
KNAUF has joined AmCham Moldova as a 2024 General Sponsor

We are thrilled to announce that KNAUF has joined AmCham as a 2024 General Sponsor! Their commitment to supporting our mission and dedication to fostering growth within our community is truly admirable. With their invaluable support, we are poised to achieve even greater heights. ...


AmCham Participated in a Working Group Meeting on the Capital Markets

Facilitating Local Entrepreneurs' Access to External Capital Markets - A Priority for AmCham Moldova The AmCham Moldova community actively participated in a working group meeting on the capital market, hosted by the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization. The meeting brought toge...


AmCham Moldova a elaborat un set de propuneri privind politica fiscală și vamală pentru 2025

La solicitarea Ministerului Finanțelor, AmCham Moldova a elaborat un set de propuneri privind politica fiscală și vamală pentru 2025, precum și de ajustare a legislației fiscale și vamale existente, dar și a cadrului normativ adiacent acesteia. Documentul poate fi consultat AICI. În docu...


AmCham Has a New Member: Crowe Audit FPA

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Crowe Audit FPA. Crowe Audit FPA is part of Crowe Global, an Independent auditing and advisory firm registered within the Supervisory Board of Moldova. The company offers a spectrum of services including audit, IT, advisory, outsourcing, tax, and legal exper...


AmCham Moldova a transmis un set de propuneri de ajustare a legislației fiscale și vamale, precum și a legislației adiacente acestora

La solicitarea Ministerului Finanțelor prin care a fost inițiat procesul de elaborare a politicii fiscale și vamale pentru 2025, AmCham Moldova a elaborat un set de propuneri de ajustare a legislației fiscale și vamale, precum și a legislației adiacente acestora. Pe lângă propunerile la Cod...


#AmChamExplains: The Law on the mechanism for examining investments of importance for state security

Take advantage of the latest episode of the #AmChamExplains series with Roman Ivanov, Partner at Vernon I David Law Firm, in which we will explore the topic regarding the mechanism for examining investments of importance for state security. Video made with the strategic support of the Center fo...


AmCham Has a New Member: Brisk

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Brisk.  Brisk Group is one of the top Romanian construction consulting firms, with offices in London, Bucharest, and Chisinau. It specializes in project, cost, and construction management services across different industries. ...


Jurnal TV: Tindem spre un viitor verde

Tranziția către o economie verde și circulară în Republica Moldova a constituit subiectul cheie al conferinței „Green Future Conference”, organizată de AmCham Moldova. Participanții au subliniat necesitatea alinierii la standardele Uniunii Europene pentru a asigura accesul și compe...


AmCham Discussed Benefits of MIA Instant Payment System for Financial Inclusion and E-Commerce

Amcham Moldova participated in the discussions about the advantages offered by the MIA Instant Payment system, launched by the National Bank of Moldova. The new system contributes to reducing the time and costs associated with financial transactions, increasing financial inclusion and consumer confi...


#AmChamExplains: Modificări operate la Legea cu privire la gazele naturale, cu Vasile STEPANUC, AmCham Policy Manager (VIDEO)

#AmChamExplains revine cu un nou episod. Seria videourilor #AmChamExplains continuă cu Vasile Stepanuc, AmCham Policy Manager, care ne vorbește despre modificările operate la Legea cu privire la gazele naturale. Fii la curent cu ultimele noutăți și nu rata această oportunitate de a înv...


Logos Press: Недочеты новых лимитов на наличные расчеты

В пятницу, 1 марта т.г., опубликован закон №34 «Об осуществлении наличных денежных расчетов». Он существенно ограничит движение наличности в экономике. Закон прописывает правила ее использования в экономическом обороте и ориентацию на безналичные расчеты.   Read More ...


AmCham Discussed Consumer Protection in Financial Services with the National Commission for Financial Markets

The protection of consumers of financial services from the perspective of the banking sector was discussed by the representatives Some commercial members of AmCham Moldova with the specialists of the National Commission for Financial Markets. Representatives from AmCham Moldova's commercial m...


AmCham Elected Committees Chairs

On behalf of AmCham Moldova, we`d like to welcome and congratulate the newly elected Committees Chairs: Tax Committee: • Iuri Cicibaba,Taxaco • Lilia Colin, Deloitte Legal Committee: • Ilona Panurco, PwC Moldova Human Resources Committee: • Sve...


AmCham Has a New Member: KVG

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: KVG. KVG is a proven mission support provider internationally recognized for innovative, creative, and cost-efficient support solutions. With more than 10 years of experience in providing mission support and logistics at locations worldwide. ...


AmCham Moldova a înaintat propuneri ce vizează tarifele fixe și prețurile plafon pentru producerea energiei electrice din surse regenerabile de energie

În contextul consultărilor publice organizate asupra proiectul Hotărârii Consiliului de Administrație al Agenției Naționale pentru Reglementare în Energetică privind aprobarea tarifelor fixe și a prețurilor plafon pentru producerea energiei electrice din surse regenerabile de energ...


AmCham Has a New Member: VST SRL

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: VST SRL VST SRL specializes in construction-related work and real estate development. The company is engaged in a diverse array of construction activities, encompassing residential, commercial, and industrial projects. ...


Business Pages: Кто пострадает от ограничения на расчёты наличными деньгами

Большинство компаний, в том числе банки, поддерживают намерение властей ограничить оборот “налички”, чтобы бороться с отмыванием денег, теневой экономикой и уклонением от уплаты налогов. В то же время предприниматели настаивают на том, чтобы изменения внедрялись продуманно и постепенно, ...


AmCham Has a New Member: FlagMAN-D

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: FlagMAN-D FlagMAN-D provides professional services in audit, tax assistance, and financial consulting, offering comprehensive financial advisory services to businesses and individuals, assisting them in navigating complex financial matters, ensuring comp...

Visit Europe 05
Visit Europe 08
Ethical Drug Promotion Study
Recommendations of the Business Community on Elimination of ...
Visit Europe 10
November - December 2009
June - August 2009
April - May 2009
February - March 2009
Roadmap for the Development of Moldova`s Business and Economic ...
October - November 2008
August - September 2008
June - July 2008
April - May 2008
Visit Europe 08