
Moore Assurance & Advisory Chisinau: Senior Auditor (Chisinau)

YOUR ROLE Supervise the audit field work of associates and review their work products to ensure the audit is thorough and properly documented. Seniors are also responsible for identifying and documenting audit risks, creating and managing client relationships, administering budget issues and ensu...


Moore Assurance & Advisory Chisinau: Audit Associate (Chisinau)

We are looking for enthusiastic team members, who are proactive, passionate, self-driven and who are willing to learn and build a promising career in a dynamic and friendly environment. YOUR KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: -Candidates will provide support to audit assignments in various industries, assi...


Moore Assurance & Advisory Chisinau: Accounting Intern (Chisinau)

We are looking for enthusiastic team members, who are proactive, passionate, self-driven and who are willing to learn and build a promising career in a dynamic and friendly environment. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: -Responsible for the review/ preparation of all primary accounting documents according...


Moore Assurance & Advisory Chisinau: Associate Accountant (Chisinau)

We are looking for enthusiastic team members, who are proactive, passionate, self-driven and who are willing to learn and build a promising career in a dynamic and friendly environment. KEY RESPONSIBILITIES: -Responsible for the review/ preparation of all primary accounting documents according...


Compulsory Clauses in the Electricity Purchase Contract

In the context of the debate on the draft terms of the contract regarding the purchase of electricity produced from renewable sources, we would like to inform you that representatives of AmCham Moldova will have a meeting with representatives of the National Agency for Energy Regulation on July 5, a...


Gladei & Partners: Asociat Junior

De ce tu? -ești pasionat de dreptul civil și comercial, mergi mai departe de linia orizontului; -ești bun la analize și argumentări juridice, inclusiv într-o engleză profesională; -știi a căuta și crea soluții practice; -ai spiritul de echipă și înțelegi de ce lucrul în echipă ...


Legea cu privire la energetică

Odată cu adoptarea legii cu privire la energetică, plățile regulatorii pentru sectorul produselor petroliere se calculează 0,2% din venitul de vînzări al titularului de licenţă și nu din valoarea în vamă a mărfii (produse petroliere și gaz lichifiat) importate, așa cum era prevăzut anter...


Metodologii privind stabilirea remunerației

AmCham Moldova a prezentat recomandările sale Agenției de Stat pentru Proprietatea Intelectuală (AGEPI) în vederea elaborării proiectelor de metodologii privind stabilirea remunerației cuvenite titularilor dreptului de autor și titularilor drepturilor conexe. Pentru a accesa textul integral...


Advocacy Alert: Bill on Personal Data Protection Open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing to submit recommendations on draft law on Personal Data Protection to the National Center for Personal Data Protection.  Please submit any comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by July 18, 17:00. Find out more here ...


Regulamentul privind confirmarea statutului de producator eligibil

În contextul aprobării actelor secundare privind promovarea energiei din surse regenerabile, AmCham Moldova a prezentat comentariile și propunerile sale în vederea îmbunătățirii proiectului Regulamentului privind confirmarea statutului de producator eligibil. În speță, ne ref...


Logos Press: Customs Valuation of Goods

In the latest article, Adrian Gheorghita tells more about the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding some provisions from the GD on customs valuation of goods, and further actions of the Customs Service in this regard.  Read the interview (in Russian)...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Update, Part II

The New Customs Code is under revision within the Ministry of Finance. According to the EU - Moldova Association Agreement, Moldova committed at adopting a new Customs Code by the end of 2018. Following the decision of the Constitutional Court regarding some provisions from the GD on customs valu...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

AmCham is actively involved in improving the legislation on procedures applicable for granting entry and residence rights to foreign investors. This week, a draft law was presented at the Prime-minister's Economic Council, aimed at optimizing the above-named procedures. AmCham Moldova members are in...


AmCham a transmis o serie de avize

- Printre prioritățile săptămânii curente a fost și prezentarea către Banca Națională a Moldovei a comentariilor cu privire la proiectul de Regulamentu privind activitatea prestatorilor de servicii de plată nebancari în domeniul prevenirii și combaterii spălării banilor și finanțări...


Executive Administrative Assistant

Principal Accountabilities: -Maintain office services by organizing office operations and procedures. -Organizing the office layout and ordering stationary and equipment. -Performing errands, dealing with bills and airport pick-ups. -Provide support to visitors. -Maintain the office condition a...


Healthcare Committee Update

On June 8, the Government approved amendments to the governmental regulation on medical public procurement, ensuring a balanced reduction of delay penalties imposed on suppliers of drugs and medical devices. Under the modified regulation, for the first 30 days of delay, the daily penalty has been re...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Update

Stay tuned with the Trade & Manufacturing Committee to keep informed on legislative amendments as well as on the issues your peers are facing. AmCham’s comments on the bill on the amendment of GD 647/2014 (simplified clearance procedures) have been fully accepted. The requirement to set...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova Launches PayWell Moldova 2018 Salary and Benefits Survey

PwC Moldova is pleased to invite you to participate in PayWell Moldova 2018 salary & benefits survey! At its 12th edition, PayWell survey: • analyses salary levels based on job, sector, geographic region and company size (depending on turnover and number of employees); • ana...