
AmCham Moldova salută adoptarea reglementărilor ce țin de operațiunile de incinerare și coincinerare a deșeurilor

Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova salută adoptarea de către Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a inițiativei legislative a Guvernului ce vizează modificarea Legii 209 din 29 iulie 2016 privind deșeurile, în speță crearea bazei normative pentru reglementarea operațiunilor de incinerare şi coin...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

On August 14, AmCham Moldova participated at the meeting organized by the Prime Minister Economic Council on implementation of Regulation on the border-crossing mode of goods that are subject to control by the National Agency for Food Safety (Government Decision 938/2018); representative of the bu...


Policy Win – The Parliament Adopted the Changes to Law on Waste

Yesterday, despite the summer holidays, the Parliament gathered for an extraordinary session to discuss and approve a set of laws, including a draft law that changes provisions related to incineration and co-incineration of waste. The changes were adopted during the session, meaning that factorie...


Meeting with AGEPI

On August 13, a new round of discussions on copyright and related rights law took place at AGEPI. AmCham Moldova and stakeholders met Andrei Popa, Interim General Director, to provide a clear vision and opinion of the business community on the amount of compensatory remuneration collected from entr...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Project Management Officer

MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES WILL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT LIMITED TO: • Plan, execute, monitor and complete projects utilizing and adhering to Project Management best Practices; • Manage changes in projects scope and pro-actively support, analyze and communicate their potential impacts (cost, ti...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Consumer Journey Executive

A partner of Philip Morris Sales & Marketing is looking for a Consumer Journey Executive that would be actively contributing to implementation of the Consumer Centric mindset in the organization, by analyze of the consumer behavior and feedback. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES WILL INCLUDE, BUT ARE NOT L...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Consumer Engagement Executive

MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES: • Contribute to development and efficient implementation of marketing strategies in LAMP (Legal Age Meeting Points) channel on the assigned territory • Perform daily route plan visits, manage effective product availability and visibility, keep track of field acti...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Manager Commercial and Planning Manager

Philip Morris Sales & Marketing is looking for a Manager Commercial and Planning Manager with a strong analytical skills and strategical planning experience. MAIN RESPONSIBILITIES WILL INCLUDE: • Build and manage a team of professionals, provide and inspire constructive collaboration am...


Philip Morris Sales & Marketing: Intern (Smart Start Internship)

Are you searching for a place to lift your potential grow beyond what you thought possible? Are you eager to embrace an opportunity like no other? We are seeking for bright university students and fresh graduates to join our Smart Start Internship Program. You will be part of a team where you can d...


Hai Moldova - Campania națională de colectare a deșeurilor electronice

Mișcarea civică „Hai Moldova!”, care, în perioada 15 septembrie - 15 octombrie 2019, intenționează să mobilizeze populația R. Moldova pentru organizarea Campaniei Naționale de colectare a deșeurilor electronice. Scopul acestei mișcări este de a sensibiliza populația ...


Financial Services Committee Met with CNPF

On Thursday, AmCham non-banking credit organizations met with the National Commission for Financial Markets leadership to discuss the industry evolution, current regulatory dysfunctionalities, as well as, how the sector can contribute to achieving a level playing field, by combating the unethical le...


Government Action Plan for 2019-2020

Last week, AmCham actively participated in a series of discussions on Government Action Plan for 2019-2020. In this regard, AmCham officially submitted its proposals to the Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Agriculture Rural Development and Environment, as wel...


SAVE THE DATE: Human Resources Management Conference, 3rd Edition, November 28

The field of HR is much more than just dolling out employee benefit packages and managing payroll. Human Resources is an innovative, forward moving, and fast-paced aspect of business life; crucial and integral to the running of a business. As a pioneering element of industry, HR not only enhances bu...


Companiile UP Servicii si Edenred se pronunta pentru mentinerea integrala a facilitatilor fiscale aplicate tichetelor de masa

Companiile Edenred si UP Servicii doresc sa atraga atentia Guvernului, Parlamentului si Presedintiei Republicii Moldova asupra riscurilor pe care le comporta anularea facilitatilor fiscale aplicate in prezent tichetelor de masa – un beneficiu social destinat cetatenilor. Consecintele unei asem...


Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Update

  AmCham Moldova expressed its concern regarding the changes made to Law no. 116 of May 18, 2012, on the industrial security of dangerous industrial objects, both in terms of regulatory deficiencies, as well as the lack of transparency in the decision-making process. Under the revised law, ...


Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu: În ziua de 8 decembrie „bugetul” resurselor naturale a țării va fi epuizat

Nivelul de dezvoltare economică este reprezentat de Produsul Intern Brut (PIB) per capita care este cel mai uzual determinat în baza abordării bazate pe consum. Astfel, la nivelul unui stat, consumul înalt este echivalent cu un nivel înalt de dezvoltare economică, statele respectiv...


MOLD-STREET: Controverse privind majorarea cu 50% a taxei pentru protejarea mediului

Majorarea de la 1 ianuarie 2020, cu circa 50% a taxelor aplicate mărfurilor ce poluează mediul, contravine prevederilor Acordului de Asociere Republica Moldova – UE, susține Camera de Comerț Americană din Moldova (AmCham Moldova). Alte organizații însă susțin acțiunile Guvernului.  ...


AmCham Moldova Met with Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance

On August 6, AmCham Moldova met with Chair of the Parliamentary Commission on Economy, Budget and Finance, Igor Munteanu. AmCham had the opportunity to present several recommendations from the „Cooperation for a Competitive Business Environment” package, as well as highlighted a se...