BCR Chisinau: Companies` employees may benefit from overdraft credits

  • 06.10.2010

Chisinau, October 6, 2010. Banca Comerciala Romana Chisinau SA comes with an optimal solution for its customers by launching the overdraft credit on salary card for employees of the companies within the salary projects.

Overdraft on salary cards is dedicated to companies’ employees who receive their salary on BCR Chisinau’s bank card and can be used for any personal needs. Once the employee opts for overdraft credit and withdraws more money than is on the card, the repayment of the credit for the used amounts is made automatically when the next salary is transferred. In addition, the interest rate is calculated only for the amount of used credit, and the deadline for paying allows an optimal allocation of the personal expenses. Overdraft credit is easily accessed, as the employee\'s presence at the bank is not needed.

Overdraft on salary card offers benefits both to employers and employees. Thus, the companies can encourage valuable employees by establishing a higher credit limit. Employees will have anytime access to funds of the BCR Chisinau for extraordinary expenses, if their own funds are exhausted. We come with a simple solution to help our customers put into life their aspirations”, said Natalia Selevestru, the Head of Business Development and Retail Products.

Overdraft on salary card is granted in MDL, and its size is from 1,000 to 30,000 lei, for managers - up to 60,000 lei, but not more than 3 net tariff salaries. The maximum term of the credit is 24 months. Those who will access the overdraft credit in the period until the end of the year will benefit from promotional interest rates offered by BCR Chisinau.

For more information on overdraft credits for employees, please call BCR INFO service 852-555.

Banca Comercială Română Chişinău
Banca Comercială Română Chişinău

Banca Comerciala Română Chişinău S.A. is a universal commercial bank, established in the Republic of Moldova on October 22, 1998. The single shareholder of the bank is BCR SA, the leading banking organization in Romania; member of Erste Group, one of the largest financial providers in Central and Eastern Europe.

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