
MAIB-Leasing: Office Manager

Misiune post: Organizarea și coordonarea eficientă a activităților administrative ale Societății Responsabilități specifice: - Înregistrarea corespondenţei de intrare-ieşire, efectuarea sistematizării acesteia în conformitate cu regulile în vigoare ale Societăţii - Recepţio...


MAIB-Leasing: Contabil Șef

Misiune post: Asigurarea evidenței contabile și fiscale a companiei pe toate sectoarele de activitate Responsabilități: • Planificarea, conducerea și coordonarea activității serviciului contabil • Coordonarea efectuării înregistrărilor contabile în conformitate cu regle...


AmCham Moldova and the Business Class Magazine Announce Their New Partnership

As part of the partnership, AmCham will have a dedicated page with insights from the latest laws and regulations that have a major impact on business community. Find out more about AmCham input on waste management, labor code and wastewater costs. Business Class is a publication that provides in...


Upcoming Meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

On September, 12, AmCham Healthcare Committee will meet with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency to discuss the newly approved regulation on pharmacovigilance activity, impacting holders of marketing authorizations for drugs, as well as patients, and healthcare professionals. ...


Efrim, Roșca & Associates BAA : ERA: Program pro bono de asistență și consultanță juridică pentru tinerii antreprenori din domeniul IT

Ce și de ce? Biroul asociat de avocați „EFRIM, ROȘCA și Asociații” (ERA) anunță demararea Programului de consultanță și asistență juridică pro bono, pentru tineri care lansează afaceri în sectorul IT – "Legal Tech Start-Up".  ERA lansează "...


Call for "Young Professionals Program" Applications, 6th generation

AmCham Young Professionals Program is on its 6th edition and we are pleased to formally announce the application process in recruiting young specialists for Young Professionals Program is open. The AmCham Young Professionals Program is an excellent opportunity to meet new people and establish busine...


AmCham Moldova Celebrates 11 Years of Activity!

On September 4, AmCham celebrated its anniversary. 11 years, through these years AmCham has built up and maintained a constructive dialogue in a spirit of cooperation with the authorities of the country, international institutions, donors and civil society, to ensure a transparent and fair legal fra...


Baker Tilly: Audit Assistant

Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners (Baker Tilly) is a leading firm of Auditors, Accountants and Business Advisors operating in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, these are independent member firms of Baker Tilly International. Baker Tilly International is the 8th largest accounting network...


NM: Три года музыка играла. От продавцов компьютеров и мобильных телефонов потребовали авторское вознаграждение

Неправительственная организация Copyright потребовала через суд, выплатили авторское вознаграждение за прослушивание музыки на мобильных телефонах, проданных за последнпие три года. Речь идет о 3% от суммы продаж, а также моральном ущербе в размере €1 млн. Организация также намерена взыскать ав...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.5 - Amendments to the Labour Code

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved amendments and supplements to the Labour Code, in accordance with the provisions of Directives 97/81/EC, 2001/23/EC, 2002/14/EC and 92/85/EEC. In detail Regulation of part-time work The new supplements regulate part-tim...


Medpark: A 2-a opinie medicală - șansa pentru inima ta! Hakan Eraslan, expert în cardiologie intervențională

Afecţiunile cardiovasculare reprezintă cauza principală a mortalităţii la nivel mondial şi de aceea necesită o abordare complexă. Un diagnostic corect, stabilit la timp și cu înaltă precizie este primul pas spre un tratament potrivit. Nu întotdeauna, însă, pacienţii cu boli cardia...


DAS Solutions: Junior Sales Manager

During the last three years, DAS Solutions has witnessed significant growth, more than tripling our sales and number of clients. Our current team is composed of friendly, dedicated, and experienced business development professionals who understand how important their role is for the future of our co...


DAS Solutions: Experienced Sales Manager

During the three years, DAS Solutions has witnessed significant growth, more than tripling our sales and number of clients. Our current team is composed of friendly, dedicated, and experienced business development professionals who understand how important their role is for the future of our company...


Baker Tilly: Administrative Assistant

Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners (Baker Tilly) is a leading firm of Auditors, Accountants and Business Advisors operating in Cyprus, Greece, Romania, Bulgaria and Moldova, these are independent member firms of Baker Tilly International. Baker Tilly International is the 9th largest accounting network...


AmCham Is Actively Involved in Commenting and Consulting the Upcoming Environmental Legislation

After significantly contributing to the improvement of the draft regulations on waste management of packages and electronic equipment, AmCham shares its expertise within an informative seminar organized by the Ministry of Environment on extended producer responsibility on packaging waste and electro...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 4 - Amendments to the Labour Code

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved amendments and supplements to the Labour Code, covering rules on temporary labour interruption, technical unemployment (labour interruption due to technical reasons), guarantees and compensation granted to employees wh...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome New Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Di&Trade Engineering and Mixbook on board and looks forward to working on adding value to these businesses!   Since 1995, Di&Trade Engineering company has been operating in the Moldovan market. Today, it provides a full ra...