
AmCham Met with Representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization and the USAID Moldova (MISRA) Program

Constructive discussion on the implementation of ESG (Environment, Social, and Governance) practices and solutions to challenges. AmCham Moldova hosted a discussion with representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization and the USAID Moldova Institutional and Structural R...


AmCham Moldova s-a adresat Ministerului Justiției în legătură cu modalitatea de implementare a Convenției de la Haga privind acordurile de alegere a forului

AmCham Moldova s-a adresat Ministerului Justiției în legătură cu modalitatea de implementare a Convenției de la Haga privind acordurile de alegere a forului AmCham Moldova s-a adresat Ministerului Justiției și a prezentat opinia sa critică  în legătură cu unele prevederi ale Legi...


AmCham Moldova a expediat autorităților publice propuneri de măsuri pentru eficientizarea modului de eliberare a unor documente executorii

AmCham Moldova a expediat autorităților publice propuneri de măsuri pentru eficientizarea modului de eliberare a unor documente executorii. Respectivele propuneri se pliază obiectivelor publice de digitalizare a serviciilor publice, dar și urmăresc scopul de a optimiza interacțiunea dintre părți...


AmCham a înaintat autorităților de resort propuneri privind elaborarea inițiativelor de stimulare a investițiilor în economia verde

Tranziția verde este o necesitate pentru a face față urgenței schimbărilor climatice provocate de om, degradării mediului (apă, pământ, păduri, atmosferă), precum și pierderii biodiversității.  Această tranziție implică o transformare a tuturor activităților și sectoarelor economice - pre...


AmCham Participated in the Meeting of the National Medical Insurance Company Board of Directors

Victor Baciu, police manager, participated in the meeting of the National Medical Insurance Company Board of Directors in Ember delegated by employers. During the meeting, the members of the Board of Directors: (i) approved the report on the execution of the mandatory health care insurance funds...


AmCham Met with U.S. Department of the Treasury Representatives

AmCham Moldova met Scott Prentky, Resident Advisor-Moldova, Billy Shannon, Technical Advisor and JB Bilbrey, Revenue Advisor from the Office of Technical Assistance (U.S. Department of the Treasury), who will provide support in strengthening the tax audit and internal security functions of the State...


AmCham Has a New Member: Beeyond Investment

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Beeyond Investment. Beeyond Investment is one of the top wealth management firms, that is empowering clients from Eastern Europe, to build strong retirement funds and helping companies set up private pensions. The company uses advanced technology with expe...


Business Delegation to the United States of America

The American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham Moldova) plans a Business Delegation to the U.S.A. from June 22 to 29, 2024. A group of approximately 25 CEOs of AmCham Moldova member companies will visit New York City and Boston, Massachusetts, to learn about American entrepreneurial culture ...


AmCham Has a New Member: Corst Grup - Federal Express Corporation in Moldova

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Corst Grup - Federal Express Corporation in Moldova. "Corst Grup" SRL is the official representative of Federal Express Corporation in Moldova. FedEx Express invented express transportation and remains the industry's global leader, providing rapi...


AmCham Has a New Member: Rabota.md

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Rabota.md.   Rabota.md is one of the leading platforms in the Republic of Moldova, offering many opportunities for job seekers and employers alike. The platform serves as a bridge connecting individuals with employment opportunities, with a vast user...


Business Breakfast with Olga Golban, Director of the State Tax Service

AmCham Moldova community met with the Director of the State Tax Service (STS), Mrs. Olga Golban. The meeting took the form of a constructive dialogue with members of the AmCham community on various topics of heightened interest, including: - Priorities of the new leadership of the STS; - Ta...


AmCham Participated in the Public Consultations on Moldova's Predictable and Constructive State Control System Proposal

Moldova advocates for the development of an effective and efficient control system, in order to reduce the burden ???? control and imposing sanctions. The draft law for the amendment of some normative acts in the field of state control over entrepreneurial activity was discussed during public con...


AmCham Met the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker and Ambassador Kent Logsdon

AmCham Moldovan members have been invited to discuss Moldova's private sector role in Ukraine's recovery within the meeting the U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery Penny Pritzker and U.S. Kent Ambassador. Participating member companies highlighted the opportunitie...


Propuneri pe marginea proiectului de modificare a Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 690/2018 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind desfășurarea licitațiilor pentru oferirea statutului de producător eligibil

În contextul consultărilor publice suplimentare asupra proiectului Hotărârii Guvernului privind aprobarea proiectului de modificare a Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 690/2018 pentru aprobarea Regulamentului privind desfășurarea licitațiilor pentru oferirea statutului de producător eligibi...


TVR Moldova: Obiectiv Comun - Economia verde și circulară

Republica Moldova are șansa de a se antrena în implementarea principiilor unei economii verzi responsabile care să protejeze mediul și să asigure un viitor sustenabil, inclusiv din perspectiva negocierilor de aderare la UE. Este ideea principală enunțată în cadrul „Green Future Con...


AmCham Moldova 2024 Annual General Members Meeting

AmCham Moldova held its 2024 Annual General Members Meeting (AGM) on March 29. The event commenced with opening remarks by Alexandru GOZUN, President of AmCham Moldova, and H.E. Mr. Kent Doyle LOGSDON, U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of Moldova. During the meeting, AmCham members approved a serie...


AmCham Has a New Member: CÎ „Agrostoc”

AmCham Welcomes Aboard a New Member: CÎ „Agrostoc”. For over twenty years, Agrostoc has been providing sustainable solutions and services to enhance the productivity and revenue of farmers and entrepreneurs. Currently, Agrostoc includes more than 145 members and more tha...


AmCham Participated in Forum Highlighting Economic Cooperation and Capital Market Interconnection Between Moldova and Romania

Fostering robust economic cooperation and capital market interconnection between Moldova and Romania is a priority for AMC The community The opportunities for collaboration and cooperation bridges between the capital markets of the Republic of Moldova and Romania, including in the context of the neg...