Booz Allen Hamilton: Tender “Resettlement action plan implementation for the centralized irrigation systems rehabilitation”

  • 22.03.2013



1. The Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC) and the Government of Moldova have entered into a Millennium Challenge Compact for Millennium Challenge Account assistance to help facilitate poverty reduction through economic growth in Republic of Moldova (the “Compact”) in the amount of approximately 262,000,000 USD (MCC Funding). The Government, acting through the Millennium Challenge Account – Moldova, a public institution established under the laws of the Republic of Moldova as the Accountable Entity for the Compact (MCA-Moldova), intends to apply a portion of the MCC Funding to eligible payments under a contract for which the Request for Proposals (RFP) is issued. Any payments made under the proposed contract will be subject, in all respects, to the terms and conditions of the Compact and related documents, including restrictions on the use of MCC funding and conditions to the disbursements of MCC funding. No party other than the Government and the MCA-Moldova shall derive any rights from the Compact or have any claim to the proceeds of MCC Funding.

2. The goal of a Compact would be to reduce poverty through economic growth. The Compact contains the following components:
 Road Rehabilitation Project (RRP). The project shall improve profitability and marketability of goods carried on the roads, improve access to social services among communities serviced by the roads, and improve road safety. The proposed project comprises the rehabilitation of existing paved four-lane roads.
 Transition to High Value-added Agriculture (THVA) Project. The project objective is to increase income in rural agricultural communities through transition to higher value-added production through rehabilitation of irrigation infrastructure, radical changes to its management, and increased access to finance, training, and market information, beneficiaries will transition to more intensive and varied crop production and better marketing of the production.

3. This Invitation for Proposals follows the General Procurement Notice posted on the MCA-Moldova website, dgMarket and UN Development Business Online on October 15, 2012, and published in the local newspapers Ekonomicheskoie Obozrenie and Monitorul Oficiel on October 19, 2012.

4. The MCA-Moldova acting through the Procurement Agent now invites proposals to provide the consultant services referenced above (Proposals).
The objective of the assignment is to update, verify and implement the Resettlement Action Plans (RAP) developed during the detailed design phase of the Centralized Irrigation Systems Rehabilitation Activity (CISRA) within THVA Project. The RAP Implementation assignment has four main aspects: 1) Verify the RAP and list of Project Affected Persons (PAP) against the final detailed designs; 2) Update the PAP lists and RAPs based on the verification against the final designs and approval from MCA; 3) Facilitate the compensation to users for temporary loss of lands or assets due to the imposition of easements and trenching across private property to replace or rehabilitate the buried irrigation system; and, 4) Determine any broader economic impact on individual and corporate farmers due to suspension of operations of any part of the system that functions at present, and payment of adequate compensation for any lost production. These activities entail several complementary endeavors: namely, identifying or eliminating PAPs per most recent designs, updating files and documents, communication and grievance resolution, compensation payment and close monitoring of the social and economic impacts of the rehabilitation program, with particular attention to vulnerable people and women.
Currently, the rehabilitation of nine (9) Centralized Irrigation Systems (CIS) will be executed through several construction contracts. The first two CISs, namely Criuleni and Lopatna, are proposed in one construction contract. The implementation of this contract along with the revision of four (4) additional CIS RAPs will constitute the base period of the current consultancy services. The other CISs will be grouped into separate contracts, and the RAP update, verification, and implementation for each one should be considered optional for this RAP Implementation contract, for which this RFP is issued. Decision on option activation is at sole discretion of MCA-Moldova.
More details on these consultant services are provided in the Terms of Reference (TOR).
The Contract will be divided into:
- Base Contract – an eighteen (18)-month fixed price lump sum contract to cover the RAP Implementation for CIS Criuleni and CIS Lopatna plus updating of RAP documents for CIS Jora de Jos, CIS Cosnita, CIS Puhaceni and CIS Roscani.
- Option Contract – a fixed price lump sum contract to cover the the RAP update, verification, and implementation for each of the remaining CISs. The Option Period will be the subject of a contract amendment, based on a detailed Scope of Work (Additional Services). If the Consultant will be requested to provide the Additional Services, at MCA-Moldova’s sole discretion, the Scope of Work for these services will be provided by MCA-Moldova within ten (10) working days from the date the Consultant was informed in written about exercising this option. The Consultant shall not address or include the Additional Services in its Technical and Financial Proposal at this time.

5. The RFP is open to all eligible entities (“Consultants”) who wish to respond. Consultants may associate with each other in the form of a joint venture or in a sub-consultancy agreement to complement their respective areas of expertise to enhance their capacity to successfully carry out the assignment and so long as any association is otherwise formed in accordance with the terms of the RFP.

6. A Consultant will be selected under the QCBS method, the evaluation procedure for which is described in sections of the RFP in accordance with MCC Program Procurement Guidelines as amended on September 2010 and May 2011, to be found on MCC website at

7. Consultants interested in submitting a Proposal should register their interest by sending an e-mail with “CISRA RAP Implementation” in the subject line
To: Millennium Challenge Account – Moldova
Attention: Leonid Mazilu
Procurement Director
c/o: Procurement Agent
Attention: Roumen Tarkalanov
Procurement Agent Manager
Booz | Allen | Hamilton
Procurement Agent for MCA-Moldova
International Business Center “Skytower”
Office D, 10th floor
63, Vlaicu Parcalab Str.
Chisinau MD-2012, Moldova
providing their full contact details, for the Procurement Agent to send the RFP by e-mail.

8. The closing time for receipt of Proposals is 3.00 pm local time in Moldova on April 19, 2013 at the following address:
Booz | Allen | Hamilton
Procurement Agent for MCA-Moldova
International Business Center “Skytower”
Office D, 10th floor
63, Vlaicu Parcalab Str.
Chisinau MD-2012, Moldova
Proposals received after this time and date shall not be considered and will be returned unopened.

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