Chateau Vartely: A fairytale Christmas at Chateau Vartely

  • 06.12.2012

Christmas – is one of the most awaited holidays, celebrated in over 200 countries around the world by all those who want to share the joy of the holiday season with loved ones.

On December 22, 2012 The Tourist Complex CHATEAU VARTELY invites you to celebrate this holiday away from the city bustle. There are many surprises prepared for all guests: a traditional Christmas dinner, mulled wine, fun contests, gifts, a special concert with the participation of Tanea Cerga and the band AKORD, ..... and many other surprises.

Experience the Christmas spirit at Wine. Culture and Leisure resort CHATEAU

VARTELY and choose one of the following offers: 

- Dinner* – 65 EUR / 1 pers 
- Dinner* + transport***- 145 EUR / 2 pers
- Dinner * + accommodation in hotel** - 190 EUR / 2 pers
- Dinner * + accommodation ** + transport*** - 215 EUR/2 pers
- !! special kids menu – 250 lei

* That evening you will be offered an originalmenu according to genuine traditions of the classic Christmas: salad of avocado and cucumber, salmon roll with Blue Cheese sauce,  traditional oven baked duck. For dessert the chief-cook of the restaurant CHATEAU VARTELY will serve you a delicious Cheesecake with berries. 
** Accommodation in hotel includes: DBL room, double bed, price/2 pers, including breakfast. Other types of accommodation available on 22 of December at CHATEAU VARTELY can be found on 
***we wish you to feel yourself relaxed and easy this evening, that is why we took care  about your transfer to Chateau Vartely. You can choose to arrive to Christmas party on a comfortable minibus.

You should not puzzle over the question, where to spend the Merriest holiday of the year! CHATEAU VARTELY always comes with best offers. We invite you to enjoy the Christmas with us!

Reservations on:

(+373 22) 82-98-90 – Iulia Zavolovici 
(+373 22) 82-98-91 – Veronika Raețchi

Additional information on available tours, wine tastings and accommodation in hotel on

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