KPMG: Tax&Legal Newsflash

  • 18.09.2008

Starting from 1 November 2008 the banks will submit some reports to the NBM in electronic form The National Bank of Moldova has adopted the regulation which stipulates the order of drawing up and delivery of reports in electronic form to the NBM and their acceptance by the NBM. The list of reports to be submitted to the NBM in electronic form is defined in annex 1 to this regulation. The electronic report should be certified by the digital signature of the authorized person of the bank. The electronic report is treated as true, original and has legal effect. The above information is based on the legal provisions of the Decree of NBM Nr. 132 of 17 July 2008 On approval of Regulation on order of submission the reports in electronic form to the NBM by the banks.

KPMG Moldova
KPMG Moldova

KPMG is a global network of professional firms providing Audit, Tax and Advisory services. KPMG operates in more than 155 countries and has over 174,000 people working in member firms around the world. The independent member firms of the KPMG network are affiliated with KPMG International Cooperative (“KPMG International”), a Swiss entity. In Romania, KPMG was founded in 1994 and now operates from six offices, in Bucharest, Timisoara, Cluj Napoca, Iasi, Constanta and in Chisinau (the Republic of Moldova) since 1997. The practice has more than 800 staff, including 18 Partners, both Romanian and expatriates from the Canada, France, Israel, Sweden etc.

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