
New perspectives of dialogue between AmCham and customs authorities

The Trade and Manufacturing Committee opened a dialogue with customs authorities concerning the necessity of completing the Regulation regarding simplified customs procedures no. 521. Some of our members which perform import and/or export activities work under a “temporary admission” re...


Meeting with new Chief of Main Tax Inspectorate

Tax & Legal Committee representatives participated on May 22 in a meeting of business associations with new Chief of Main Tax Inspectorate, Mr. Ion Prisacaru. Even though he was only recently appointed in this position, he already expressed a strong commitment to resolve the most stringent probl...


Financial Services Committee involvement in a meeting of Parliamentary Commission of economy, budget and finance

Financial Services Committee representatives participated on May 21 in a meeting organized by Parliamentary Commission of economy, budget and finance to discuss about draft law on consumer credits. This draft law will introduce unified rules for all financial companies with regard to protection of c...


E-VAT invoices - Tax & Legal Committee meeting with state authorities

On May, 8 Tax & Legal Committee had a dedicated meeting with representatives of e-Government Center, Ministry of Finance, Main Tax Authority and Fiscservinform to discuss about the way Moldovan state authorities plan to introduce a totally new tax concept for Moldova - electronic VAT invoices. ...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii: Recomandari la proiectul Hotaririi Guvernului privind incluziunea sociala a persoanelor cu dizabilitati

 Recomandari la proiectul Hotaririi Guvernului privind incluziunea sociala a persoanelor cu dizabilitati...


Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii Protectiei Sociale si Familiei: Recomandări AmCham la proiectul de lege cu privire la exercitarea unor activităţi necalificate cu caracter ocaziţional desfăşurate de zilieri

Aviz AmCham - Ministerul Muncii Protectiei Sociale si Familiei: Recomandări AmCham la proiectul de lege cu privire la exercitarea unor activităţi necalificate cu  caracter ocaziţional desfăşurate de zilieri...


Public consultations with Competition Council

Tax & Legal Committee has finalized with success public consultations with Competition Council on review of the draft Regulations designed to enforce the law on competition. AmCham members were especially interested in reviewing draft Regulations referring to approval of economic concentrations...


Trade and Manufacturing Committee visit Orhei-Vit

In the context of launching the simplified customs procedures by the Customs Service and its efforts to promote it among good faith exporters and/or importers, members of the Trade and Manufacturing Committee showed increased interest towards obtaining the status of simplified customs procedures ben...


Fruitful collaboration with Customs Service transposed in „Vama rapida pentru posta rapida” approach

Some members of the Trade and Manufacturing Committee participated at the meeting of the Advisory Committee under the Customs Service, held on 28th of March. AmCham raised three issues, related to the methodology of customs clearance of goods managed by express courier services. As a result of ...


Members of the Trade and Manufacturing Committee are preparing to become beneficiaries of the simplified customs procedures

Members of the Trade and Manufacturing Committee actively participated at the round table initiated by Customs Service on the topic of informing interested companies about the possibilities of accessing the status of simplified customs procedures. The following companies were presented on behalf of...


Aviz AmCham - IFPS & Fiscservinform: Probleme intimpinate de contribuabilii mari in cadrul prezentarii in mod electronic a Declaratiei TVA

Aviz AmCham - IFPS & Fiscservinform: Probleme intimpinate de contribuabilii mari in cadrul prezentarii in mod electronic a Declaratiei TVA...


Financial Services Committee meeting with the head of Credit History Bureau

Microfinance and leasing companies, members of the Financial Services Committee, met on March 12 with Mr. Silviu Foca, head of the credit history bureau. This meeting was of a special importance for both parties, since non-banking financial sector has not yet established working relationships with c...


Financial Services Committee Meeting

 Leasing companies, members of the Financial Services Committee, met on March 11 to discuss about current fiscal framework regarding deduction of provisions formed by leasing companies. Further to this meeting, leasing companies prepared their recommendations to the Ministry of Finance on how t...


Law on internal trade

Tax & Legal Committee is working on its position paper on newly approved amendments to the law on internal trade. Should you be interested in contributing to this position paper, please contact Serghei Toncu, Deputy Executive Director, at 211 781 or sergheitoncu@amcham.md....


Law on competition

Please be aware that Tax & Legal Committee will finalize soon its position paper on several draft Regulations elaborated by Competition Council and desginedto put into force provisions of the law on competition. Should you be interested in contributing to this position paper, please contact Ser...


Healthcare Committee met with healthcare state authorities and other relevant institutions

Members of Healthcare Committee were invited to participate at the extended thematic meeting regarding the challenges in the pharmaceutical domain. At the meeting were present all the relevant authorities, such as Ministry of Health, Medicines’ Agency, Customs Service, Ministry of Finance, C...


Draft Law on Public Procurement – comments requested by March 7

AmCham members are invited to submit their comments to Draft Law on Public Procurement.  If you have any suggestions for improving the text of the Draft Law, we would kindly ask you to send us your input by Thursday, March 7th, 2013. Should you be interested in this subject or would like to o...


Draft Law on fulfillment of some sporadic and unqualified activities by daily workers

 AmCham members are invited to submit their comments to Draft Law on fulfillment of some sporadic and unqualified activities by daily workers. If you have any suggestions for improving the text of the Draft Law, we would kindly ask you to send us your input by Thursday, March 7th, 2013. Shou...