Victor Baciu, AmCham policy manager, participated as a representative of the business community in the meeting of the Board of Directors of the National Medical Insurance Company from December 27, 2024.
One of the topics approved by the Board of Directors was the income and expenditure budget of ...
Serviciile financiare reprezintă o prioritate strategică pentru AmCham Moldova, având în vedere că printre membrii asociației se numără companii din toate sectoarele supravegheate de Banca Națională a Moldovei.
În cadrul întâlnirii recente cu dna Anca Dragu, Guvernat...
Veronica Sirețeanu Vragaleva, deputy Director of AmCham Moldova is represented Economic Growth Groupe by Prime Minister and participated in the discussions of Chapter 4 ”Free Movement of the Capital” happening in Bruxelles, Belgium, together with the representatives from the Bureau for...
Veronica Sirețeanu, AmCham Deputy Director, participated in the public consultations on the draft decision of the Chisinau Municipal Council regarding the application of local taxes in 2025.
Additional details can be accessed here
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AmCham Moldova, represented by Tax Committee Co-Chairs Iuri Cicibaba and Lilia Colin, and Committee Coordinator Veronica Sirețeanu, participated in the Economic Council meeting to the Prime Minister, discussing Tax Deregulation Package.
The proposals will be reviewed within the AmCham Tax Committ...
Membrii comunității AmCham Moldova au participat la ședința extinsă a Grupului de Lucru pentru Infrastructura Critică și Securitate Cibernetică din Moldova, care s-a realizat inclusiv urmare a scrisorii adresate Ministerului dezvoltarii economice si digitalizarii, care poate fi accesată aici: https:...
AmCham Moldova a participat la consultările publice organizate de Agenția Medicamentului și Dispozitivelor Medicale (AMDM), dedicate promovării proiectului Legii Farmaciei și regulamentului privind gestionarea deșeurilor farmaceutice.
Evenimentul a reunit reprezentanți din sectorul farmaceutic, A...
AmCham members, retail, distribution, and pharmaceutical companies met today with the "MOVE IT Like Lublin" project team.
The participants discussed the policy brief's findings regarding the legal framework adjustments on the transport for serving the trade units and the measures pr...
Ședința semianuală a Comitetului Fiscal al AmCham Moldova a avut loc pe 8 noiembrie 2024, cu prezență fizică, la sediul AmCham Moldova. Ședința a avut în calitate de speakeri de bază pe președinții Comitetului Fiscal - Lilia Colin și Iuri Cicibaba.
Astfel, în cadrul ședinței, la care ...
AmCham delegation attended the inaugural AmChams Eurasuian Economic Summit in Istanbul—an event uniting top administration officials, state development agencies, business leaders, and investors across SE Europe, the Caucasus, and Central Asia.
Connecting with AmCham colleagues from Azerb...
Alexandru Gozun, President of AmCham Moldova, participated in a bilateral screening meeting alongside representatives from the Ministry of Economic Development and Digitalization of the Republic of Moldova, as well as other ministries and public institutions. The meeting focused on "Economic Cr...
Mila Malairau, AmCham Executive Director, was part of the Moldovan delegation, contributing to discussions during the Panel on Investment Screening and Economic Security in the Context of EU Enlargement at the 2024 CELIS Forum, held by the CELIS Institute in Paris, and supported by CIPE.
AmCham Met with Petru Rotaru, Deputy Governor of the National Bank of Moldova
Subiecte ce țin de:
e-KYC pe dimensiunea bancară;
viziunea BNM vizavi de înființarea/deschiderea unor PSP noi (acces în piață) și/sau a PSP străine;
noile reglementări privind cardurile de plată;
AmCham Moldova actively explores opportunities for the Moldovan business community to contribute to Ukraine’s reconstruction efforts at CSIS conference.
Moldovan companies, particularly those in sectors such as construction, energy, logistics, agriculture, and technology, can provide expert...
Mihai Burunciuc, AmCham Policy Manager, participated in the meeting of the Consultative Committee of the Customs Service.
The new Director of the Customs Service, Mr. Alexandru Iacub, presided over the meeting during which several current topics related to the activity of the business environment...
AmCham Moldova representatives participated in the workshop "Drafting of the capital market development strategy in the Republic of Moldova" organized by the National Commission for Financial Markets.
The purpose of the meeting was to present the key elements of the strategy and the rol...
AmCham Moldova met World Bank representatives in the context of the technical assistance mission in the Republic of Moldova for drafting the National Strategy for Financial Inclusion.
During the meeting, AmCham urged the importance of such a Strategy for ensuring the fair access for all the citiz...
The AmCham community conducts a series of meetings to discuss the draft arbitration law.
The discussions are aimed at consolidating joint proposals to improve the draft law. Once finalized, the proposals of the AmCham members will be promoted in the working group attached to the Ministry of Justi...
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