ACED: Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project Helps Moldovan Producers to Participate in the Fruit Logistica Trade Show

  • 21.03.2012

The Agricultural Competitiveness and Enterprise Development Project (ACED), a five-year program co-funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and the Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC), led a group of Moldovan HVA producers to the Fruit Logistica Exposition in Berlin, Germany in February. Fruit Logistica is the world’s biggest fresh fruit event. The Moldovan participants in that study tour visited this expo to learn more about the latest practices in the production, post-harvest handling, logistics, and marketing of fresh fruit and to meet the major players in international markets.
The delegation had the opportunity to meet value chain representatives from across the globe, from seed producers and growers to exporters and sales networks.
Participants learned about the latest trends in consumption, production, post-harvest practices, technology, and price formation. The Moldovan producers were also able to compare the advantages of the western and eastern markets and to identify international consultants and training service providers.
The Moldovan delegation had meetings with representative of the Baltic States, which were interested in imports of fresh fruit from Moldova. There were wholesalers and retailers from Ukraine, Romania, which are Moldova’s nearest neighbors, as well as from Russia, which is now Moldova’s biggest customer, but not representation of Moldovan products. Many Moldovan participants expressed their determination to take part as exhibitors in Fruit Logistica 2013 and asked ACED to help them do so.

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