
Cyber Security - More than a Matter of IT

Yesterday, the AmCham office hosted a session with Merike Kaeo (Chief Technology Officer at Farsight Security, Inc.), an expert with over 25 years of experience in pioneering global Internet technology deployments and developing new evolving security initiatives. The presentation shared an in-depth...


Financial Services Committee Meeting, October 23

On October 23, 09:30 - 11:00, at the Ministry of Justice building, the Financial Services Committee will meet with the Ministry of Justice representatives to discuss the technical and regulatory deficiencies of the Registry of Pledges. If you are interested in this meeting, please contact Adrian ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Imperial Tobacco Ukraine among Its Members

AmCham is enthusiastic about having Imperial Tobacco Ukraine on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! Imperial Brands is a group of companies with a dynamic fast moving consumer goods that appeared out of a strong tobacco heritage. The company has continually...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: Deficitul comercial în creștere cu 1,6% pe durata primelor 8 luni ale anului

Pe durata primelor 8 luni ale anului Moldova a exportat mărfuri și servicii în valoare de 1,787.6 mil. dolari SUA, în creștere față de perioada similară a anului trecut cu 2%. Importurile au crescut în perioada vizată cu 1.8%, până la mărimea de 3,770.7 mil. dolari SUA. Evolu...


Business Judgement Rule in the Modernized Civil Code

This Tuesday, AmCham Moldova held a new #CivilCodeTalks session focused on business judgment rule. Business judgment rule is a jurisprudential concept developed by the American courts, regulated in the corporate laws of many European states, and recently established in the Civil Code of the Republi...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

This week, at one of the Council's meetings has been presented and debated a draft regulation of the temporary agency work (so-called personnel leasing), a joint initiative of AmCham and CNPM. The initiative of regulating in national labor legislation the outsourcing and personnel leasing was...


State Tax Service Presented the Concept Electronic Register of Employees to the Business Community

On October 9, AmCham Moldova attended the meeting organized by the State Tax Service regarding the Electronic Register of Employees. The officials of the State Tax Service presented to the participants the concept of the Electronic Register of Employees, the data that will be contained in the Reg...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.3/ 2019: Amendments to Tax Legislation and Other Normative Acts

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert in English and Romanian language. Our Tax and Legal Alerts, Newsletters and the English version of our Investing Guide to Moldova are also available on our website: www.pwc.com/md. In brief Laws significantly amending tax and custo...


KPMG Moldova: Senior Auditor

When you choose KPMG as the place to build your career in Audit, you choose to inspire confidence and empower the change around you. KPMG ’s vision is to recruit extraordinary people and build extraordinary professionals. We are currently seeking a Senior Auditor to join us in our office in A...


Subject of the Consultative Process - Draft Law on Organic Agriculture

In an effort to streamline the consultative process on the draft law on organic agriculture, AmCham Moldova was opted to facilitate the debates between various public authorities, donor-supported projects on organic agriculture, businesses and NGOs. Within the first session, the working group manage...


Lafarge Ciment (Moldova) S.A.: Responsabil Vanzari (zona Chisinau)

Educatie si experienta: • Studii superioare (marketing / economie / comercial) • Experienta in vanzari. Abilitati: • Experienta minim 3 ani in vanzari; • Vorbire fluenta in limbile Romana si Rusa, Engleza este un avantaj; • Abilitati excelente de comunicare, persevere...


AmCham Members Listed as the Top Law Firms in Moldova

Congratulations to AmCham Members: Gladei & Partners, Schoenherr Moldova, Turcan Cazac, Vernon David, ACI Partners, Efrim, Roșca & Associates, PwC Legal, Cobzac and Partners for being recognized and listed as the top law firms in Moldova, in the IFLR1000 2020 publication! The only internati...


AmCham Met with National Health Insurance Company

On October 7, AmCham Moldova met with Andrei Matei, General Director of the National Health Insurance Company. During the meeting, the business community presented to the new director the main areas of activity of the Healthcare Committee and discussed critical issues facing the pharmaceutical in...


Open Call: Program for Improving Business Processes ”Compliance and Business Ethics”

The "American Chamber of Commerce of Moldova" (AmCham Moldova) in partnership with the Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) invites entrepreneurs to participate in a business processes improvement program, focused on compliance and business integrity. The Program aims...


Cerere de ofertă pentru desfășurarea studiului privind: Evaluarea percepției angajatorilor, angajaților și comercianților a beneficiilor tichetelor de masă și analiza impactului impozitării acestora asupra tuturor părților interesate

Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova (în parteneriat cu EBA, CCIFM, AIR) anunță concurs pentru identificarea unei companii sociologice pentru efectuarea unui studiu la nivel național în corespundere cu termenii de referință. Termeni de Referință 1. CONTEXT Tichetele de masă au fost ...


AmCham Elected as the Member of the Working Group on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity

On October 1, AmCham was elected as the member responsible for the industrial production within the State Commission Working Group on Regulation of Entrepreneurial Activity, from the business community side. The working group`s activity is based on impartiality and compliance, with the main focus o...


AmCham își exprimă îngrijorarea în legătură cu inițiativa legislativă de modificare a Legii cu privire la medicamente

Comitetul Healthcare din cadrul AmCham a comentat negativ proiectul de lege înaintat cu titlu de inițiativă legislativă de un grup de deputați din Parlament prin care se propune ca informația de pe ambalaj și din instrucțiunile de utilizare a medicamentelor să fie expusă în limba de stat...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru INFODEBIT: Investițiile din Cipru în Republica Moldova au crescut mai mult decât dublu în al doilea trimestru din 2019

Intrări nete de capital în economia națională în valoare de 282,04 mil. USD pe durata trimestrului II al anului: Investițiile din Cipru au crescut mai mult decât dublu Raportul BNM privind conturile internaționale ale Republicii Moldova în trimetrul II al anului [1] denotă...