Managing Organizations &

People in a Changing World



Why Attend?


“You can have the best strategy and the best building in the world, but if you don’t have the hearts and minds of the people who work with you, none of it comes to life” – Renee West

The field of HR is much more than just dolling out employee benefit packages and managing payroll. Human Resources is an innovative, forward moving, and fast-paced aspect of business life; crucial and integral to the running of a business. As a pioneering element of industry, HR not only enhances business value, but is increasingly striving to bring the best out of employees. As a pioneer in HR, it is crucial to be on the forefront of the changes and trends that are due to take place in the coming year.

By attending the Managing Organizations and People in a Changing World Human Resources Management Conference, you will not only equip yourself, but also your business to be a pioneer of the new changes and trends coming into force. Learn how to develop and build your workforce, making your business come to life through Transformations in how we see Talent Management. Explore how to partner your business for future success, and learn how to secure the future of your business and its development through the re-imagination of the role of Mangers into one that creates Leaders for the future. Through attending this conference you will not only learn about these new trends, but you will also be given the know-how to implement them into your workforce.

This conference will bring you together with like-minded professionals, to share experience, tips and ideas, encouraging your further development. In an era where employee development, soft skills and leadership ability bear the most importance, keeping your ear to the ground will help you to pave the way for your company to be a leader in global HR revolution.

Join us to connect with CEO’s, professionals and specialists, from across Moldova and the Region, for a conference which will leave you inspired and equipped.

Who Should Attend?

The people who will most benefit from attending the HRM conference are the executives, human resource managers, and practitioners who are truly concerned about their most precious asset: people.


77 Mitropolit Varlaam street
Chisinau, Moldova



+373 (22) 211 781

+373 (22) 211 782

Who’s Speaking

Conference designed for CEOs, HR Leaders, professionals, and practitioners.


Mila Malairau

Executive Director, AmCham Moldova


Traian Nechifor

Country Manager, Coca-Cola Hellenic Moldova


Svetlana Bodaci

Human Resources Director, Moldcell


Dan Schipor

Partner, BDO Business Advisory


Razvan Radu

Founder of Humano


Andrei Gosu

Managing partner, Ascendis Romania


Denisa Panaite Casu

PwC, Manager, PwC's Academy, Bucharest, Romania


Svetlana Scutelniciuc

PHRi, Business Consultant, Owner of "Smart Solver" Ltd., Owner of "Best People" Ltd.


Clara Bodin

Global Lead Diversity & Inclusion, TeliaCompany, Stockholm, Sweden


Conference designed for CEOs, HR Leaders, professionals, and practitioners.

AmCham Moldova is a nongovernmental and non-profit association of private business in Moldova. As member of the 125 American Chambers of Commerce network from across the world, AmCham Moldova aims to promote US, foreign, and local investments in Moldova and to work with the Moldovan government and business leaders to foster a more favorable business climate in Moldova. AmCham counters 120 members, representing 34 industries of the national economy.

Venue: Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel, Nistru Hall, 77 Mitropolit Varlaam st., Chisinau, Moldova

Mila Malairau is the Executive Director at the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova). Mila joined AmCham in 2007 as a Project Manager and was promoted to the Executive Director in 2008. Under her ambitious and responsible leadership, AmCham continues to grow and now encounters almost 120 member companies, engaged in 6 active Committees – a proven tool for the fulfillment of the AmCham mission and members' needs. She got extensive training and experience in the fields of policy research, improving business regulatory environment, and institutional strengthening. Mila is a member of various working groups and forums where business meets government authorities and policy makers. From 2016, Mila is leading the working group on elimination of constraints in entrepreneurial activity within the Economic Council to the Prime-minister of RM. She is also BOD member of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Moldova. Mila has graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies in Moldova and, later on, received her Master Degree in Law at the State University of Moldova.

In recent years, we've grown to realize that corporate success is as much about people as it is about strategy. In our fast-changing world, organizations need talented and innovative people who are able to continually renew the strategy itself; and cultures that are comfortable with innovation and change. With this focus on the importance of people and organizational culture, the HR value proposition should be about delivering the support critical to strategic success. The role of the HR professional and of the HR business partner in particular has expanded enormously. Partnering is about working with business leaders to achieve shared organizational objectives. For HR, this focuses on designing and implementing HR systems and processes that support strategic business aims. The HRBP needs to be good not only at HR, but also needs to develop other skills and capabilities to fulfil a wider role in supporting business leaders across the organization in achieving strategic aims; and to offer organizational design and change management support.

