FINCOMBANK got support from its newstakeholder

  • 11.02.2009

CHISINAU, June 24, 2008 Board of Directors of the regional private equity fund Western NIS Enterprise Fund (WNISEF) has made a decision to extend a $5.0 million loan to FinComBank for a 5-year term. Such decision of the portfolio investor which had bought 25 percent of the Bank|s stocks last autumn was dictated by positive dynamics of FinComBank development and its ambitious plans for introduction of new products and branch network extension. WNISEF - one of the largest private equity funds in the region - has invested approximately $138 million in 33 Moldovan and Ukrainian companies.


FinComBank was established in July 1993 as a joint-stock company. Today it is a well-positioned, highly profitable mid-sized bank with a very professional and dedicated management team. FinComBank provides a wide range of corporate and investment banking services to Moldovan and foreign clients. The Bank’s customers include individuals, micro, small and medium enterprises, representing all the main sectors of the Moldovan economy. However, FinComBank considers being a priority servicing micro- and small business as well as private individual entrepreneurs. 90% of new credits are issued to SMEs. FinComBank’s 17 branches and 67 agencies are located all over the Republic. At present, the Bank has 139 shareholders, 575 employees, and over 110 thousand clients. In August 2007 widely well-known venture Western NIS Enterprises Fund (WNISEF) became one of the major shareholders of FinComBank after purchase of 25 percent of the bank’s shares. Since 1995 the Bank has had its annual financial audits conducted according to international standards initially by Coopers & Lybrand/PriceWaterhouseCoopers), then by Ernst & Young. As a result it has maintained its financial strength by complying with all international standards concerning liquidity margins and capital adequacy required under the Basle Accords. The Bank is one of the founders of the Banking Association of Moldova and the Moldovan Stock Exchange and a member of the American Chamber of Commerce in Moldova (AmCham).

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