
Recomandările AmCham la proiectul de lege privind procedura de constatare a încălcărilor în domeniul prevenirii spălării banilor și finanțării terorismului și modul de aplicare a sancțiunilor

Proiectul de lege elaborat vine să transpună dispozițiile Directivei UE privind prevenirea utilizării sistemului financiar în scopul spălării banilor sau finanțării terorismului. Adițional, acesta este conceput pentru a implementa prevederile Legii privind prevenirea și combaterea spălării ban...


Avizul AmCham la proiectul de modificare a Regulamentului privind evidența și calcularea amortizării în scopuri fiscale și a Catalogului mijloacelor fixe și imobilizărilor necorporale

După o serie de întâlniri cu reprezentanții Ministerului Finanțelor, AmCham a prezentat recomandări care vizează modificarea Regulamentului privind calculul amortizării în scopuri fiscale, precum și Catalogul activelor fixe și necorporale. Simplificarea metodologiei de contabilitat...


A Technical Meeting on Tax and Custom Policy 2020

On November 21, AmCham attended a technical meeting chaired by Dorel Noroc, State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; The discussions brought together representatives from AmCham, the Ministry of Finance, State Tax Inspectorate, private sector, and BSOs. Participants generated a series of question...


The First Meeting of the Working Group of the State Commission for Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

AmCham Moldova participated at the meeting of the State Commission for Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity. The Commission relaunched its activity as the new members have been selected. AmCham is leading industrial manufacturing and the energy sector. Moreover, the State Commission for Regulatio...


Important to Know - Fiscal & Customs Policy 2020 Presented to the Business Community

At the end of last week, the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Moldova presented to the business community the elements of fiscal and customs policy for the following 2 periods. The policy contained series of proposed changes to be implemented from January 2020; and further section that is p...


Meeting with World Bank Experts

On October 30, AmCham met with the World Bank experts to discuss the progression of reforming the Pledge Registry. Topics discussed included: The development of reforms, the prospect of a software upgrade for the Pledge Registry, and the development of interconnectivity between the Pledge Registr...


Financial Services Committee Meeting with the Ministry of Justice

One of the current week’s highlights was the meeting with the Ministry of Justice. The meeting was focused on the technical dysfunctionalities of the Registry of Pledges. The Ministry of Justice representatives welcomed AmCham’s considerations on the necessity to upgrade the Registry ...


Advocacy Alert: Draft Laws Proposed for Public Consultation

On October 9, the Ministry of Finance proposed for public consultations the draft on Regulation on registration and calculation of the use of fixed assets for fiscal purposes (GD 289/2007) and for the Catalog of fixed assets (GD 338/2003). Please submit any comments and suggestions to Andrei...


AmCham Participated at the Meeting on Fixed Assets Regulation

On October 17, the Ministry of Finance organized a technical meeting aimed at amending the Regulation on the calculation of fixed assets for tax purposes (GD 289/2007). The meeting was chaired by Dorel Noroc, Head of the Tax and Customs Policy Department, and brought together representatives from di...


Financial Services Committee Meeting, October 23

On October 23, 09:30 - 11:00, at the Ministry of Justice building, the Financial Services Committee will meet with the Ministry of Justice representatives to discuss the technical and regulatory deficiencies of the Registry of Pledges. If you are interested in this meeting, please contact Adrian ...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

This week, at one of the Council's meetings has been presented and debated a draft regulation of the temporary agency work (so-called personnel leasing), a joint initiative of AmCham and CNPM. The initiative of regulating in national labor legislation the outsourcing and personnel leasing was...


State Tax Service Presented the Concept Electronic Register of Employees to the Business Community

On October 9, AmCham Moldova attended the meeting organized by the State Tax Service regarding the Electronic Register of Employees. The officials of the State Tax Service presented to the participants the concept of the Electronic Register of Employees, the data that will be contained in the Reg...


Subject of the Consultative Process - Draft Law on Organic Agriculture

In an effort to streamline the consultative process on the draft law on organic agriculture, AmCham Moldova was opted to facilitate the debates between various public authorities, donor-supported projects on organic agriculture, businesses and NGOs. Within the first session, the working group manage...


AmCham Met with National Health Insurance Company

On October 7, AmCham Moldova met with Andrei Matei, General Director of the National Health Insurance Company. During the meeting, the business community presented to the new director the main areas of activity of the Healthcare Committee and discussed critical issues facing the pharmaceutical in...


AmCham Elected as the Member of the Working Group on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

On October 1, AmCham was elected as the member responsible for the industrial production within the State Commission Working Group on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity, from the business community side. The working group`s activity is based on impartiality and compliance, with the main focus o...


AmCham își exprimă îngrijorarea în legătură cu inițiativa legislativă de modificare a Legii cu privire la medicamente

Comitetul Healthcare din cadrul AmCham a comentat negativ proiectul de lege înaintat cu titlu de inițiativă legislativă de un grup de deputați din Parlament prin care se propune ca informația de pe ambalaj și din instrucțiunile de utilizare a medicamentelor să fie expusă în limba de stat...


Recomandările AmCham la Legea privind OCN

În această săptămână, AmCham a prezentat avizul asupra proiectului de modificare a Legii 1/2018 privind organizațiile de creditare nebancare și altor acte normative.   Scrisoarea de poziție fiind un document destul de complex, care abordează 12 probleme, principalele vizând ...


Policy Win – Capped Amount of Compensatory Remuneration Excluded

AmCham is sharing the result of business community efforts, the article that stipulated the amount of compensatory remuneration collected from entrepreneurs, capped at 15% of the revenue generated by the business that implies the intellectual product when the employee is a co-author was excluded. ...