“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers” - Ralph Nader As management enters a new era, the very concept and role of a manager is being placed under the spotlight. Companies shouldn’t seek to just manage their current circumstances, but rather shape managers into leaders who will instinctively react successfully to the changes posed by tomorrow. Corporate culture will have to undergo giant shifts to facilitate this. Are you ready to enable this change?

Performance management remains a challenge for many organizations as the people, processes and technologies within the workplace evolve. With emerging technologies built to automate and streamline the way we work and the way we continue to redefine labor, performance management becomes more and more complex. Many of the trends we see in performance management align with larger patterns in the workforce ecosystem. If those patterns are not at the forefront of performance management, the process in its entirety can be considered ineffective.

Mila Malairau is the Executive Director at the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova). Mila joined AmCham in 2007 as a Project Manager and was promoted to the Executive Director in 2008. Under her ambitious and responsible leadership, AmCham continues to grow and now encounters almost 120 member companies, engaged in 6 active Committees – a proven tool for the fulfillment of the AmCham mission and members' needs. She got extensive training and experience in the fields of policy research, improving business regulatory environment, and institutional strengthening. Mila is a member of various working groups and forums where business meets government authorities and policy makers. From 2016, Mila is leading the working group on elimination of constraints in entrepreneurial activity within the Economic Council to the Prime-minister of RM. She is also BOD member of the Association of Women Entrepreneurs in Moldova. Mila has graduated from the Academy of Economic Studies in Moldova and, later on, received her Master Degree in Law at the State University of Moldova.

Agility isn’t just for tech anymore—it’s transforming how organizations hire, develop, and manage their people. And it’s reasonable to assume that most organizations these days have adopted some talent strategies in regards to retention, incentivization and development which is all well and good, but means that they now have to look beyond these initiatives to create competitive advantage and attract top talent. Time needs to be invested into the further development of talent management; to become clear on proposition value; and the wants and needs of the workforce - including the transparency of internal organization. Through the rise of crowd sourcing with freelancers and the casualization of work, a great opportunity is presented for organizations to develop a talent management strategy that taps into this style of resourcing and creates a competitive edge. Organizations may discover that if they shift their thinking, competitive advantage can be found in the market for talent as opposed to their product and service markets.

Today, people consume content on their phones and tablets now; using YouTube and TED talks to get up to speed on things they don’t yet know. So we have had to put aside our traditional learning-management system and think differently about education and development. Education in general is undergoing a revolution, with technology dominating the change. By extension, workplace-based learning is also going through similar changes, with technology predicted to dominate even more. Attitudes towards education are also expected to change, with a new buzz around the gamification of employee education and the use of training as a tool for talent acquisition. What new opportunities will this present for employee growth and therefore by extension company growth? How can we expect these changes to affect the workplace? Don’t get left behind -become an innovator in education trends, and maintain a standard of excellence in your workforce.

Big data refers to the massive and exponentially growing amounts of employee, customer, and transactional data available in organizations. In the case of HR, organizations have huge amounts of talent or people-related data (e.g., skills, performance ratings, age, tenure, safety record, sales performance, educational background, manager, prior roles, etc.) which can be used to better understand the organization's current composition, performance, and risk, to improve the development of employees, products, and services. Big Data in HR sets to evaluate and improve practices including talent acquisition, development, retention, and overall organizational performance. This involves integrating and analyzing internal metrics, external benchmarks, social media data, and government data to deliver a more informed solution to the business problem facing your organization.

Svetlana Bodaci has over 15 years of experience in Human Resources Management at Moldcell Company, part of International Telecommunication Telia Group. Svetlana has an extensive experience in designing and implementing the successful HR strategies, building and executing the Recruitment & Selection Process, Performance Management, Talent Management and Organizational Development. She is very dedicated and committed to development and promotion of HR processes at the highest international standards for adding value to the business achievements. She is licensed in Psychology, Communication and Public Relations.

Venue: Ambassador Restaurant, Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel, Nistru Hall, 77 Mitropolit Varlaam st., Chisinau, Moldova

Emotional Intelligent (EQ) is a better predictor of overall professional succes than IQ Emotional Intelligence (EI) is becoming more and more important as a key factor for personal and professional success. Having a high Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is no longer enough if you lack the ability to adjust to changes, work in a team or establish and nurture strong and effective personal relationships.


