
Round table on Import Control Systems of Goods with ANSA

January 19, AmCham and the member companies participated at the Round table on Import Control Systems of goods of animal and vegetable origin, hosted by Agenția Națională pentru Siguranța Alimentelor. The member companies had the opportunity to find out about the planned optimizations of the impo...


MAIB-Leasing: Reprezentant Comercial

Misiune post: Asigurarea serviciilor logistice și funcționarea infrastructurii transportului și altor bunuri în cadrul Societății Sarcini și responsabilități:  • Administrarea parcului auto de autovehicule recuperate și returnate din leasing financiar • Înregistrarea au...


MAIB-Leasing: Manager Administrare Risc

Misiune post: Analiza și gestiunea riscului de credit. Asigurarea aplicării procedurilor și politicilor în vigoare. Responsabilitați specifice: - Evaluează, controlează și raportează riscurile de credit și de contrapartidă - Analizează şi evaluează din punct de vedere al riscului tranza...


Lipsa de transparență și de consultări cu mediul de afaceri pe marginea excluderii plafonului contribuției individuale de asigurări sociale

Recent, Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a aprobat ”Legea BASS 2017” (Legea bugetului asigurărilor sociale de stat pentru anul 2017) precum și anumite modificări la Legea privind sistemul public de asigurări sociale (nr. 489-XIV din 8 iulie 1999), Legea privind îndemnizațiile pentru ...


New Offer from Bristol Hotel and Lud`s Pub under AmCham Member Discount Program

The Member Discount Program allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offers from Bristol Hotel and Lud`s Pub. Bristol Hotel opens the doors of a modern European hotel, turning a new page of histo...


Updates from the Working Group on Labor Legislation Reform

This week, AmCham participated in a new meeting of the Working Group on labor legislation reform, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Economy, business associations, labor unions and other relevant stakeholders. The parties have discussed draft provisions regarding th...


Round Table Discussion on Latest Updates of Pension Law

This week, AmCham jointly with National Confederation of Employers of RM organized a round table discussion primarily focused on the matters related to the changes in pension law. The authorities, National Social Insurance House (CNAS) and Ministry of Labor, Social Protection and Family (MMPSF) shar...


Financial Services Committee Updates

The end of 2016 brought a lot of issues to the attention of the Financial Services Committee. The members had the opportunity to comment a series of bills as: (1) The new Law on prevention and combating money laundering and terrorism financing. Although most of AmCham comments had been taken int...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.2/ 2017: Approval of Tax and Customs Legislation Amendments

In brief The law significantly amending the Republic of Moldova’s fiscal and customs legislation has been published. Taxes and duties Income Tax Taxation of independent activities and professional activities in the justice sector. The tax regime applicable to&nb...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.1/ 2017: Approval of the Laws on Compulsory Health Insurance Funds and State Social Security for 2017

In brief The Parliament of the Republic of Moldova recently approved the Law on compulsory health insurance funds for 2017 (“Law on CHIF 2017”) and the Law on the state social security budget for 2017 (“Law on SSSB 2017”). Law no. 489-XIV, dated 8 July 1999, on p...


AmCham Releases the 6th Edition of Informative Bulletin for Mass Media

AmCham released its 6th Edition of the Informative Bulletin for Mass Media. Through this bulletin, AmCham Moldova highlight its efforts in order to give mass media a better understanding of AmCham's current activities. The bulletin includes the latest news in Business Activity Regulation, Financials...


AmCham s-a expus referitor la Regulamentul cu privire la promovarea etică a medicamentelor

AmCham susține inițiativa de a reglementa domeniul promovării medicamentelor în scopul prevenirii și sancționării metodelor neetice aplicate de către companiile farmaceutice pentru a spori vânzările de produse. Aportul AmCham privind recomandările la proiectul dat vizează: reglementarea...


Updates from the Working Group on Labor Legislation Reform

Last week, AmCham participated in a new meeting of the Working Group on labor legislation reform, comprising representatives from the Ministry of Labor, Ministry of Economy, business associations, labor unions and other relevant stakeholders. The parties have discussed provisions regarding the ro...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

At the request of the Prime Minister, it has been decided to review Moldova's position on each Doing Business indicator within the platform of Economic Council. Discussions will be held with the participation of regulatory authorities responsible for the relevant areas, respondents Doing Business, a...


AmCham se expune cu referire la raportarea organizațiilor de microfinanțare

AmCham în continuare depune efort în crearea unui mediu investițional atractiv și sigur. Încă un pas în această direcție se materializează în scrisoarea adresată la 22 decembrie către CNPF (Comisia Națională a Pieței Financiare). CNPF a elaborat actul care va regleme...


Christmas Collection Campaign 2016

On December 21, AmCham Moldova, in cooperation with DHL Moldova paid a visit to the elderly at “Care Center for the Elderly” in Straseni, where almost 360 retired and disabled persons are beneficiaries. We at AmCham value all ages in our communities from the very young to the very old. T...


Debates over the Electronic Customs Declaration

On December 16, AmCham and other business associations had a consultative meeting over the new project, which aims at changing the actual procedure of electronic declaration of goods. Read more ...


FinComBank: Director Filială Chișinău

„FinComBank” SA anunţă concurs pentru suplinirea funcției vacante de Director Filială Chișinău Obligaţiuni de funcţie: - Conducerea operativă a activităţii filialei; - Organizarea deservirii calitative a clienţilor; - Organizarea şi controlul procesului vînzărilor...