
MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank: Experţii europeni au numit cea mai bună bancă din Moldova

Revista britanică Global Banking&Finance Review a stabilit care este cea mai bună bancă din ţara noastră. În urma analizei indicatorilor de performanţă, specialiştii în domeniul financiar au constatat că Cea mai bună bancă comercială din Republica Moldova este Moldova Agroindbank, p...


Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Law Firm: British publication LEGAL 500 commends Turcan Cazac as the “gold standard for Moldova”

The researchers of the British editorial Legal 500 continue to recognize Turcan Cazac as a leading law firm for business in Moldova and position the practice in the highest tier. The firm has earned this recognition from the publication for the past six years. The researchers emphasize that: 'Hel...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Specialist în Construcţii Civile

Cerinte: - studii superioare in domeniul constructiilor, materialelor de constructii; - experienta in iginerie industriala si civila de constructii minimum 5 ani - buna intelegere a industriei de constructii; - cunoasterea pietii materialelor de constructii; - cunoasterea limbilor locale din ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 8/2014: Amended conditions for granting and calculating social security benefits

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Amended conditions for granting and calculating social security benefits Modificarea condiţiilor de acordare şi calcul al prestaţiilor de asigur...


GIZ Moldova: Exchange Program in Germany on professional development in management techniques and marketing

Description (German) Application (German) For mor information please contact Andrei Zapanovici, Administrative/Legal Specialist, Modernization of Local Public Services in the Republic of Moldova Project, GIZ Moldova, andrei.zapanovici@giz.de....


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Inginer – Automatizari Procese Tehnologice

Cerinte: Studii universitare in domeniul IT/automatizare procese tehnologice industriale. Cunoastere a limbilor romana, engleza si rusa. Cunoastere PCS7, WinCC, Step7. Cunostinte despre retele industriale IT. Flexibilitate si deschidere pentru inovatie (open-mind / think-o...


Bemol Retail: Sales Manager

Job summary: Develops and implements the sales strategy in compliance with corporate policy. Builds up and maintains business plan within in volumes, turnovers and budgets. Establishes and develops effective sales approach. Represents the company and maintain regular contact with key clients. R...


Bemol Retail: Marketing Manager

Job summary: Develops and implements the marketing plans in compliance with corporate policy. Identifies major competitors, potential customers, trends and developmental opportunities. Directs and implements market research programs. Requirements: Master degree in areas such as economics, comme...


Bemol Retail: HR Manager

Job summary: Directs the company’s personnel management program. Conducts interviews with candidates for the open positions. Organizes personnel assessment. Develops and organizes personnel training and development programs. Implements and ensures compensations and benefits policy. Keeps perso...


Bemol Retail: Senior Legal Advisor

Job summary: Performs consultation and advisory work in carrying out legal processes to protect the rights, privileges and obligations of the company. Advises the company concerning transactions of business, stockholders, directors, and corporate relations with the general public. Represents the c...


Mary Kay Moldova: Marketing Communications Specialist

Специалист по маркетингу в Отдел Маркетинга и Продаж, направление Коммуникации Обязанности: • Написание маркетинговых статей, рекламных слоганов и промо-текстов с целью продвижения стратегии и продукции Компании • Переводы с английского на русский или с английского на румынский (в идеал...


Mary Kay Moldova: Key Customer Support Specialist

Специалист по работе с ключевыми клиентами в Отдел Маркетинга и Продаж Обязанности: • Систематическая проактивная работа с ключевыми клиентами с целью поддержки, информирования, мотивации и развития. • Участие в разработке проектов для стимулирования роста продаж • Систематическо...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: PwC completes its acquisition of Booz & Company

Chisinau, 3 April 2014 – PwC announces today the successful completion of its combination with Booz & Company. With the granting of all regulatory approvals for Booz & Company to join PwC, it is now officially part of the PwC Network. All closing conditions for the deal have been met. ...


Red Union Fenosa & Moldcell: Employers for Non-Discrimination Forum 2014

On behalf of I.C.S. “RED UNION FENOSA” S.A. and “MOLDCELL” S.A. companies, we are delighted to invite you to participate in the 2014 EMPLOYERS FOR NON-DISCRIMINATION FORUM, which will take place on 14th of April. The Forum is organized with financial support of the Soros Foun...


JT International Trading: JTI a primit certificarea Top Employers în Moldova și la nivel european

JTI a primit certificarea Institutului Top Employers în Moldova și Europa, în 2014. Această importantă recunoaștere demonstrează orientarea JTI către dezvoltarea oamenilor, precum și condițiile excelente asigurate de companie angajaților. Top Employers Institute atestă standardele ridic...


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank extinde posibilităţile transferurilor de bani

Moldova Agroindbank extinde posibilităţile transferurilor internaţionale de bani pentru a asigura un nivel şi mai mare al confortului pentru clienţi. De această dată banca introduce o nouă valută pentru transferurile de bani prin intermediul sistemului MoneyGram. Astfel, începînd cu 1 ...


Vetropack Chisinau: Glass Container Prim Forced to Seek Justice in International Courts

 Chisinau, March 31, 2014 – Glass Container Prim (GCPrim), a leading glass producer and exporter from Moldova, announces with regret that it would have to defend its cause and seek justice in international courts after being unable to find a solution to its conflict with the Customs autho...