
FinComBank: FinComBank: Small and Medium Enterprises in Gagauzia - Supported by Funding Organizations

Comrat, 4th of February 2016. The Governorate of Gagauzia and FinComBank brought together local and international financing institutions and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in the region to present the opportunities of financing and developing the competitiveness of SMEs in the region. Thus, en...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Amended statement concerning the calculation and use of mandatory social security contributions (the BASS form)

We would like to inform you that in a recent order the National House for Social Security (NHSS) approved a new standard form of the Statement concerning the calculation and use of mandatory social security contributions (the BASS form). The amended form follows the approval of the economic classif...


Public Debates on Tax and Customs Policy for 2016

On February 4th, AmCham participated in public consultation with Ministry of Finance. The Ministry has engaged in civil dialogue with associations representing all business sectors. The Ministry ’s goal was to better understand the expected potential benefits and specific concerns ra...


AmCham Moldova Met with Prime-Minister

AmCham held a Healthcare Committee meeting in order to review the results of the last year, discuss current priorities, and establish main advocacy directions for 2016. Within the same meeting, following the request of PM Filip, Committee members have summarized proposals meant to improve the situa...


Incaso: Incaso: Achită datoriile online

Incaso, cea mai mare companie de colectare a datoriilor din Moldova, implimentează o metodă de plată online a datoriilor prin www.da.victoriabank.md. Vă aducem la cunoştinţă că acum puteţi efectua plăţi şi achita datorii de la bancomatele Victoriabank, şi accesând pagina www.da.victoriabank...


AmCham Annual Report 2015: Advertising Opportunities

AmCham is making preparations for the publication of its Annual Report for the year 2015. It will focus on AmCham's last year activity, events, projects, committees activities, public relations, and financial report. It will also contain AmCham members' contact information and business descriptions....


Mila Malairău in Talk Show Replica on Prime

AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairău, had an interactive debate with Minister of Economy, Mr. Calmîc, and Minister of Finance, Mr. Armașu. Press to view video...


Cadouri din inimă de la Medpark pentru sănătatea inimii tale

De 5 ani Medpark are grijă de inima ta. Acum consultațiile și investigațiile la cei mai buni specialiști ai primului Centru Cardiologic privat, Medpark, au devenit mai accesibile. Vino până pe 15 aprilie să-ți verifici sănătatea inimii. La Medpark medicii cardiologi cu experiență internaționa...


MAIB-Leasing: Office manager

Responsabilități specifice: - Înregistrarea corespondenţei de intrare-ieşire, efectuarea sistematizării acesteia în conformitate cu regulile în vigoare ale Societăţii; - Recepţionarea şi evidenţa apelurilor telefonice, analiza informaţiei şi redirecționarea apelurilor; - Orga...


AmCham Met with Ministry of Justice to Consult the Bill Regarding the Moratorium on Inspections

AmCham participated in a session aimed at amending the bill on abolishment of inspections. The propose of draft law is to offer a favorable business climate and to optimize the burdensome inspections. Ministry of Justice will take in consideration the key recommendations to improvement the legal fra...


MAIB-Leasing: Client Service Manager

Misiune post: Gestiunea relaţiilor cu clienţii companiei. Interacţiunea cu clienţii şi soluţionarea solicitărilor parvenite. Responsabilități specifice: - Întregistrează clienţii în baza de date, formează dosarele de leasing şi gestionează documentele primite de la client - Acordă...


MAIB-Leasing: Sales Manager

Misiune post: Realizarea activităţii de vânzări a serviciilor de leasing în scopul atingerii obiectivelor strategice ale Societăţii. Responsabilități specifice: - Promovarea și vânzarea produselor de leasing ale Societăţii - Prospectarea pieţii, identificarea şi dezvoltarea ...


MAIB-Leasing: Office Manager

Responsabilități specifice: - Înregistrarea corespondenţei de intrare-ieşire, efectuarea sistematizării acesteia în conformitate cu regulile în vigoare ale Societăţii - Recepţionarea şi evidenţa apelurilor telefonice, analiza informaţiei şi redirecționarea apelurilor - Organi...


Call for Proposals for AmCham Financial Audit Report

AmCham Moldova invites audit companies to participate in the contest for the selection of audit company that will perform the financial audit of the Association for 2015. The audit will be conducted from March 01, 2016. Offers should be submitted electronically by February 12, 2016, 16.00, to elena...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners Presents the Investment Guide - Employment Matters in Moldova

ACI Partners Law Office continues publication of the Investment Guide 2016. The second Chapter deals with Employment Matters in Moldova. And yes, employment does matter. So please go through the guide and let us know if there is anything else you would like to know about employment in Moldova. Rea...


Pedersen & Partners: Pedersen & Partners celebrates its 15th anniversary

Prague, Czech Republic – Pedersen & Partners, a leading international Executive Search firm with 56 wholly owned offices in 52 countries, is celebrating its 15th anniversary this year. The firm was founded in Prague and Warsaw in January 2001, and has since then achieved unprecedented grow...


MAIB-Leasing: Senior Sales Manager

Misiune post: Coordonarea şi monitorizarea activităţii de vânzari în scopul atingerii obiectivelor strategice ale Societăţii. Responsabilități specifice: - Promovarea produselor/serviciilor şi a imaginii companiei - Prospectarea pieţii, identificarea şi dezvoltarea de noi oportun...


Legal Solutions: Buletin Juridic nr. 20

Pe 31 decembrie 2015 în Monitorul Oficial nr. 361-369 a fost publicată Legea nr. 218 din 3 decembrie 2015 pentru modificarea şi completarea unor acte legislative. Prezenta lege intră în vigoare la 30 de zile de la data publicării, adică din data de 31 ianuarie 2016.  ...