
Herbalife Nutrition : Customer Service Clerk

Customer Service Clerk – 2 years temporary position Main reponsabilities: - Order processing, including issuing receipts and invoices - Completing and maintain daily cash report - Receiving and verifying documents related to the activity of company’s partners - Maintai...


Business Class: AmCham News

AmCham informs business community on the latest changes in legislation, in particular, what to expect from the upcoming Customs Code, and what manufacturers and entrepreneurs should be aware of in regards to the adopted law on payment for environmental pollution. Read the article in Russian...


Mixbook : Marketing and PR Manager

What we offer: -Full-time position with normal (or flexible) working hours -A key role in a vibrant and fun team in Chisinau -Opportunity to learn more about the fast-rising IT industry in Moldova and the region -Interesting work with room for growth and a competitive salary We are looking fo...


Rogob: Brand Manager

Responsabilități: • Asigură implementarea planului de marketing stabilit la nivelul companiei; • Stabilește împreună cu Directorul de Marketing politica de marketing pentru brandurile pentru care este responsabil; • Construiește, planifică și monitorizează bugetele pentru b...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Updates

Environmental legislation continues to be a hot topic within the Committee. On February 28, the Government approved the Regulation on waste electrical and electronic equipment. The Regulation imposes the (financial) responsibility for the disposal of electrical and electronic equipment waste on the ...


AmCham co-leads Delegation to the “World Ag Expo”, USA

In the second half of February, Adrian Gheorghita participated in the official delegation “Agribusiness & Irrigation Delegation from Romania & Moldova to California, Feb. 10-19, 2018”, organized by the US Embassy in Bucharest and US Commercial Services in Romania. The aim of the...


Experience the United States as a YTILI Fellow!

2018 Applications Open: January 29 – March 2 Start Your Application Launched in 2016, the Young Transatlantic Innovative Leaders Initiative Fellowship is the flagship program of the Young Transatlantic Innovation Leaders Initiative (YTILI) of the U.S. Department of State and is supported...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Infodebit among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Infodebit Credit Report on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Infodebit - offers the possibility of checking the quality of potential business partners, consumers, evaluating their credibility, developing and/o...


New Offer from Central Pub Bourbon under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers. AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Central Pub Bourbon. Central Pub Bourbon is a place to taste a variety of cuisines and enjoy pleasant company. Central Pub Bour...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Blockchain, Bitcoin, Ethereum and Smart Contracts – What It Is and how It Could Affect Us

Blockchain technology, along with the Internet, could be regarded as one of the most important inventions of the last century. Basically, blockchain could be able to solve one pressing need: ensuring financial interaction without middlemen, for example sending money via internet without trusting a c...


AmCham propune autorităților adoptarea unui Regulament privind promovarea etică a medicamentelor

La 19 februarie 2018, AmCham a expediat către Prim-ministru și Ministerul Sănătății, Muncii și Protecției Sociale o scrisoare prin care a semnalat problema absenței unui cadru legislativ clar, previzibil în efecte și armonizat cu reglementările europene privind promovarea medicamentelor. Pr...


Propuneri privind modificarea cadrului normativ în domeniul achizițiilor publice de medicamente

La 19 februarie, AmCham a expediat propuneri repetate pentru modificarea clauzelor Contractului-model de achiziții publice de medicamente, alte produse de uz medical și dispozitive medicale, aprobat prin Hotărârea Guvernului nr. 1128/2016. În particular, s-a accentuat că ...


FinComBank: Bancomatele FinComBank eliberează Euro, Dolari SUA şi Lei moldoveneşti

Chișinău, 12 februarie 2018. Leul nu va fi singura monedă eliberată de bancomatele FinComBank. ATM-urile băncii vor elibera și valută străină: Euro și Dolari SUA. O serie de bancomate cu nouă funcție urmează a fi disponibilă pe întreg teritoriul Republicii Moldova. Primul ATM de acest tip a fo...


Healthcare Committee Session on Pharmacovigilance

On February 15, the AmCham Healthcare Committee gathered for a technical meeting on regulations concerning the pharmacovigilance of medicinal products and best practices on the management of systems which ensure that information concerning all suspected adverse reactions is collected and evaluated. ...


Meeting with the National Center for Personal Data Protection

On February 15, AmCham Moldova held a meeting at the National Centre for Personal Data Protection with Mr. Eduard Raducan (Director of the NCPD) and European expert Maris Ruters from Lithuania who is in charge of the EU Twinning project “Capacity Building for the National Centre for Personal D...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: The National Contest for Young Lawyers

For the third consecutive year, Law Firm “Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners” and ELSA Republic of Moldova are organizing the National Contest for Young Lawyers. The competition consists of 3 stages in which law students are tested on their knowledge in law. As well, the young begi...


CCI Moldova: Traininguri cu expert SES, Germania

E binecunoscut faptul, că investirea în capitalul uman are un efect simţit. Aceste efecte sunt confirmate şi prin referinţele angajaţilor şi conducătorilor companiilor care deja au participat la sesiunile Centrului de formare antreprenorială din cadrul Camerei de Comerț şi Industrie a Republic...