
NewsMaker: All About the Nut Trade

Find out more about AmCham's position regarding the latest news on the market for nuts and their export; as well as a detailed report by the editor on what business should expect from the current worldwide economic situation. Read more...


CACIC Holds Business Breakfast with the Financial Community

On the morning of December 13, the Chisinau International Court of Arbitration (CACIC) held a business breakfast with representatives of the financial community regarding options that can be used to optimize debt-recovery procedures. The event was organized in order to share the benefits of the li...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

The Economic Council to the Prime Minister organized a technical meeting to discuss certain peculiarities in the application of the Law on the prevention and combating of money laundering and terrorist financing; focusing on the impediments that companies with complex property structures face during...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners Launches New Labor Protection Specialist Outsourcing Service

As the Labor Law of the Republic of Moldova has a mandatory requirement for all employers to assure workplace safety and labor protection of employees by means of complex actions and documents without exception, we are launching a new service for our partners and all interested organizations. Th...


Takeda Pharmaceutical: Marketing specialist

Are you looking for a patient-focused, innovation-driven company that will inspire you and support your career? If so, be empowered to take charge of your future at Takeda. Join us as Marketing specialist in Chisinau, Moldova. Takeda is a global pharmaceutical leader with more than 31,000 pr...


Financial Services Committee Updates

- AmCham submitted a series of letters to the authorities regarding the activities of the non-bank credit organizations to be performed through secondary offices. The second letter asked for the clarifications on the tax regime of the provisions to be deducted by the non-bank credit organizations. ...


Sudzucker Moldova: Financial Reporting Specialist

Job objectives: To prepare monthly and annual financial reports to the Group in accordance with IFRS, as well as to prepare cash flow projections. Job location: Chisinau office, 19 Timis Street Responsibilities: - Financial reporting to the group - Cash flow forecasts - Analysis and measuremen...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Primo Contatto among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Primo Contatto Multilingual Contact Center on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Since 2008 the company has been working on the international market providing customer service, telemarketing, events, telesales, back-of...


Business Class: AmCham News, December

AmCham starts the week with a new edition of Business Class. In this edition, discover more about CACIC new Steering Committee and what exactly is AmCham and several facts about the chamber. Read more...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Amendments to Tax Legislation and Other Normative Acts

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert in English and Romanian language. Our Tax and Legal Alerts, Newsletters and the English version of our Investing Guide to Moldova are also available on our website: www.pwc.com/md. In brief Laws significantly amending tax legi...


PILnet`s Survey on Pro Bono in Eurasian Countries

This survey was prepared by PILnet, an international NGO that promotes pro bono as an instrument for social justice over the last two decades. PILnet has been active in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia since mid-2000s and has helped local partner organizations in selected Eurasian countries. No...


AmCham se propunță pentru stimularea plăților electronice

Pe parcursul săptămânii curente, AmCham a transmis o scrisoare de recomandare către autorități pentru a sublinia necesitatea elaborării unei strategii naționale privind reducerea numerarului în economie. Scrisoarea este un sintetizare al celor mai bune practici în acest domeniu, of...


A New Offer from Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners under the AmCham MDP

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners is one of the largest Law and Cons...


AmCham Met with the National Food Safety Agency to Discuss Food Sale in PECO Stations

On November 29, AmCham met with the National Food Safety Agency to discuss necessary amendments to the Governmental Regulation No. 606/2015, having the purpose of setting a clear, best practices compliant and predictable legal regime for the sale of unpackaged food products and functioning of cafes ...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: The Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners Joined JPA International

The Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners company has extended its area of activity and joined JPA International – the worldwide network of independent firms in audit, accounting, tax, and consultancy. The network was created in order to help professional accountants members to grow and dev...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Șef departament contabil

Obligațiuni: • Organizează, îndrumă, conduce, controlează și răspunde de desfășurarea în mod eficient a activității departamentului; • Răspunde de termenii stabiliți de client către departamentul contabil; • Organizeaza si coordoneaza volumul de lucrul în departam...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Jurist cu experință în domeniul dreptului corporativ

Responsabilități: • Oferă consultații scrise și verbale pe diverse probleme juridice din domeniul privat. • Participă la elaborarea și dirijarea proiectelor din domeniul juridic. • Răspunde de transmiterea la timp, intr-o forma corecta si completa, a informatiilor către clienț...


AmCham și-a exprimat îngrijorarea față de posibila inițiativă de scurtare a programului de activitate a grădinițelor

AmCham s-a adresat către Ministerul Educației, Culturii și Cercetării printr-o scrisoare care semnalează potențialele riscuri de ordin social și economic care ar putea fi declanșate de inițiativa scurtării programului de activitate a grădinițelor. În acest sens, AmCham și-a reafirmat poziți...