In recent years, we've grown to realize that corporate success is as much about people as it is about strategy. In our fast-changing world, organizations need talented and innovative people who are able to continually renew the strategy itself; and cultures that are comfortable with innovation and change. With this focus on the importance of people and organizational culture, the HR value proposition should be about delivering the support critical to strategic success. The role of the HR professional and of the HR business partner in particular has expanded enormously. Partnering is about working with business leaders to achieve shared organizational objectives. For HR, this focuses on designing and implementing HR systems and processes that support strategic business aims. The HRBP needs to be good not only at HR, but also needs to develop other skills and capabilities to fulfil a wider role in supporting business leaders across the organization in achieving strategic aims; and to offer organizational design and change management support.

“The function of leadership is to produce more leaders, not followers” - Ralph Nader As management enters a new era, the very concept and role of a manager is being placed under the spotlight. Companies shouldn’t seek to just manage their current circumstances, but rather shape managers into leaders who will instinctively react successfully to the changes posed by tomorrow. Corporate culture will have to undergo giant shifts to facilitate this. Are you ready to enable this change?

Performance management remains a challenge for many organizations as the people, processes and technologies within the workplace evolve. With emerging technologies built to automate and streamline the way we work and the way we continue to redefine labor, performance management becomes more and more complex. Many of the trends we see in performance management align with larger patterns in the workforce ecosystem. If those patterns are not at the forefront of performance management, the process in its entirety can be considered ineffective.

Agility isn’t just for tech anymore—it’s transforming how organizations hire, develop, and manage their people. And it’s reasonable to assume that most organizations these days have adopted some talent strategies in regards to retention, incentivization and development which is all well and good, but means that they now have to look beyond these initiatives to create competitive advantage and attract top talent. Time needs to be invested into the further development of talent management; to become clear on proposition value; and the wants and needs of the workforce - including the transparency of internal organization. Through the rise of crowd sourcing with freelancers and the casualization of work, a great opportunity is presented for organizations to develop a talent management strategy that taps into this style of resourcing and creates a competitive edge. Organizations may discover that if they shift their thinking, competitive advantage can be found in the market for talent as opposed to their product and service markets.

Today, people consume content on their phones and tablets now; using YouTube and TED talks to get up to speed on things they don’t yet know. So we have had to put aside our traditional learning-management system and think differently about education and development. Education in general is undergoing a revolution, with technology dominating the change. By extension, workplace-based learning is also going through similar changes, with technology predicted to dominate even more. Attitudes towards education are also expected to change, with a new buzz around the gamification of employee education and the use of training as a tool for talent acquisition. What new opportunities will this present for employee growth and therefore by extension company growth? How can we expect these changes to affect the workplace? Don’t get left behind -become an innovator in education trends, and maintain a standard of excellence in your workforce.

Big data refers to the massive and exponentially growing amounts of employee, customer, and transactional data available in organizations. In the case of HR, organizations have huge amounts of talent or people-related data (e.g., skills, performance ratings, age, tenure, safety record, sales performance, educational background, manager, prior roles, etc.) which can be used to better understand the organization's current composition, performance, and risk, to improve the development of employees, products, and services. Big Data in HR sets to evaluate and improve practices including talent acquisition, development, retention, and overall organizational performance. This involves integrating and analyzing internal metrics, external benchmarks, social media data, and government data to deliver a more informed solution to the business problem facing your organization.

Emotional Intelligent (EQ) is a better predictor of overall professional succes than IQ Emotional Intelligence (EI) is becoming more and more important as a key factor for personal and professional success. Having a high Intelligence Quotient (IQ) is no longer enough if you lack the ability to adjust to changes, work in a team or establish and nurture strong and effective personal relationships.

Sponsorship Opportunities

AmCham invites companies to tailor their marketing actions and join us to connect and network with CEOs, human resources management, and society; bringing exclusive visibility and networking advantages. The Human Resources Management Conference (2nd edition) will take place on November 23 at the Radisson Blu Leogrand Hotel; being an excellent opportunity to display your services and/or products. The public recognition of corporate sponsorship and the prominent display of your company's logo during the event will enable your organization to brand and position itself within the business community gaining profitable market share. These opportunities allow you to create new business opportunities and reach stakeholders, providers, partners, and your target market


- Display of sponsor's company name and logo;
- Verbal recognition of sponsor during the Conference;
- Sponsor's name/logo included in AmCham's own promotional material;
- Complimentary promotion in AmCham's Annual Report (at the event description, logo display etc.);
- Opportunity to provide event gift bags or other giveaways;
- Prominent display of company banners at the Conference;
- 5 tickets
Become A Sponsor

Please contact Elena Buzu, Conference Coordinator, at or 22 211 - 781.



  • Access to all conference sessions
  • Coffee Break
  • Networking Lunch
  • One Workshop
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How it was in 2017