de probleme practice cu care se confruntă agenții economici în procesul solicitării de restituire a TVA, în cazul efectuării exportu...


AmCham participated at the EUBAM Trade Facilitation Conference

 On November 12th – 13th, AmCham Moldova participated at the EUBAM Trade Facilitation Working Group Meeting. The conference was aimed at discussing current trade issues, as well as challenges of implementation of the customs part of the EU Association Agreement. AmCham Moldova delivered a...


Centrul de Vertebrologie Medpark

Consultații gratuite pentru bolnavii de scolioză la Centrul de Vertebrologie Medpark Cu ocazia lansării oficiale a Centrului de Vertebrologie, Spitalul Internațional Medpark pune la dispoziția pacienților o ofertă specială: persoanele care suferă de scolioză beneficiază de consultația primară gratu...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Management Consultant

The Opportunity PwC is looking for highly motivated Senior Consultants to join our Consulting practice in Bucharest. What we are looking for • 3-5 years of experience in Management Consulting or in a role with firmwide exposure in a relevant industry; • Excellent analytical and p...


Premier Energy Distribution: Stagiar în departamentul Audit Intern

Compania Gas Natural Fenosa propune studenţilor anului I Masterat – Domeniul Economic posibilitatea de a petrece stagierea remunerată în cadrul departamentului Audit Intern. Condiţii de stagiere: - Durata stagierii remunerate – 1,5 ani - 6 ore de stagiere zilnic, flexibilitat...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Electra Norte Among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Electra Norte on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business. Electra Norte is a group of companies dedicated to generating, distributing and supplying electricity. In addition, Electra Norte provides technical services ...


A New Offer from Bagatt Shoes under the AmCham MDP

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Bagatt Italian Shoes. Bagatt is synonymous with high quality shoes as soon as you say its name. Bagatt is...


Gladei & Partners: Associate

 Requirements: - sound reasoning, legal analysis and document drafting skills; - fluency in legal English (both verbal and written); - solid academic background; - proven track record in legal advisory; experience in cross-border projects is an advantage. We offer: - excellent learning a...


Gladei & Partners: Junior Associate

Requirements: - sound reasoning, legal analysis and document drafting skills; - fluency in legal English (both verbal and written); - solid academic background. We offer: - excellent learning and professional development opportunities; - sound and inspiring work environment; - motivating...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert

Tax and labour law changes In brief The Ministry of Labour, Social Protection and Family ("MLSPF") has approved some changes to the Classification of occupations of the Republic of Moldova (CORM 006-14). The lists of records for insured persons in the system of compulsory hea...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Audit Internships

 Our internships provide students in their last year of study with an opportunity to experience work and life at PwC, offering a valuable insight into our business and culture. Our aim is to raise both your commercial awareness and your interpersonal skills to new levels. By experiencing life ...


Incaso: Incaso lansează promoție în ajunul Zilei fără datorii

 Pe 17 noiembrie Comunitatea Europeană serbează “Ziua fără datorii”. Eveniment care ne reamintește tuturor necesitatea de a fi la zi cu achitarea obligațiilor de plata. Este o ocazie suplimentară pentru a face un rezumat al situației financiare personale, pentru a ne reaminti cui da...


AmCham Moldova met with the Ministry of Economy to discuss the current roster of business challenges

On October 30th, AmCham Moldova participated at a meeting hosted by the Minister of Economy, Stephane Bride.  The meeting was comprised of the business regulatory framework, implementation of EU directives, followed by a discussion on current issues faced by businesses. A special poi...


MAIB: MAIB begins issuing American Express-branded Cards

 CB Moldova Agroindbank has begun issuing American Express-branded Cards, in accordance with the co-operation agreement entered into with the company in the autumn of 2014. Since February 2015, Moldova Agroindbank has successfully implemented the first stage of the agreement, leading the acquis...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chișinău a premiat câștigătorii Bursei Speranței

 În data de 29 octombrie a avut loc ceremonia de premiere a câștigătorilor Bursei Speranței, concurs lansat și susținut de BCR Chișinău S.A. Cei trei tineri bursieri sunt: • Victoria Vudu, medic-rezident la Universitatea de Stat de Medicină și Farmaceutică ”Nicolae Test...


FinComBank: FinComBank: Potențialul nevalorificat al spiritului antreprenorial feminin

Deși se încearcă de mai mult timp să se faciliteze accesul femeilor în afaceri dar și în funcții cheie din business și administrație, ponderea lor rămâne în aceste domenii încă destul de scăzută. Mai multe studii de profil arată că femeile aduc un plus de valoare...


NewsLetter aniversar a Centrul de Guvernare Electronică

 Centrul de Guvernare Electronică prezintă un NewsLetter aniversar. Pentru a vizualiza click aici...


Moldcell: Oracle Database Administrator

We are looking for an experienced Oracle Database Administrator in Technology Department. The main accountability of the position is to be responsible for production Oracle databases administration, software installations and upgrades, backup and recovery, resources optimization. Main responsib...