
MAIB-Leasing: Specialist Logistică

Misiune post: Asigurarea serviciilor logistice și funcționarea infrastructurii transportului și altor bunuri în cadrul Societății Responsabilități specifice: - Întocmirea și gestionarea documentației necesare în vederea înmatriculării și transmiterii în leasing a...


MAIB-Leasing: Client Service Manager

Misiune post: Gestiunea relaţiilor cu clienţii companiei. Interacţiunea cu clienţii şi soluţionarea solicitărilor parvenite Responsabilități specifice: - Înregistrarea clienţilor în baza de date, formarea dosarelor de leasing şi gestionarea documentelor primite de la client - Acor...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Amendments and Supplements to the Law on Limited Liability Companies

Parlamentul Republicii Moldova a adoptat modificări și completări la Legea privind societățile cu răspundere limitată, în secțiunea privind dobândirea calității de asociat în baza succesiunii. Dintre cele mai importante modificări, menționăm următoarele:  • La dobâ...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome DAS Solutions among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having DAS Solutions on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! DAS Solutions is a young and dynamic IT company focusing on providing top quality services for businesses in a wide range of industries. Through its team ...


Danube Logistics, Giurgiulesti International Free Port: Danube Logistics Has Moved to a New Office

Danube Logistics  has moved to a new office at 9 Mihai Eminescu street, Chisinau Municipality, Republic of Moldova, MD-2009. Please use this address as mailing and visiting address.  The legal seat of the company remains unchanged for the time being. Danube Logistics s-a mutat la un no...


PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Moldova: PwC by your side 24/7: Updated average monthly salary for 2017

Vă informăm că Guvernul Republicii Moldova a aprobat majorarea salariului mediu lunar pe economie pentru anul 2017. Astfel, începând cu 21 iulie 2017, cuantumul acestuia va fi de 5.600 lei, cu 300 de lei mai mult față de valoarea anterioară. Acest indicator urmează să fie utilizat la ef...


Updates from Debates on Tax and Customs Policy 2018

This week, Tax & Legal Committee members met with the Ministry of Finance representatives to continue discussions on Tax and Customs Policy for 2018. The debates were focused on analyzing and improving the draft law, with a special attention to the new solutions for accounting of fixed assets an...


AmCham Raises Funds for Art Education

Today, July 24, AmCham presented a fund to the Renaissance Art Studio for vulnerable kids. Every year at the AmCham USA Independence Day Picnic there is a traditional Charity Raffle. This raffle is always one of the most exciting parts of the party and grows bigger every time. Each year the proce...


Update on Amendments to the Labor Code

On July 21, the Parliament has voted in both readings the law amending 36 articles of the Moldovan Labor Code. This law was drafted by the Working Group under the Prime-minister's Economic Council, with the participation of AmCham Moldova, having the aim to modernize employment legislation...


BDR Associates-Strategic Communication: PR Assistant

  BDR Associates is seeking to employ a PR Assistant who wants to work in a fast paced, challenging role to build the PR career within a growing successful business. This position undertakes daily media liaison, writing and editing of media releases and participating at the PR strategies devel...


Logos Press: ”Applauds” and Questions for the Ministry of Finance

In today`s edition of Logos Press, find the article with Sergiu Chirică, Project Manager for Regulatory Affairs on the upcoming changes and expectations of the business community on Fiscal Policy for 2018. Read the Article...


AmCham Position Paper on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018

AmCham Moldova submitted its recommendations on Tax & Customs Policy for 2018 to the Ministry of Finance, thus contributing to the improvement of the draft law by raising concerns on a series of provisions stated. At its turn, Ministry of Finance has organized public hearing with the business c...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome BT Leasing MD among Its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having BT Leasing MD on board and looks forward to working on adding value to its business! BT Leasing MD is a wholly foreign-owned company with 8 years of experience in financial leasing and is a member of Banca Transilvania Financial Group. ...


Incaso: Reduceri de 20% la serviciile Incaso

Incaso Moldova, companie membră a Camerei de Comerț Americane din Moldova, oferă tuturor membrilor AmCham prețuri speciale la toată gama serviciilor de colectare și recuperare a creanțelor, și anume: - Colectarea Datoriilor / Etapa extrajudiciara (light collection) - Colectarea Dat...


Recomandările AmCham aferente Regulamentului privind deșeurile de echipamente electrice și electronice

În expunerile vizavi de Regulamentul privind deșeurile de echipamente electrice şi electronice, Asociația atenționează asupra faptului că în cadrul proiectului sunt prezente mai multe prevederi ambigue și neclare aplicabile producătorilor de echipamente electrice și electronice...


AmCham at the Parliamentary Commission on Social Protection, Healthcare and Family

Last week, AmCham has participated at public hearings organized by the Parliamentary Commission on social protection, healthcare and family, on the subject of labor legislation amendments. AmCham expressed its support for the draft law modifying 36 articles of the Moldovan Labor Code, and provided a...


AmCham Moldova is Pleased to Welcome Dita Estfarm, Rihpangalfarma and Tetis International CO among its Members

AmCham Moldova is enthusiastic about having Dita Estfarm, Rihpangalfarma and Tetis International CO on board and looks forward to working on adding value to these businesses! Dita Estfarm, established in 1995, was one of the first companies to import and distribute pharmaceutic...


Advocacy Alert: Public Discussions on Exclusion of Ceiling for Individual Contribution to Social Insurance

AmCham Moldova encourages member companies to participate at the public discussions on exclusion of ceiling for individual contribution to social insurance on July 18, 15:00. To register, please contact Sergiu Chirica, at ‎‎022 211-781 or at sergiuchirica@amcham.md...