BCR Chisinau: BCR Chisinau supports financial education of youth

  • 26.03.2013

More than 70 scholars from ”Minai Eminescu” and ”Vasile Lupu” lyceums, located in Chisinau, could participate at the open lectures organized by the bank to promote financial education of youth. During these lectures BCR Chisinau representatives have discussed with scholars, shared their experience and have answered to the questions which covered the following hot topics: proper management of personal finance, basics of a bank activity, steps to receive a loan, saving and investment oportunities, advantages of banking cards and non-cash payments, ...

”We are confident that education is the fundamental of our society, and financial education is one of the priorities of BCR Chisinau social responsibility policy. Efficient management of money and resources, establishing a confident relation with the bank are just some elements to ensure a healthy financial situation. We are pleased that scholars and students are interested about these subjects and we will continuously support financial education of youth, because knowing fundamental principles of a healthy financial management will help them to become responsible adults,” said Sorin Andrei, CEO at BCR Chisinau.

The international week of financial education is organized for the first time in Moldova during March 15-21, 2013, tutored by the Ministry of Education and the National Bank of Moldova, which have created a public partnership to promote financial education and to sensibilise social partners on this social important field.

Banca Comercială Română Chişinău
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău

Banca Comerciala Română Chişinău S.A. is a universal commercial bank, established in the Republic of Moldova on October 22, 1998. The single shareholder of the bank is BCR SA, the leading banking organization in Romania; member of Erste Group, one of the largest financial providers in Central and Eastern Europe.

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