
XOR: Project Manager XOR

What you will be doing: - Manage the relationship with the client and all stakeholders - Coordinate internal resources for the flawless execution of projects - Ensure that all projects are delivered on-time, within scope and within budget - Assist in the definition of project scope and objective...


XOR: Sales representative

XORis an AI-powered, global recruiting platform that drives faster, smarter, more efficient hiring. We automate the painful parts of talent acquisition, so recruiters can focus on what matters - making the right hire. XOR is headquartered in San Francisco with offices in Chisinau, Austin and London...


XOR: Менеджер по продажам

XOR является мировым лидером в области автоматизации подбора и HR. Эффективно используя передовые технологии на базе искусственного интеллекта, машинного обучения, автоматизации рекрутинга, мессенджеров и чат-ботов, XOR представляет собой облачную платформу уровня Enterprise, способную оптимизирова...


AmCham in a Study Visit to Serbia

This week, AmCham at the invitation of the Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment went to Serbia to study the best practices in implementing extended producer responsibility in packaging waste as well as the regulatory peculiarities of management of chemicals. AmCham reaffirmed it...


Efes Vitanta Moldova Brewery: Chief Legal Officer

Responsibilities: - Defense of the company’s interests in proceedings before courts and public authorities; - Consultancy on: civil, corporate, tax, competition, labour legislation and other related fields of legislation; - Management of legal activities, rendering legal aid to structural ...


Recomandările AmCham la Legea privind OCN

În această săptămână, AmCham a prezentat avizul asupra proiectului de modificare a Legii 1/2018 privind organizațiile de creditare nebancare și altor acte normative.   Scrisoarea de poziție fiind un document destul de complex, care abordează 12 probleme, principalele vizând ...


Sebo : Contabil Sef

Responsabilitati: -Organizarea si tinerea evidentei contabile si a activitatii economico-financiare a companiei -Verificarea inregistrarii operatiunilor economice in evidenta contabila -Elaborarea și prezinta rapoartele și declaratiile fiscale, statistice, CNPF Cerinte: -Studii superioare eco...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: Inflația a atins valoarea de 5,5% în luna august curent

Rata anuală a inflației a urcat la 5,5% în luna august a acestui an - cea mai mare valoare din ianuarie 2018. La creșterea ratei inflației a contribuit cel mai mult majorarea prețurilor pentru produsele alimentare cu 8,3% în luna august curent față de septembrie 2018. Categoria mărfuril...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Audit Assistant for PwC Moldova

About PricewaterhouseCoopers: We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 236,000 people around the globe who are committed to delivering the highest quality solutions in assurance, tax and advisory services. Amongst our clients there are 419 companies from Fortune Global 500 lis...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Tax Assistant for PwC Moldova

About PricewaterhouseCoopers: We’re a network of firms in 158 countries with more than 236,000 people around the globe who are committed to delivering the highest quality solutions in assurance, tax and advisory services. Amongst our clients there are 419 companies from Fortune Global 500 lis...


Policy Win – Capped Amount of Compensatory Remuneration Excluded

AmCham is sharing the result of business community efforts, the article that stipulated the amount of compensatory remuneration collected from entrepreneurs, capped at 15% of the revenue generated by the business that implies the intellectual product when the employee is a co-author was excluded. ...


Fundraising request for participating in the World Scholars Cup contest

 Fundraising request for participating of Moldovan team in the Tournament of Champions of the World Scholars Cup contest in Yale University, USA  November 8-13, 2019   1. General information   Names of applicants ...


AmCham Raises Funds for Kids and Art Education

This Tuesday, AmCham donated a printer and supplies to the Oncological Institute, Pediatric section for kids who will spend their curing time also by enjoying some games and exercises thanks to the addition. Every year at the AmCham USA Independence Day Picnic there is a traditional Charity Raffl...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome XOR among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having XOR on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! XOR is the global leader in human resource and talent acquisition workflow automation. Leveraging the cutting-edge technologies of Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning, hiring ...


Baker Tilly: Baker Tilly: Monthly Tax Alert September 2019

Important legislative changes with fiscal impact 6 September 2019 As it was previously announced late July in a conference by Minister of Finance, Ms. Natalia Gavriliţă, the Ministry has prepared a draft of Decision for modification of legislation in order to prevent the predicted shortage i...


FinComBank: FinComBank te susţine în noul sezon agricol

Chișinău, 10 septembrie 2019 FinComBank te susţine în noul sezon agricol Deja ai cules roada, dar nu te grăbești să o vinzi? Ești în căutarea unei surse de finanțare pentru alte necesități ale afacerii? Dorești să procuri îngrășăminte, chimicale, combustibil, să plătești pentru u...


Aspectele incerte a unor ordine emise de ANSA – Opinia AmCham Moldova

AmCham Moldova s-a adresat autorităților publice în vederea clarificării și soluționării aspectelor incerte referitoare la unele ordine emise de către Agenția Națională pentru Siguranța Alimentelor. AmCham Moldova și-a expus poziția critică asupra practicii autorității de a emite acte cu cara...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Updates

Proposals to reform the Law on environmental pollution fees submitted to the Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment Last week, AmCham Moldova addressed a series of proposals that refer to: 1. Removal of the pollution fee for discharges of pollutants into the waters for compan...