
AmCham Moldova met with Mr. Vladimir Cebotari, Minister of Justice

On October 21st, AmCham Moldova met Minister of Justice, Mr. Cebotari to discuss a series of topics that have been addressed to the ministry. Among the topics on the agenda of the meeting were the issue on uneven application of the law regarding the increase of capital of LLCs, the Register of Real ...


Orhei-Vit: Orhei-Vit invită la Festivalul vinului “Carlevana”

Organizator: Fabrica de vinuri de calitate superioară “Dionysos-Mereni” Perioada: 24-25 octombrie. De la 10-00 pȋnă la 17-00. Locaţia: satul Merenii Noi, raionul Anenii Noi, str. Ştefan cel Mare, 9. Distanţa din centrul Chişinăului: 25 km. Distanţa de la Aeroportul Chişi...


MAIB: Moldova Agroindbank a fost apreciată la nivel internaţional pentru raportare excelentă, transparentă şi exhaustivă

 BC „Moldova Agroindbank” SA a obţinut Premiul de Aur al Asociaţiei băncilor Europei Centrale şi de Est (BACEE) pentru prezentare excelentă, transparentă şi dezvăluire exhaustivă a informaţiei în Raportul Anual. Premiul a fost înmînat delegaţiei MAIB de către Istva...


Incaso: Sales Manager

 Candidatul Ideal: - Abilități de comunicare, coordonare și control; - Entuziasm; - Bine organizată, capacitate de a-și planifica bine timpul și a prioritiza sarcinile; - Orientat spre necesitățile clientului și capacitatea de a identifica și înțelege necesitățile clientului; - Ax...


The Delicious Offer from Gastrobar Under the AmCham MDP

The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from Gastrobar. Gastrobar offers an exquisite menu for all tastes. Gastrobar is offering 10% on all menu....


AmCham s-a expus vizavi de instituirea taxei de supraveghere pentru organizațiile de creditare nebancare

AmCham a prezentat comentariile pe marginea proiectului de lege privind instituirea taxei de supraveghere pentru sectorul organizațiilor de creditare nebancare (OCN), propus de către Comisia Națională a Pieței Financiare (CNPF) și a relevat detaliat argumentele privind introducerea taxei de supraveg...


AmCham is Requesting the Commodity Codes to be Exempted from Import Duties

 As the provisional application of the DCFTA will start on 1 January 2016 (including the provisions on drawback), companies that are located in Free Economic Zones or hold an inward processing authorization will be required to pay the import duty on the non-EU components of the final product. I...


AmCham Interview Regarding the Abusive Inspections Performed by Authorities

On 16th of September, AmCham Executive Director, Mila Malairau, expressed her concerns regarding the abusive and burdensome inspections practices performed by the authorities.  Watch the interview here.  ...


CCI: Președintele CCI participă la principalul Forum economic european al Camerelor de Comerț și Industrie și la reuniunea anuală Eurochambres

 15.10.2015, Luxembourg - Președintele Camerei de Comerț și Industrie a Republicii Moldova, Valeriu Lazăr, participă la Forumul economic anual al Eurochambres, cea mai largă platformă de networking, care stabilește regulile de referință în funcționarea sistemului cameral în Europa. ...


ACI Partners: ACI Partners: Legal Flash No. 17

This Legal Flash brings you latest news on the new Regulation on the Ombudsman Office, National Commission for Financial Markets regulations on undertakings for collective investment in transferable securities (the “UCITS”) partially transposed from Directive 2009/65/EC and National Bank...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC Moldova: We have launched the PayWell Moldova 2015 Salary and Benefits Survey

 Finding and retaining the right talent, and simultaneously managing costs, are constant challenges for businesses of every size in every sector. This is why identifying trends and preparing the business to take advantage of them has become more important than ever. Because we want to help you...


Opinia AmCham pe marginea Proiectului de Lege privind Organizațiile de Creditare Nebancare

 AmCham Moldova susține promovarea proiectului de lege privind Organizațiile de Creditare Nebancare (organizațiile de microfinanțare și companiile de leasing), elaborat și propus de Comisia Națională a Pieței Financiare și prezintă recomandările sale pentru îmbunătățirea acestuia. Pent...


A Fresh Offer from MCS - Computer Center Under the AmCham MDP

  The Member Discount Program (MDP) allows AmCham members to take advantage of special product and service offers.  AmCham is happy to inform you about the latest offer from MCS. MCS offers a variety of electronics, computers and softwares. MCS is offering 5% on prod...


AmCham Moldova Promotes Entrepreneurship Development

 This week, at the invitation of the Youth Euroclubs in Moldova Project, Adrian Gheorghita held a presentation on the relationship between businesses and the Government. The participants, 27 students from the universities of Moldova, were informed of the policies and procedures to follow in ord...


Trade and Manufacturing Committee Updates

 This week, AmCham Moldova had a series of meetings with the representatives of EUBAM and USAID BRITE Project to discuss the challenges of operating under the Authorised Economic Operator (AEO) status.  If you have any remarks regarding the AEO authorisation process or on peculiarities ...


Financial Services Committee Updates

 This week, the Financial Services Committee was involved in commenting a series of bills proposed for public consultations as the draft Law on Nonbanking Credit Organizations, the amendments to the Law on Credit History Bureau, the bill on the introduction of the supervision tax on NCOs. The C...