
FinComBank: Loan Facilities from FinComBank for Young Entrepreneurs Up to 1.500.000 MDL

FinComBank S.A. has launched a new campaign, called #FinComBusiness - the partner of your success, in order to support young entrepreneurs. The credit will be offered through special programs as IFAD (FIDA) I, IV, V Refinancing, RISP II Refinancing and PAC II Refinancing. If you are between 18 and 3...


Infodebit Credit Report: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu pentru Infodebit: Volumul de activitate în luna ianuarie curent a băncilor comerciale din Moldova a fost de ordinul a 13% din potențialul disponibil

Chișinău, 6 martie 2019 - Populația și agenții economici dețineau la finele lunii ianuarie curent depozite în băncile comerciale din țară în mărime de 63,3 mld. Lei. Această sumă este în creștere față de situația de la începutul anului trecut cu 1,9 mld. Lei. În aceiași...


FinComBank: FinComBank S.A. Has Opened a New Branch in the Capital

FinComBank S.A. has expanded its network of territorial divisions - it has opened a new branch in the city of Chisinau. Branch No. 20 is located on bd. Stefan cel Mare, 6. The new branch will provide its customers the comfort, convenience and the access to the entire range of products offered by th...


Infodebit Credit Report: Infodebit: Expertul economic Viorel Gîrbu - Situație tensionată pe piața valutară

Ultimele două luni ale anului trecut au fost caracterizate prin vânzări importante de valută străină de către Banca Națională a Moldovei (BNM). În urma acestor intervenții, autoritatea competentă a vândut în total 34,9 mil. USD în vederea satisfacerii cererii de valută ...


JT International Trading: JTI Moldova, Top Employer pentru a șasea oară consecutiv

JTI a fost certificată Top Employer (angajator de top) în Moldova și la nivel europan pentru al șaselea an consecutiv de către Institutul Top Employers.    Totodată, este al cincilea an când JTI primește certificarea Top Employer Global, numărându-se printre cei 14 an...


OIDL - Progamul de crestere a vizibilitatii Medierii ca si metoda alternativa de solutionare a conflictelor si litigiilor judiciare

Organizația Internațională de Dezvoltare Legislativă, implementând „Progamul de creștere a vizibilității Medierii ca și metodaă alternativă de soluționare a conflictelor și litigiilor judiciare”, a dezvoltat un chestionar prin intermediul căruia își propune să afle percepția ...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Tax and Legal Alert no.1/ 2019: Approval of Legislation Amendments

Approval of the laws on compulsory health insurance funds and state social security for 2019  29 January 2019 In brief The Laws on compulsory health insurance funds for 2019 (“Law on CHIF 2019”) and the state social security budget for 2019 (“Law on SSSB ...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Concursul Național al Tinerilor Juriști

Devenită o frumoasă tradiție și oportunitate pentru tinerii juriști, AmCham se alătură și susține organizatorii Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners și ELSA în lansarea Concursului Național al Tinerilor Juriști. Sunt eligibili toți studenţii de la Facultăţile de Drept din Republica Moldov...


FinComBank: FinComBank: Financing for Young People up to 1.500.000 MDL

Loan facilities from FinComBank for young entrepreneurs Are you young and ambitious? Do you want to grow your business? The FinComBank S.A. provides a program that support young entrepreneurs from January 2019. The credit will be offered through special programs as IFAD I, IV, V Refinancing, RIS...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by Your Side 24/7: New Amendments to Law no. 489/1999

Important amendments have been made to Law no. 489/1999 on the public social security system, including: • Information for establishing social security rights under the public social security system (DSA19 Form) has to be presented by employers (in paper form or using the automated electron...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners Launches New Labor Protection Specialist Outsourcing Service

As the Labor Law of the Republic of Moldova has a mandatory requirement for all employers to assure workplace safety and labor protection of employees by means of complex actions and documents without exception, we are launching a new service for our partners and all interested organizations. Th...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: Amendments to Tax Legislation and Other Normative Acts

We are pleased to provide you with our latest Tax and Legal Alert in English and Romanian language. Our Tax and Legal Alerts, Newsletters and the English version of our Investing Guide to Moldova are also available on our website: www.pwc.com/md. In brief Laws significantly amending tax legi...


PILnet`s Survey on Pro Bono in Eurasian Countries

This survey was prepared by PILnet, an international NGO that promotes pro bono as an instrument for social justice over the last two decades. PILnet has been active in Central and Eastern Europe and Russia since mid-2000s and has helped local partner organizations in selected Eurasian countries. No...


Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners: The Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners Joined JPA International

The Brodsky Uskov Looper Reed & Partners company has extended its area of activity and joined JPA International – the worldwide network of independent firms in audit, accounting, tax, and consultancy. The network was created in order to help professional accountants members to grow and dev...


Ofertă de Sponsorizare: Târgul de Crăciun 2019

La inițiativa Guvernului Republicii Moldova, proiectul ,,Târgul de Crăciun” lansat anul trecut, va avea o continuitate și în acest an, desfășurîndu-se în conformitate cu Hotărârea Guvernului nr 1089 din 08.11.2018. Anul trecut acest eveniment a fost vizitat de un...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: PayWell Moldova 2018 Salary and Benefits Survey

PwC announces the release of PayWell Moldova 2018 Salary and Benefits Survey, which is a useful tool in developing competitive remuneration policies for your business. The 2018 edition of PayWell Survey gathered 44 organisations and 15,000 employees in 5 industry sectors (Banking, FMCG & Indust...


FinComBank: FinComBank Launches E-Commerce

Now it's easier to start or improve an online business Do you have a mobile application or website? Do you want to give your customers a safe and fast way to pay for products or services? FinComBank S.A. offers an optimal solution, launching E-Commerce. It is intended to be used by legal entitie...


Moldcell: Moldcell: 10 Reasons to Have an Intelligent Telephony Platform

Every business directly depends on its clients, but it becomes more and more difficult to find or retain them. One can face both challenges with the help of an intelligent telephony solution that will undoubtedly boost sales, attract new clients and retain the existing ones. It suits any field of ac...