
AmCham a realizat Studiul privind impactul social-economic al sectorului de creditare nebancară

Studiul privind impactul social-economic al sectorului de creditare nebancară a fost elaborat de către consultantul independent, Dumitru Vicol, în cooperare cu AmCham Moldova. Scopul studiului este de a analiza, cuantifica și descrie rolul sectorului de creditare nebancară în economia...


2022 Annual General Members Meeting

On April 15, AmCham held the Annual General Members Meeting welcoming Laura Hruby, Deputy Chief of Mission at the U.S. Embassy in Chisinau, alongside AmCham Members from across all spectrums of business represented in Moldova. The community was pleased to have Carmina Vicol, President, of...


AmCham Moldova has a New Member: DentUs Dentino

DentUs Dentino Dental Clinic, is a dental clinic for children and adults, operating in Moldova since 2015. Dentus Dentino Dental Clinic is an innovative clinic through the process, procedures, the complexity of services, professionals, copyrighted services, technologies, and materials used by t...


A&ACON22: Accounting & Audit Conference (2nd edition), March 31 - April 01

Într-o economie în tranziție deciziile financiare și economice fundamentate reprezintă cheia dezvoltării. În acest sens, rolul contabililor și auditorilor este unul crucial și anume de asigurare a plenitudinii și integrității informațiilor financiare utilizatorilor săi. Având...


AmCham Has a New Member: AgroProfi

AmCham Moldova welcomes aboard a new member: Agroprofi AgroProfi officially represents in Moldova CASE IH company - an American brand of agricultural equipment. The company delivers the best and up-to-date technology to the local farmers. AgroProfi has three branches: Chisinau, Comrat, and Balti​...


AmChams in Europe stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine

AmChams in Europe, the umbrella organization for 46 AmChams in 44 countries across Europe and Eurasia, stands in solidarity with the people of Ukraine. The ongoing invasion of Ukraine violates international law and endangers peace and security across the region. It poses a clear threat to fundamenta...


Support for Ukraine!

A fost deschis un cont pentru donații umanitare în susținerea poporului ucrainean Vă informăm că mediul de afaceri și persoanele fizice pot face donații pentru a sprijini poporul ucrainean. Donațiile pot fi făcute prin intermediul Serviciului Guvernamental de Plăți Electronice MPay (acce...


AmCham has a New Member: Zernoff

AmCham Moldova Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Zernoff Zernoff is one of the largest ethanol producers in Moldova, operating since 2001. Zernoff specializes in processing locally grown cereals to obtain the best quality products for industrial consumption.    ...


AmCham has a New Member: KNAUF

AmCham Moldova welcomes aboard a new member: Knauf Knauf - is a multinational, family-owned company based in Germany, founded in 1932. The company is a producer of building materials and construction systems comprising construction materials for drywall construction. Knauf branch in Moldova is f...


AmCham has a New Member: Proimobil.md

AmCham Moldova Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Proimobil.md Proimobil is one of the largest real estate companies in Moldova. Over the 10 years, Proimobil has successfully operated on the local market, addressing the needs of its clients. At the moment the real estate company unites a team of 40...


AmCham Attended a Roundtable Meeting with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection Representatives

On December 15, AmCham attended a roundtable meeting with the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection representatives. The discussion focused on issues related to the implementation of the Government's decision on the approval of measures to support employers and employees in the conditions o...


AmCham Christmas Collection Campaign 2021

The Christmas Season is here, and in the spirit of the season, AmCham is looking to spread cheer and goodwill all around. You may recall that each year AmCham hosts a  Christmas Collection Project. The tradition has turned around, and we brought happiness and warmth to elderly people f...


Contractarea serviciilor de consultanță pentru elaborarea unui studiu privind impactul social-economic al sectorului de creditare nebancară

A. P. „Camera de Comerţ Americană din Moldova” (în continuare „AmCham Moldova”) este o asociație de business care reunește 146 de companii cu investiții americane, străine și locale, având drept misiune promovarea investițiilor în Republica Moldova prin cola...


AmCham met the new World Bank Country Manager

Last Wednesday, AmCham leadership visited the World Bank office to meet with Ms. Inguna Dobraja, the recently appointed Country Director. Within the meeting, AmCham had the opportunity to present the ”Business CORE” Compendium of Recommendations, as well as, to find out more about the...


Trade & Manufacturing Committee Updates

Cross-border trade represents a topic of importance for members. Following the meeting with Vadim Gumene, State Secretary, Ministry of Economy, AmCham Moldova met with the new leadership of Customs Service to reconfirm the strategic areas of collaboration. Within these meetings, AmCham Moldova deliv...


AmCham Moldova Welcomes Aboard a New Member: Mobiasbanca - OTP Group

AmCham Moldova welcomes aboard a new member: Mobiasbanca - OTP Group OTP Group as a banking player in Hungary and the Central and Eastern European region provides high-quality financial services for its more than 18,5 million private, retail and corporate clients in eleven countries. With d...


AmCham Moldova has a new member: Taxaco Group

AmCham Moldova welcomes aboard a new member: Taxaco Group TAXACO is a Group of 3 companies, that provide audit accounting and consulting services. The company was established in Moldova in 2006 by two partners, with wide experience in National Accounting and Audit Standards, Local and Internation...


AmCham Moldova has a new member: Purcari Wines

AmCham Moldova welcomes aboard a new member: Purcari Wines Purcari Wineries Group is a leading player in the wine and brandy segments in the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region, managing around 1,300 hectares of vineyards and 4 wineries located in Romania and the Republic of Moldova: Purcari,...