
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 13/2013: Settlement and recording of payments to the national public budget in 2013

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Settlement and recording of payments to the national public budget in 2013 Modul de achitare a platilor la bugetul public national si evidenta a...


ACED Publishes a New Practical Guide for Table Grape Production

To continue its support for farmers from high value agricultural sectors in Moldova, the Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (ACED), funded by the United States Government, published a new guide for table grape producers. The guide, ”Table Grape Production, Red and ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 6/2013: Amendments to customs legislation

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: Amendments to customs legislation Amendamente la legislatia vamala Изменения в таможенном законодательстве  ...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii: Neconstituţionalitatea prevederilor art. 87 şi art. 89 alin.(2) ale Codului muncii şi prevederilor art. 16 alin.(4), art.33 alin.(1) – (3) şi art.34 alin.(4) ale Legii sindicatelor nr. 1129 din 07.07.2000

Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii: Neconstituţionalitatea prevederilor art. 87 şi art. 89 alin.(2) ale Codului muncii şi prevederilor art. 16 alin.(4), art.33 alin.(1) – (3) şi art.34 alin.(4) ale Legii sindicatelor nr. 1129 din 07.07.2000...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Finantelor: Propuneri privind deductibilitatea cheltuielilor aferente transportului si alimentatiei angajatilor

Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Finantelor: Propuneri privind deductibilitatea cheltuielilor aferente transportului si alimentatiei angajatilor...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chisinau: BCR Chisinau launches a new service to facilitate quick transfers in foreign currency

Chisinau. January, 10, 2013. BCR Chisinau, subsidiary of BCR Romania, member of Erste Group, launches, starting with January 10, 2013, a new service FIT 2.0 (Fast Intergroup Transfer 2.0) which enables quick transfers between banks, members of Erste Group at reduced fees. The new service can be used...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.2/2013: Modifications of legislation on state registration of legal entities

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions:  Modifications of legislation on state registration of legal entities Modificarea legislatiei privind inregistrarea de stat a persoanelor j...


CSR Committee continues tradition of offering Cheerful Winter Holidays to children

On the eve of winter Holidays, AmCham Moldova team, along with other participants to the charitable act, brought joy and festive atmosphere to children from “Centrul de Plasament temporar pt copii abandonati” from Balti. On December 26, AmCham Moldova in collaboration with DHL Moldova,...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no. 38/2012: The forecasted average monthly salary for 2013

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert. Please click on the following link to read its English, Romanian and Russian versions: The forecasted average monthly salary for 2013   Salariul mediu lunar pe economie, prognozat pentru anul 2013   Среднемесячная зара...


A new offer from Plantronics under AmCham Member Discount Program

Suna-l pe Mosu sa-ti aduca o casca Plantronics )))! In perioada sarbatorilor de iarna toti membrii/prietenii AmCham beneficiaza de reduceri speciale pina la 20% pentru gama de produse Plantronics.” Price List Contact person: Sergiu Malairau, phone +373 69 210 998 ...


Healtchare Committee met with the general director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

The Healthcare Committee Members met on December 18th with the General Director of the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency, Mr. Alexandru Coman to discuss the following issues: • The transparency of the medicines compensation process;  • The price registration of the medicines proc...


Christmas Collection Project, Phase II

On the eve of winter holidays, AmCham Moldova succeeded to collect many gifts for kids from “Centrul de Plasament pt copii abandonati” from Balti within Christmas Collection Project 2012. Christmas Collection Project turned into a very successful and fruitful tradition. Many of AmCham m...


Banca Comercială Română Chişinău: BCR Chisinau: BCR Chisinau launches an innovative product to facilitate trade transactions - Factoring

Starting with December 20th 2012, BCR Chisinau offers, for the first time on the Moldovan banking market, a new short term financing solution based on invoices, without material guarantees, destined to suppliers of goods and services based on firm commercial agreements with deferred payment (trade c...