
AmCham Moldova salută adoptarea reglementărilor ce țin de operațiunile de incinerare și coincinerare a deșeurilor

Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova salută adoptarea de către Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a inițiativei legislative a Guvernului ce vizează modificarea Legii 209 din 29 iulie 2016 privind deșeurile, în speță crearea bazei normative pentru reglementarea operațiunilor de incinerare şi coin...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

On August 14, AmCham Moldova participated at the meeting organized by the Prime Minister Economic Council on implementation of Regulation on the border-crossing mode of goods that are subject to control by the National Agency for Food Safety (Government Decision 938/2018); representative of the bu...


Policy Win – The Parliament Adopted the Changes to Law on Waste

Yesterday, despite the summer holidays, the Parliament gathered for an extraordinary session to discuss and approve a set of laws, including a draft law that changes provisions related to incineration and co-incineration of waste. The changes were adopted during the session, meaning that factorie...


Meeting with AGEPI

On August 13, a new round of discussions on copyright and related rights law took place at AGEPI. AmCham Moldova and stakeholders met Andrei Popa, Interim General Director, to provide a clear vision and opinion of the business community on the amount of compensatory remuneration collected from entr...


Financial Services Committee Met with CNPF

On Thursday, AmCham non-banking credit organizations met with the National Commission for Financial Markets leadership to discuss the industry evolution, current regulatory dysfunctionalities, as well as, how the sector can contribute to achieving a level playing field, by combating the unethical le...


Government Action Plan for 2019-2020

Last week, AmCham actively participated in a series of discussions on Government Action Plan for 2019-2020. In this regard, AmCham officially submitted its proposals to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment, as wel...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

  AmCham Moldova expressed its concern regarding the changes made to Law no. 116 of May 18, 2012, on the industrial security of dangerous industrial objects, both in terms of regulatory deficiencies, as well as the lack of transparency in the decision-making process. Under the revised law, ...


AmCham Moldova Met with Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance

On August 6, AmCham Moldova met with Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance, Igor Munteanu. AmCham had the opportunity to present several recommendations from the „Cooperation for a Competitive Business Environment” package, as well as highlighted a se...


Advocacy Alert: Meeting on Law on the Industrial Safety of Dangerous Industrial Objects

Economic Council to the Prime Minister will meet to discuss the recent amendments to the Law on the industrial safety of dangerous industrial objects law no. 116/2012, specifically the price of insurance policies of civil liability of the owner of the dangerous object for damage incurred as a result...


AmCham raportează deficiențe la efectuarea inspecțiilor bazate pe riscuri a produselor alimentare la posturile de inspecție la frontieră de către ANSA

AmCham comunică despre lipsa abordării privind analiza riscurilor în cadrul controlului sanitar-veterinar, controlului pentru siguranța alimentelor și controlului produselor de uz fitosanitar și fertilizanți efectuat la frontieră de către Agenția Națională pentru Siguranța Alimentelor. Contra...


Asigurarea tratamentului egal al deșeurilor provenite din prelucrarea mărfurilor din ZEL și a celor din regimul de prefecționare activă

AmCham sugerează modificarea Legii deșeurilor în vederea asigurării echivalării regimului juridic al deșeurilor provenite din prelucrarea mărfurilor aflate în regimul vamal de perfecționare activă cu cele a deșeurilor provenite din zonele economice libere. Lacunele actuale generează sit...


AmCham Moldova Endorses the Belgrade Outcome Statement on Implementing the United Nations Convention Against Corruption

The importance of prevention and fighting against corruption plays a major role in ensuring a level playing field for all, thus develop in a sustainable way the national economy. As an organization dedicated to promoting ethics and compliance principles within the business sector, AmCham Moldova ...


Meeting on Waste Incineration & Co-incineration

On July 29, AmCham and other business associations met on the parliamentary platform on regulating incineration & co-incineration as processes of waste management. The deputies, supported by the Government and the Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment decided to ...


Working Session on the Initiative to Modify the Classifier of Occupations

AmCham Moldova, at the invitation of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, participated in the first working session organized due to the initiative to modify the Classifier of Occupations of the Republic of Moldova. The initiative is organized with the support of the German Agency f...


AmCham is Concerned with the Lack of Transparency of the Legislative Process

In a joint letter, AmCham Moldova and EBA Moldova request transparency and open dialogue with all the affected stakeholders; this comes as a reaction to the initiative of a group of members of the Parliament to change the legal regime for heat-not-burn tobacco products (IQOS and Glo) and apply to th...


AmCham Moldova Released the Recommendation Package on Cooperation for a Competitive Business Environment

AmCham Moldova has just delivered the latest recommendation package to the Government. The new 8 chapters package sets the top priority recommendation, while representing our commitment to take the economy to the next level. We would like to continue our structured dialogue with members, a...


AmCham salută investirea noului cabinet de miniștri și desemnarea Prim-ministrului

În adresarea oficială către doamna Prim-ministru, Maia Sandu, AmCham Moldova vine să confirme deschiderea și disponibilitatea de a coopera cu membrii Guvernului, pentru a contribui și în continuare la îmbunătățirea climatului de afaceri din Moldova, a impulsiona investițiile străin...