
Prime Minister's Economic Council Activity Updates

This week, as a member of the Prime minister's Economic Council, AmCham was actively engaged in several subjects: The Implementation of Investment Policies Roadmap AmCham Moldova, along with IFC and other business associations, had discussions regarding the implementation of investment policies ro...


Healthcare Committee Updates

AmCham Healthcare Committee started the season by meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency to discuss new pharmacovigilance rules, focusing on mechanisms, deadlines, and categories of safety reporting, including via electronic means. A detailed Q&A document is now available for furt...


AmCham Participated at the third Meeting of the Joint Civil Society Dialogue Forum of the Republic of Moldova and the EU on Trade and Sustainable Development

On October 17, members of the Joint Civil Society Dialogue Forum of the Republic of Moldova and the EU on Trade and Sustainable Development met for the third time to discuss the implementation of the Trade and Development Chapter under the EU-Moldova Association Agreement. Through this forum, AmC...


Serviciile de plată și activitățile aferente circulației monedei electronice în vizorul AmCham

AmCham Moldova salută inițiativa Băncii Naționale a Moldovei (în continuare „BNM”) de a ajusta cadrul normativ-regulatoriu în domeniul activității prestatorilor serviciilor de plată și emitenților de monedă electronică, în particular Legea cu privire la serviciile ...


AmCham Attended the Seminar on Labor Legislation Reform

This week, AmCham attended the seminar on labor legislation reform organized by the European Union High Level Advisers’ Mission to the Republic of Moldova. The representatives of the Ministry of Health, Labor and Social Protection, started with a presentation on the recent amendments to the na...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Updates

Cross border trade issues remain to be a major priority for the Committee. Thus on September 19, the Committee held an informative session with Customs Service on origin of goods. Additionally AmCham had a series of other meetings with Customs Service representatives on the clearance of parcel deliv...


Comentarii privind mecanismul de înregistrare a prețului de producător la medicamente

La 09 octombrie, AmCham Moldova a transmis comentarii la proiectul Hotărârii Guvernului, cu privire la modificarea și completarea Hotărârii Guvernului nr. 525 din 22 iunie 2010, salutând inițiativa revizuirii cadrului normativ-regulator în domeniul aprobării și înr...


Advocacy Alert: Draft law on Personal Data Protection Open for Public Consultations

AmCham is preparing to submit recommendations on draft law on Personal Data Protection to the National Center for Personal Data Protection. Please submit any comments and suggestions to sergiuchirica@amcham.md, by October 17, 17:00. ...


AmCham prognozează majorarea prețurilor la produsele din carne pentru ultimele luni ale anului 2017

AmCham a înaintat o scrisoare autorităților pentru a atrage atenția, din nou, asupra importanței identificării soluțiilor pentru procesatorii de carne în urma epuizării cotei de import a materiei prime din UE. În speță, procesatorii de carne, membri ai AmCham Moldova atrag at...


Financial Services Committee Updates

These weeks the Committee had a series of meetings with the National Commission on Financial Market as well as with the Ministry of Finance to discuss the draft law on nonbank credit institutions. The general idea supported by all stakeholders is that the sector development should be supported by e...


Healthcare Committee Met with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

On September 12, representatives from the pharmaceutical companies within AmCham Healthcare Committee met with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency in a technical meeting on new pharmacovigilance regulations. In particular, the discussions focused on the mechanisms, deadlines and categories of r...


AmCham susține anularea scrisorilor AGEPI privind interpretarea art. 26 alin. (3) al Legii privind dreptul de autor şi drepturile conexe

Mai mulţi importatori şi distribuitori de echipamente de comunicaţii din Republica Moldova au primit recent cereri prealabile sau cereri de chemare în judecată din partea unei organizaţii de gestiune colectivă a drepturilor de autor, care le solicită achitarea unor sume enorme pentru importul ...


Upcoming Meeting with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency

On September, 12, AmCham Healthcare Committee will meet with the Medicines and Medical Devices Agency to discuss the newly approved regulation on pharmacovigilance activity, impacting holders of marketing authorizations for drugs, as well as patients, and healthcare professionals. ...


AmCham Is Actively Involved in Commenting and Consulting the Upcoming Environmental Legislation

After significantly contributing to the improvement of the draft regulations on waste management of packages and electronic equipment, AmCham shares its expertise within an informative seminar organized by the Ministry of Environment on extended producer responsibility on packaging waste and electro...


Advocacy Alert: The Forms of Report on Tax Regime for IT Park Residents

The Ministry of Finance launched public discussions on Forms of Report on tax owned by the residents of IT parks. Read more about the latest amendments on tax regime for IT park residents in PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert. ...


Meeting under the Prime-minister’s Economic Council on the Healthcare Public Procurement Framework

On August 14, AmCham has led a meeting organized on the platform of the Prime-minister’s Economic Council, gathering representatives from public authorities and business environment, to discuss the framework for public procurement in the healthcare sector. The participants have debated possibi...


AmCham comentează Proiectul Regulamentului privind modul de publicare a hotărîrilor judecătorești pe portalul unic al instanțelor judecătorești

AmCham a adresat o scrisoare autorităților pentru a atrage atenția asupra oportunității de a permite creditorilor instituționali și birourilor istoriilor de credit accesul la hotărîrile definitive și irevocabile, integrale (nedepersonalizate) prin intermediului unui mecanism de acces automatiz...


AmCham Participates to a Capacity Building Mission to Brussels

This week, AmCham Moldova participates to a capacity building mission to Brussels, along with the representatives of the Ministry of Environment and other stakeholders. The scope of the mission is to learn from Belgian experience on implementing EU regulation on waste management, specifically packag...