
Call for Sponsorship: 2019 US Independence Day Family Picnic

AmCham Moldova is organizing a celebration for the 243rd anniversary of the USA Independence Day. The event is organized for AmCham members, partners and their families, expecting around 250 guests. The event will be a great occasion to get a taste of American culture through a unique blend ...


Moldcell: Reprezentant Suport Vînzări Corporative în Chișinău

Anunțăm pe intern și extern poziția vacantă de Reprezentant Suport Vînzări Corporative în orașul Chișinău. Responsabilitățile de bază vor consta în menținerea și dezvoltarea clienților corporativi existenți în scopul de a atinge obiectivele strategice ale companiei și de a cr...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Business Class among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Business Class on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Business Class is committed to arranging and delivering the best possible travel experience at the lowest cost. The dedicated travel specialists work directly with ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: PayWell Moldova Salary & Benefits Survey 2019 Edition

PwC Moldova launches PayWell Moldova 2019 Salary and Benefits Survey Dear Members, PwC Moldova is pleased to invite you to participate in PayWell Moldova 2019 salary & benefits survey, which is an important tool that helps companies wishing to recruit, retain and motivate high-quality staff. ...


Registrul Garanțiilor Reale – recomandările AmCham

AmCham a adresat Ministerului Justiției un aviz asupra deficiențelor juridice și tehnice care afectează funcționalitatea Registrului garanțiilor reale. Principalele subiecte abordate se referă la posibilitatea organizațiilor de creditare nebancare să acționeze în calitate de solicitant al &...


Comisionul plăților efectuate prin card în vizorul AmCham Moldova

AmCham a prezentat avizul cu privire la inițiativa Băncii Naționale a Moldovei de a reglementa valoarea maximă a comisioanelor aplicate pentru operațiunile de plată efectuate cu un card de plată sau printr-un POS terminal pentru serviciile de comerț. În cadrul adresării, AmCham a solicitat ...


Lista persoanelor expuse politic

În cadrul adresării la Serviciului pentru Prevenirea și Combaterea Spălării Banilor, AmCham Moldova a solicitat să se ia în considerare elaborarea Listei Persoanelor Expuse Politic, dat fiind că entitățile raportoare întâmpină o serie de provocări în procesul de evaluar...


AmCham Events & Meetings Update

This morning, AmCham attended the presentation of "Cost Of Doing Business 2018 survey results" developed by World Bank in partnership with the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure. On May 23, AmCham met the World Bank team that is working on a draft report: „A New ...


AmCham Informs Employment Subsidies Applications Are Open

AmCham informs members on the opportunity to apply for governmental subsidies granted to employers that create new workplaces in their companies. The eligibility criteria are set by the Governmental Regulation, and include among others the requirement to increase the number of jobs with at...


AmCham Advocacy Update

In February 2019, the Ministry of Finance submitted for public consultations the draft order on approval of the standard form for special primary document that accompanies goods. The document aims to systematize the whole spectrum of aspects related to the form of the consignment notice and the pr...


Meeting - Regulation on Calculation of Fixed Assets for Tax Purposes

On May 21, under the aegis of the Ministry of Finance was organized a technical meeting chaired by Dorel Noroc, State Secretary of the Ministry of Finance; the meeting was aimed at amending the Regulation on the calculation of fixed assets for tax purposes. Thus, the discussions brought together re...


Mikro Kapital : Credit CMB și-a schimbat numele în Mikro Kapital

Compania Credit CMB a demonstrat că merită încrederea și fidelitatea clienților săi. Șase ani de activitate sunt o dovadă a adevăratului succes, care se datorează, în primul rând, unei echipe responsabile și inovative. Acum am hotărât să trecem la numele unic Mikro Kapital, ...


Moldcell: Pricing and Offering Specialist

We announce a new vacant position of Pricing and Offering Specialist. The main responsibilities will include B2B reporting activities, presales analysis, and market analysis, pricing and offering strategy. Main responsibility areas: • Analyzes pricing data and develops forecasts and models...


Advocacy Alert: Tax and Customs Policy 2020

AmCham has collected from its members a series of proposals and recommendations aimed at improving the existing legal framework. The recommendations came as a reaction of the business community to the current requirements of the market. It should be stated, that authorities have not yet published th...


Highlights from the Annual U.S. Conference of AmChams in Europe (ACE)

The representatives of AmChams across Europe and Eurasia have met for the Annual U.S. Conference of AmChams in Europe (ACE). AmCham Moldova Executive Director, Mila Malairau was among AmChams in Europe Directors who attended and participated in the event. The conference started in Washington DC, wh...


Celebrating 10 Years of the Eastern Partnership

On May 14, the European Union, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, the Republic of Moldova and Ukraine marked the 10th anniversary of the Eastern Partnership with a High Level Conference in Brussels. The conference celebrated the achievements of the last ten years in the EU's relationships with i...


AmCham Moldova General Sponsors

AmCham would like to present our new General Sponsor - Sebo.md. On behalf of AmCham members, we would like to express our gratitude to the AmCham General Sponsors FinComBank, Moldova Agroindbank, NCH Advisors Inc., and Sebo for all the support they are providing. Your valued trust and loyalty enab...


Advocacy Alert: Data Protection Law

On November 30, 2018, at the plenary session, the Parliament adopted the draft laws regarding Personal Data Protection, in the first reading. Due to the fact that not all recommendations provided by the business community were accepted, AmCham will send repeatedly major suggestions to the parliament...