Turcan Cazac Law Firm: Turcan Cazac Contributed as a Local Expert to the USAID BRITE Program|s BizCLIR Assessment

  • 03.10.2012

On September 24, the USAID Business Regulatory, Investment, and Trade Environment (BRITE) Program conducted a Business Climate, Legal, and Institutional Reform (BizCLIR) assessment in Moldova, accompanied by a roundtable review of the results of the assessment.

Turcan Cazac participated in the BizCLIR assessment as a local expert, with the Turcan Cazac lawyer Alexander Savva actively contributing along with a range of local and international experts. The following technical assessment areas of Moldova were under review: Starting a Business, Dealing with Construction Permits, Paying Taxes, Protecting Investors and Trading across Borders.

During the roundtable discussion, the preliminary assessment findings for each technical area were communicated in order to gather feedback and reach a consensus on the priorities of the BRITE program. Alexander Savva, together with the international experts Nick Klissas and Olin McGill, presented the findings pertaining to the Protecting Investors assessment area. The experts described the strengths, gaps and potential solutions particular to the investment environment of Moldova; they also highlighted the need for sustainable and efficient solutions in this area, in line with the BRITE program\'s objectives.

Overall, the USAID BRITE program seeks to attain a significant improvement in Moldova\'s Doing Business indicators, as well as considerable cost savings to the public and private sectors; for this purpose, the program intends to prioritize high-impact reforms and build the necessary government capacity for reform.

Turcan Cazac Law Firm
Turcan Cazac Law Firm

Turcan Cazac is a Moldovan law firm for international business and investment, specializing in banking and finance, acquisitions and privatizations, corporate, commercial, telecommunications and energy law. The firm’s list of clients counts in leading international financial institutions, multinational corporations and non-profit organizations operating in Moldova. Since 2001 Turcan Cazac is recognized every year as the leading commercial/corporate law firm in Moldova by reputable market research editorials (Chambers Global, Chambers Europe, Legal 500, IFLR1000, etc.). The firm is a member of the CIS Leading Counsel Network (CIS LCN) along with the top national law firms from Almaty, Ashgabat, Baku, Bishkek, Kyiv, Moscow, Minsk, St. Petersburg and Yerevan. Turcan Cazac has also developed a bilateral "best friends" relationship with the leading Bucharest-based law firm Tuca Zbarcea & Associates. Turcan Cazac is an advocate of reform and improvement of the legal environment for doing business, as well as an active member of the Moldovan business community. All our lawyers are fluent in English, Romanian and Russian languages. Please visit www.turcanlaw.md to learn more about our practice and experience in specific areas.

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